Second chance
Branch and Poppy get turned into babies and it's up to their siblings to get them back to their adult selves. What will happen.
It was a late Friday night, inside the bunker Branch was in the kitchen with Poppy as they were busy making cookies, snacks, and drinks. They were getting the bunker ready for a 1 year of being reunited with their siblings.
John Dory and Floyd went to pick up Bruce, Viva, and Clay leaving the youngest at the bunker to get it ready.
''How is the cookies coming?'' Asked Branch looking at his girlfriend.
''Great. How's the cake?'' She asked smiling at him.
''Good, I just need to put it in the oven and let it bake.'' He said.
She giggles looking at him. He had a blue apron on that said Kiss BroZone.
He finished putting the cake in the oven and looked at her. ''What?''
''Oh, just how handsome you look in an apron and you got something right here.'' She moves towards him and wipes the small bit of batter he had on his cheek.
He blushes and smiles as he held her hand as he kisses her hand and fingers causing her to blush and then she pulls her finger away and kisses him on the lips.
Branch kisses back, his hands on her lower back and after a short make out session they pull away.
''I love when you act like that.'' She giggles.
''You started it.'' He smirks as he hugs her.
Later the cake was done and Poppy put in the cookies. Branch decided to make some coffee and sat in his armchair reading.
Poppy was in the kitchen working on something. Branch kept hearing glasses clink and cabinet doors closing he went over to her to see Poppy mixing type of liquid. He sat at one of the seats watching her.
''What are you trying to do besides mess up the kitchen?'' He asked.
''Trying to make a new type of drink and hopefully Bruce will serve it to his customers. Because he makes a good cocktail, but they do taste a bit bland and dull.'' She responded.
Branch's eyes widened and chuckled. ''Don't tell him that, but you do know he has more experience in crafting drinks and stuff.'' Branch pointed out sitting there.
''I know but he's an old guy who doesn't think girly girls can make drinks.'' She replied remembering him talking to her and Viva.
''Any good?'' He asked not wanting to get into it.
''I think so, here try it.'' She gave him a taste and his eyes widened.
''It's way too sour and bitter Poppy.'' He replied.
''Ok, so I'll make another one and save that for Bruce.'' Poppy replied.
''Try it.'' Branch said.
Poppy took a drink her face turned into a scowl and shook her head. ''Yeah no good.''
Later after all the food was made Branch and Poppy decided to go to bed and climbed into bed together and Branch wrapped his arms around her waist as they fell asleep.
The next morning Poppy got up but she stopped when she sat up, she looked down to see the bed was high up.
''What the?'' She turned and saw Branch who was sleeping she woke him up.
''Branch wake up.'' She stopped hearing her voice it sounded cute and she looked to see she was wearing a diaper.
''BRANCH! BRANCH WAKE UP!'' She shook him.
He opened his eyes and looked around and looked at Poppy. ''Poppy?" He stopped and listened to his voice.
''Branch we are babies!'' She shrieks.
''What the hell? Oh no, no this can't happen.'' He jumped down and fell on his butt as he frowns a bit as it hurt.
''Well figure something out Branch.'' She said going over and patting his back.
''Its not that its my brothers! If they catch me like this I will never hear the end of it from them!! It will be bitty B all over again!'' He gasps pacing.
''They'll be able to help us though.'' Poppy replied.
Meanwhile the older siblings returned to the bunker and they got out of Rhonda as they had their noses covered looking at John Dory.
''John, you couldn't hold it until we are off the bus?'' Asked Clay holding his nose.
John Dory had let one rip while they were traveling and it smelled awful.
''Sorry, that burrito was so good.'' He replied as they all went on the lift and down to the bunker. Once the lift got to the floor and looked around seeing the set up but no Branch and Poppy.
''Where are they? They knew we would be here?'' John Dory said looking around.
''Decided to party since they were alone and are probably in bed so if you go knock on the door.'' Bruce replied.
''POPPY! BRANCH!'' Called Viva.
The bedroom door opened and the siblings eyes widened and looked shocked. There Poppy came out in a diaper and looked up at the older ones.
''We need help!'' Poppy replied.
''Poppy.... what happened to you?'' Asked Viva who went over and lifted Poppy in her arms.
''Me and Branch woke up this morning turned into babies!'' Poppy replied worried.
''Man, I'm feeling like an old guy right now.'' John Dory gulped.
Floyd went into the bedroom. ''Branch?''
Slowly and with a scowl out came Branch followed by Floyd the brothers looked at Branch and awwed.
''Bitty B!'' John Dory cried going over and picking up Branch who was wiggling.
''Put me down John Dory I'm too big to be picked up.'' He squeaked.
''No not you Bitty B.'' John Dory hugged him.
''Put me down old man!'' Snapped Branch.
John Dory sighed annoyed by that.
