Poppy Meets Brozone
An Au Viva goes to hang out with BroZone and takes Poppy with her...
''Please dad. I haven't seen my friend Clay in months, and they are now back here to perform.'' Young 16-year-old princess Viva asked her dad.
''Any other time I would say yes Viva, but I got a meeting of the elders to attend to and I need you to watch Poppy for me.'' Peppy said getting ready to go.
''Please daddy.'' Viva asked.
''Sorry princess, I need you to watch Poppy just for tonight. They should be here tomorrow as well, and you can go see them.'' Peppy said as he hugs both girls and left.
Viva sighed sitting down and looked at her 2-year-old sister who came over. ''Why are you sad Viva?'' Asked Poppy in her small voice. ''Did I do something wrong?''
''No, Poppy you didn't it's just there this friend I really want to see is all and dad said I have to babysit.'' Viva answered.
''Take me with you.'' Poppy smiles standing up.
''What? No Poppy it will be boring there.'' Viva told her as she picked up her sister.
''Come on sis, I'll behave.'' Poppy said firmly.
Viva really wanted to see Clay and nodded. ''Ok, then dad didn't say I couldn't bring you.''
Viva and Poppy left to go see the BroZone and arrived when the band was about to sing. Viva was in the crowd with Poppy and they were cheering at the song, Perfect sung by the BroZone.
Poppy saw a cute little troll that most called out Bitty B and she clapped her hand and was surprised when he started singing.
Later after the show. Viva who was holding Poppy went over to the back of the stage and saw BroZone talking as she places Poppy down.
''Clay!'' Viva called.
Clay turned and he was so happy to see her. ''VIVA!''
He ran over as they hugged each other tightly much to the amusement of the other BroZone boys.
''Hey Viva! Long time.'' John Dory the oldest said as they went over.
''I know! It's funtastamazing! I heard you guys were back and I just had to come.'' She said excitedly jumping up and down.
''To see us or Clay?'' Asked Spruce who grins at Viva.
He had a crush on Viva, but he knew she was Clay's girl. ''Both and to spend time with you guys.'' She said.
''Who's the little girl?'' Asked JD getting on his knee and looking at the pink troll.
''I'm Poppy.'' Poppy said in a cute voice coming out from behind Viva's leg.
''Oh, this is Poppy my sister. My dad had a meeting, so I had to babysit, and I decided to bring her I hope its ok.'' She said turning red.
''Of course, she can hang out with Bitty B.'' Clay said as he got on his knee and smiles at Poppy.
Poppy smiles and waves. ''I love the robot moves.'' She said doing the robot.
''Hey! Your awesome Poppy!'' Clay said.
''Say Floyd Bitty B come here.'' Call Spruce.
A blue troll with pink hair came over with a small blue troll on his back. ''What up? Oh, hey Viva!'' Floyd greeted.
''Hey Floyd and is this Bitty B?!'' Viva squealed.
''Yes, it is.'' Floyd placed Branch on the ground.
''Woah, you are so cute, say Bitty B I got someone for you to meet.'' Viva said as she was on her knees.
''Who is it?'' He asked curiously.
''My sister princess Poppy.'' Viva said as Poppy came over and up to Bitty B.
''Hi! I'm Poppy!'' The small pink troll said and lifts Bitty B in a hug.
The brothers all laughed. ''Baby Branch gets manhandled by a little girl how cute!'' John Dory giggles.
Poppy placed him down and smiles. ''Who are you?''
''I'm Bitty B but my name is Branch.'' He said holding out his hand.
Poppy giggles and shakes it.
''Well, let's all go hang out.'' DJ said as they took off to the back where the guy's hangout.
''I'm going to take Branch and Poppy to the pod and watch them.'' Clay said.
''Bro come on! We were gonna celebrate and drink.'' DJ said.
''Nah, I don't feel like doing that.'' Clay said.
''I'll join you, Clay.'' Viva said going with him while the three others left.
The four went to the pod and Branch looks at Poppy. ''Do you like music?'' He asked shyly.
''Yeah, I do!'' Poppy said excitedly.
''Really, I got some instruments!'' He said taking her hand and pulling her with him.
Clay and Viva sat on the couch as Clay was telling her about all that happened.
Branch took Poppy to his room. ''See I got all kinds of instruments.'' He said.
Poppy went over to a clarinet and started blowing on it. Branch smiles and laughs. ''Not bad.''
''I have a cowbell which I love.'' She took it out of her hair and showed Branch whose eyes widened as Poppy rang the bell.
''Can you play something while I make up a song?'' He asked her.
''Sure.'' She smiles and bangs her cowbell.
Branch was making up a rhyme and Poppy was laughing.
Meanwhile Clay was laying back with Viva leaning against him, her head on his chest.
''I really have missed you, Clay.'' She said gulping.
''I missed you too Viva, I was mostly thinking about you the whole time.'' The troll said as his arm was around her back and rubbing her shoulder.
"How long are you here for this time?" She asked.
"At least a month. Traveling too much isn't good for Branch so we take breaks." Clay said.
"I hate when you leave." Viva sighed.
"Same but hey we got all of this month and I'll spend every day with you. Who knows maybe I will quit the band." He said.
She looked at him. "Why?"
"Because I'm tired of traveling and I want a real relationship with you." He said looking at her.
She blushes. "You want to date me?"
Clay turned red. "Yes, I'm crazy about you Viva. I want to be close and not always gone that's no way to spend a relationship... I know you're the princess, but I care about you." Clay said.
Branch and Poppy decided to see their siblings but stopped when they saw their siblings talking.
"I love you Clay and I'll be your girlfriend." Viva squealed.
They look at each other and share a kiss on the lips.
Clay felt his heartbeat pick up and Viva kisses back her hands on his shoulder as he pulls her closer as their lips met and the pink troll uses her tongue, same as Clay.
"Eww." Broppy shook their heads and went back to Branchs room.
"Kissing is gross." Branch shrugged.
"I don't know looks like fun." Poppy giggles.
Branch looked at her as she came over and places her lips on his as they pull away.
"Yeah... That is kind of yucky." Poppy shook her head.
"I'll never kiss a girl. I didn't mind kissing you Poppy but I ain't ever kissing a girl again." He stated.
"Or me a boy." Poppy said as they got back to playing.
Late that evening Viva grabbed Poppy.
"So, Viva want to go on a date tomorrow?" Asked Clay.
"Yes please! Sounds Fantastimazing." Viva kisses Clay.
"Oh, when you come to pick up my sister can you bring Branch?" Asked Poppy.
"Yeah, I will." Clay said as Poppy and Viva left.
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