Looking Back
Spruce/Bruce feels guilty about leaving Branch and Brandi gives him some advice.
''Alright time to close up the restaurant!'' Bruce called as he was walking around collecting plates and stuff that the customers had finished and took them to the sink.
''Daddy! Bruce Jr. is picking on me!'' Called one of Bruce's many sons.
''Stop picking on your brother!'' He went over and separated them. ''Time to get ready for bed guys!'' He shouted.
The kid nodded and smiled as they took off. Bruce smiled and thought back to when he was with his brothers.
''Come on boys it's time for bed.'' John Dory said to Clay and Floyd who were having a pillow fight and Bitty B was dancing around.
''Alright guys! Grandma says it's time for bed.'' Spruce called coming into the room.
''Really?'' Asked Clay looking up.
''Yep.'' Spruce said going next to JD and he saw Bitty B still dancing.
''Come on Bitty Branch.'' Spruce said going over and picking up Branch who smiles.
Flashback over...
Bruce went to his kids and saw his wife tucking them in as he went over and helped tuck them in.
''Dad, is it really bedtime?'' Asked La Breeze his daughter.
''Yep, bedtime.'' He tucks her in and kisses her smiling.
''Is it really bedtime? Can't we stay up a little longer?'' Branch whines looking at Spruce.
''Sorry but you need to sleep, it's the best way to be energized for tomorrow plus beauty sleep you won't have bags under your eyes.'' Spruce says.
Branch's eyes widened. ''Ok, will you tuck me in?''
''Of course I will Branch.'' Spruce said as he hugged his little brother and brushed his teeth and then lays him in the crib.
Flashback over...
Bruce then left the room as Brandi was reading a story to them and he went to go sit on the beach as the sun went down and he enjoyed being a dad and he felt guilty about leaving Branch.
''Spruce, I want another hug.'' Branch pleaded.
Spruce picks up Branch hugging him. ''Anytime little man.''
Flashback over...
Bruce wiped his eyes sniffling a bit and sighed.
''Hey honey you, ok?'' Asked Brandi who came out to sit with him.
''I don't know... I guess I'm just feeling guilty is all.'' He looked down.
She looked at him and nuzzles him. ''Still feeling guilty about your brothers?''
''Mostly about leaving Branch.'' Bruce sighed.
Brandi knew all about that and felt bad for him. ''You got to stop blaming yourself Bruce. It was a long time ago.''
''Yea, but still... I wanted to get away from John Dory and my old life I completely forgot about Branch. I mean I knew he was with grandma Rosiepuff but when I met you and we had our first kid I loved being a dad, I still do but if I was smart, I would have gone back to check on Branch and tried to get him to come live with us. Knowing that grandma died, and Branch was all by himself hurts. I'm his big brother I should have been looking out for him.'' Bruce said crying.
Brandi hugs him. ''I know honey but that is in the past, all you can do is move on and be there for him now. Besides he had Poppy and the other pop trolls.'' Brandi said trying to help.
''I'm worse then John Dory at least he went back.'' Bruce said.
''Maybe you should go spend time with Branch, go see him tomorrow and spend time with him get out your feelings.'' She suggested nuzzling him as he hugs her back.
''And say what? I'm sorry? I don't know Brandi.'' He sighed.
''Well, it's up to you honey.'' She smiled.
''You're right Brandi.'' Bruce said.
He then looked over and saw Branch and Poppy coming back from being in the water they were laughing and holding hands he went over to them.
''Hey Poppy, Branch.'' He said.
''Hi Spruce.'' Poppy smiled.
''Um can I talk to you Branch?'' Asked Bruce.
''Sure.'' Branch said as Poppy kisses his cheek and went into their shared room.
''What's up Bruce?'' Asked Branch.
''I think we should walk and talk and for tonight call me Spruce.'' He said.
Branch nodded as they walked.
''Branch I want to say I'm sorry...'' Spruce said quietly.
''Spruce, you don't have to apologize.'' Branch said.
His older brother grabbed his wrist and Branch turned and saw Spruce close to tears in his eyes. ''Yes, I do... I left you alone, I was the oldest when John Dory left, and I didn't even think about you. I was only thinking about myself.'' Spruce said crying.