''Move over its my turn.'' Bruce replied going over.
''No way! I got dibs on holding him.'' John Dory held Branch out of the way.
''This is the last chance I get to hold him as a baby let me give him so love.'' Bruce replied going over and snatching Branch from John Dory.
The other 3 were watching the older boys fight over Branch.
''Dang! Where was this when we were younger? We all argued about who gets to take care of Branch now they are fighting for him.'' Clay shook his head.
''This is what Branch is worried about.'' Poppy said.
''Enough boys! If anyone is holding me it's Floyd.'' Branch replied getting free from the brothers.
''I have to hold onto my dignity here.'' Branch replied.
''Your so cute.'' Bruce lifted up Branch hugging him.
''Now is not the time guys we need to get back to our normal size.'' Poppy replied.
''Aww your so cute we should totally go show dad.'' Viva smiles hugging Poppy.
''We have a party.'' Poppy replied.
''Ok well what happened last night?'' Asked Clay.
''We were making cake, cookies, and treats and decorating the place.'' Branch said.
''Yeah and I ended up making drinks for us then we ended up going to bed.'' Poppy explained.
Bruce went over to the drinks and he tried one and his eye twitched making a face. ''The heck this is sour.''
''Gotcha!'' Poppy shouted laughing.
Bruce and the others looked at her.
''I was trying to make drinks for you to place in your resturant.'' She explained to Bruce.
''That one won't get you anywhere.'' He replied going over to Viva who was holding Poppy and staring into her eyes and leans down to her level.
''I intentionally did that so you would try it.'' She shot back with a smirk.
Bruce stepped back and let out a laugh. ''Ahh Branch you got quiet the girl.'' He ruffles her hair looking at his little brother.
Floyd was checking out the drink. ''Say what did you put in this Poppy?'' He asked.
''The bottles on the table.'' She replied.
The boys went over, and Clay held up a bottle. ''You used seltzer liquid.''
They looked at Poppy and Branch turned white.
''Yeah, to give flavor and acidity.'' She stated.
''Branch why do you have that bottle there and what is in it? It doesn't look like liquid?'' Asked Floyd.
''Some time ago me and Poppy were making Gillygum to help our friend Smidge, and I didn't know what to do with it so I put it in the empty bottle and placed it in the back where no one can see it.'' He replied looking at Poppy.
''Don't put the wrong label on it then!'' Shouted Poppy.
''So, how do we fix this?'' Asked Viva.
''Well, luckily for me I happen to study a lot of potions and stuff, and I think I can help but it's going to take a couple of hours.'' Clay replied.
''Ok, well do you need help?'' Asked Viva.
''Yes, you boys take care of the small ones. Me and Viva will work on this.'' Clay replied.
''Ok, which of you want to take Poppy?'' Asked Viva.
''I will.'' John Dory smiled as he went over and took Poppy.
The boys went to the living room with Baby Branch and Baby Poppy.
''So, how does it feel to be a baby again?'' Asked John Dory.
''It feels good, only I know more then most babies.'' Poppy replies.
''Same.'' Branch said.
''Well now we can be the brother you needed.'' John Dory replied feeling like he got a second chance.
Poppy, I never had family besides my dad.'' Poppy smiles.
''Well now you get a chance to experience brothers.'' Floyd smiles.
''Well if that's the case I want to be picked up and held.'' She replied.
''I got you.'' John sat Poppy on his lap while Bruce was holding Branch.
''Think how crazy it would be if we had a sister growing up?'' Floyd smiled.
''I feel like a sister would have us all whipped.'' Bruce smiles as he bounces Branch.
''I actually am happy being who I am besides I got Branch out of this.'' She smiles and winks at Branch.
He smiles. ''Same Poppy.''
''Alright we got the right mix.'' Clay said coming over with Viva.
''And we found these baby bottles.'' Viva smirks.
''No! Broppy said together.
''Take it or well dress you up.'' Floyd warned.
''Wait a minute.'' Floyd said as he went and came back with two big blankets wrapping them around Poppy and Branch.
''Smart thinking Floyd.'' Branch smiled.
They drank the mix and a couple minutes later there was Branch and Poppy back to being adults both still sitting on John Dory and Bruce's lap and they looked around and stood up.
''Finally back to myself.'' Branch laughed.
''Finally.'' Poppy smiles as they hugged each other.
''Well at least I can say I had a hot babe sit in my lap.'' John Dory teased.
They all threw pillows at him as Branch and Poppy went to get dressed.
Later the family all celebrated and raised their glasses.
''A toast to finally being reuinted and becoming strong and happier family.'' Branch toasted.
They all cheered and drank as they were continuing with the party as a family.
Happy 1 year anniversary to Trolls Band Together and the first time we got to see an Actually BROPPY KISS!!
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