Poppy tells BroZone the story of what happen to Rosiepuff and how it affected Branch...
''Are you sure about this John Dory?'' Asked Clay.
John Dory, Clay, Spruce, and Floyd were on their way to Branch's bunker. They felt bad they left Branch by himself and heard that their grandma got eaten and they wanted to know what happened.
''Yes, we left Branch and I think it's only fair we know what happen and apologize to him.'' John Dory said quietly.
They got to the bunker and went into the makeshift door as they went on the lift.
''I got to say, I'm impressed by this bunker.'' Spruce said looking around.
Once they got to the bottom, they heard something in the kitchen and saw Poppy working on making something. She looked up and smiled.
''Hey guys!'' She greeted happily.
''Hey Poppyseed!'' Shouted John Dory shouted going over and hugging her.
''Hey Poppy.'' Spruce smiled as Popy went over and hugged him and the other two.
''What are you guys doing here?'' She asked looking at them.
''We are here to see Branch; we need to talk to him.'' Spruce said.
''Oh, well he's not here. He had some stuff to do in Bergan Town... but he should back shortly.'' She said. ''Can I help?''
''We mostly came here to ask him what actually happened to grandma.'' Floyd said.
Poppy nodded. ''Oh, that's a tough one for him to tell.'' Poppy said looking at them.
''You know the story?'' Asked Clay looking over.
''Yes... he told me and it's very sad.'' She sighed.
''Could you tell us Poppy?'' Asked Spruce as he sat next to her on the couch.
''I can, but it's very sad.'' She warned.
''We can handle it... We want to know.'' John Dory said.
Poppy nodded. ''He told me and the others that singing killed his grandma.''
''How?'' Asked DJ sitting on Poppy's other side.
''When Branch was 3, he was outside singing a song, while Rosiepuff was hanging up the clothes.''
'And I need you know tonight, and I need you more then ever! And we'll only be making it right! Cause we'll never be wrong.' Little Branch sang.
''He was so lost in song he didn't hear Rosiepuff calling his name.'' Poppy said.
Rosiepuff looked at him with a smile and saw a Bergan and dropped her stuff. ''BRANCH WATCH OUT!' Branch run!'
She ran after him, and Branch then noticed a hand coming down as Rosiepuff pushed Branch as he fell on the ground just as she got snatched up and he heard her scream in fear.
''GRANDMA!!!!'' He screamed and was crying as he turned gray.
Flashback over...
The brothers sat there stunned and all of them had tears in their eyes. John Dory was cleaning his goggle, while Spruce gulped hard and looked down.
Clay was trying to hold it in but he let a tear fall. Floyd had tears falling down his face. He felt so bad, and it hurt him.
Poppy looked down. ''When he turned gray, he was cold, mean, and distant and vowed never to sing again. He was paranoid and was always warning everyone about the Bergans and ruining parties.'' Poppy said.
The brother sighed. They felt miserable for what they did.
Floyd was crying hard and stood up as he ran out of there. Poppy was sad and knew it was hard.
''Should we go after him?'' Asked Poppy.
''No, give him time.'' Clay said.
Floyd was crying as tears streamed down his face, not caring where he went but finally, he fell on his knees and started sobbing.
20 minutes later, Branch had come back and went into his bunker and stopped when he saw his brothers and Poppy minus Floyd.
The brothers' eyes were red, and Branch came over. ''Is everything ok?'' He asked concerned.
Suddenly he found he was in a group hug by his brothers, and he took it. He loved their hugs, and he heard them sniff.
''What happened?'' Branch asked once they let him go.
''We are so sorry we left you Branch.'' John Dory said wiping his eyes.
''We should have came back for you.'' Spruce said giving a sad smile.
Branch was touched by this and smiles.
''We know what happened to grandma and we feel horrible.'' Clay said looking down.
''It was hard, but we are now back together.'' Branch said and noticed someone was missing.
''Where's Floyd?'' He asked.
''Floyd took it the hardest and ran off somewhere.'' Poppy said.
''I'll go find him.'' Branch said.
''Want us to come with you?'' Asked Poppy.
''No, I want to do this myself.'' Branch said kissing Poppy as he left.
Branch was searching for Floyd, wondering where he would go and knew the one place as he went over to Rhonda and heard soft sniffing and sobbing.
As Branch went behind Rhonda his heart fell as he saw his older brother Floyd on his knees crying and he went over and got on his knees facing Floyd.
''Floyd.'' Branch said in a soft voice.
The pink haired troll looked up and wiped his eyes giving a small smile looking at Branch seeing him as a baby and now as an adult and a fresh burst of tears came out as he hugged Branch tightly crying his eyes out.
Branch hugged his favorite brother, feeling tears swell up in his eyes.
''I-I'm s-so sorry Branch.... for everything! I shouldn't have left you like that.'' Floyd sobbed.
Branch felt a lump in his throat as he hugs his brother tighter. ''It's ok. You didn't know and I was too young to go with you.'' He said.
''It was my fault... I had you stay to take care of grandma.'' Floyd said.
''No, it wasn't. You had your own dream.'' Branch said.
Floyd pulled out of the hug and stood up. ''No, Branch you were my responsibility. I should have made a better choice!'' Floyd shouted.
Branch was surprised by Floyd's outburst. ''John Dory had Spruce, Clay, and me to take care of and I had you to take care of! I should have done a better job rather then then be pushed into leaving you!'' Floyd kicked a trashcan sending it flying as he broke down crying.
''Floyd stop!'' Branch said going over and pulling his brother into a hug.
''I knew I should have come back... When I got my first album out and had a nice place, I was coming back to get you to live with me... But it got so famous that I had to push more songs out and something told me to check on you, but I didn't and then grandma got eaten in front you and you turned gray! Distant, hurt and felt like nobody cared about you! That hurt me! You should have had a happy childhood, growing up with family but we were all selfish and left you.'' Floyd cried so hard he was shaking.
Branch was tearing up hugging Floyd tighter. He had wished his brothers came back for him; he hated seeing Floyd cry.
''Hey, it's alright, I had king Peppy and hey you should be thanking Poppy. If not for her I would probably would still be hiding in my bunker and gray. Because of her, she gave me a reason to live and be happy again.'' Branch said.
''I owe her a lot for what she did.'' Floyd said calming down.
They pulled apart and Branch wipes Floyd's eyes. ''Come on let's go back, the others are worried about you.'' Branch said.
The two headed back. The brothers were still talking when down came Branch and Floyd.
''You guys are back.'' Poppy said.
Floyd went over and hugged Poppy tightly as she hugged back. ''Thank you, Poppy, so much for taking care of and helping Branch.''
The brothers looked at her and Floyd pulled away. ''You gave Branch something we never did.'' Floyd said.
''He needed a friend and that's what I tried to do.'' Poppy said.
The brothers went up and hugged Poppy, then they pulled Branch into the hug as they had a big group hug.
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