''I know, that's what all of you did. I was just a baby I would have held you back anyway.'' Branch said looking down.
Spruce pulls Branch into a hug.
''Say Spruce can I join you?'' Asked baby Branch who saw Spruce in a pair of trunks about to go swimming with some girls.
''Sorry Bitty B but your too young, when you're older.'' Spruce said picking up Bitty B and hugging him.
''Right, I'm just holding you back.'' Branch sighed.
''No, you're not... it's just this is older troll stuff that will bore you.'' Spruce said as he put Branch down.
''Will you still read and make faces at me tonight?'' Asked Branch his eyes wide.
''Of course! Little bro.'' Spruce sook Bitty B's hand.
Flashback over...
''You would have never held me back.'' Spruce pulled out of the hug.
''I thought that was a big reason why you guys left. Floyd didn't want to take me.'' Branch sighed.
''You know as I said it was a huge shift for me when I had my daughter... it was a new chapter, and it was great! I should have come back to check on you and grandma. If I would have done that I would have found that small, scared, gray troll I called brother and saved you from years of misery by having you stay here with me and my family.'' Spruce said as he stopped and started crying.
''You didn't know where I was and after the Bergan attack, we moved from that place, and it was then that grandma got eaten. Looking back at it I was sad and hurt thinking nobody loved me... but when Poppy helped me get over it I look back and I realize she was there for me and so was Peppy I just didn't let them in.
''I could have been there for you. Even if I didn't find you there I would have looked for you.'' Spruce said hugging Branch.
Branch hugs Spruce back and felt tears in his eyes as he hugged his big brother, and it took him back to all the fun memories he had with Spruce.
Branch grabbed some of the lotion that was on the counter and placed it on his stomach like Spruce did before a concert and placed gel in his hair to get it to stick up as he tried to flex his muscles.
Spruce came over and raised an eyebrow. ''What are you up to Bitty B?''
''I'm trying to be like you and show off my abs.'' Branch said showing off.
Spruce was flattered and chuckled. ''I see, looking very muscular.''
The older troll went over and flexed next to branch. ''You'll need to work out to get to looking like this. In fact, I'm on my way to do that now want to join?'' Asked Spruce.
''Yes please! I want all the girls to scream and cheer at you and me!'' He said excitedly.
''You got it.'' Spruce said placing Branch on his shoulders.
They went to Spruce's room and while Spruce was using his hair to lift Branch up and down as Branch tried to do sit ups.
Flashback over...
They pulled away. ''All we can do now is move on and spend the time we have together. Losing grandma taught me that we shouldn't take anyone for granted. And I want to spend all the time we have getting to know each other again and to be fair I should have tried looking for you guys.'' Branch said.
''Well, as you said time to move on and I promise to be in yours and Poppy's life a lot more.'' Spruce said.
''You know Poppy sort of has a crush on you.'' Branch said jokingly.
''Yeah, I noticed that the way she was shy around me. But a lot of girls were like that when they meet me but there seems to be something different with a queen doing it.'' Spruce proudly admitted.
''Yeah, just promise you if anything does happen to me you take care of Poppy and my family when we have one.'' Branch said.
Spruce stopped and looked at Branch. ''I promise to look after Poppy and your kids if anything happens I won't up and leave them... but I can't promise not to flirt with Poppy from time to time.'' Spruce said with his hand up and a smirk.
Branch laughed. ''Bruce your married! Besides the only thing I want is you to make sure John Dory don't hit on Poppy at least for a year after I die.'' Branch chuckled.
''Please, me and John Dory would be fighting over Poppy and he's not gonna be happy that you asked me instead of him to watch over your family.'' Bruce said.
''Well, you have a family and know how to look out and help. But you will take care of them deal?'' Asked Branch.
Bruce smiled. ''It's a deal Branch and I doubt your gonna die anytime soon, if anything you'll be the last of us to die.'' He said.
They shook hands and Bruce wrapped his arm around Branch's shoulder as Branch wrapped his around his back as they went back inside.
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