Birthday Time!
It's Branch's birthday what will happen? A request.
It was a sunny morning, and Branch was still sleeping and didn't hear his bedroom door open and then he felt himself being lightly shook and he smiles turning around.
''Mm Poppy.'' He moans.
He opened his eyes and sat up giving a small scream seeing it was his brothers who were smiling and laughing.
''HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANCH!'' They shouted.
He looked at them and sighed, while being touched and annoyed. ''Could you knock next time?''
''It beats the point of a surprise.'' John Dory replied with a smile.
Floyd sat next to Branch. ''Happy birthday. Since we weren't here for most of your birthdays we are here now and are going to make up for it.''
''Yep, we are gonna spend the whole day together as a family.'' John Dory replied.
''Bruce will be here later.'' Clay replied.
Branch got up and smiles. ''Thanks guys but I have a feeling Poppy has something planned so I'm gonna be hanging out with her.''
''Oh yeah, I talked to her, and she said it was fine that all of us hangout, she is putting her plans she had for your birthday on hold because she says you should spend it with your family.'' John Dory replied looking at Branch.
''Ahh, that's nice but I'm still going to see her.'' Branch replied.
''Nah bro she's not here she went to Bergan Town and will be gone most of the day.'' Floyd replied.
Branch looked at them and wondered why she would go without saying anything, but he shrugged. ''Alright then.''
They went into the kitchen and Branch stopped when he saw some of his childhood food tha he hadn't had since he was little, and he felt tears in his eyes.
The brothers looked at him with smiles.
''You ok Branch?'' Asked John Dory with his arm around Branch's shoulder.
''I-I don't know what to say.'' He was shocked.
''Do you not like it?'' Asked Clay.
''No, I love it I just...'' He started.
Floyd wrapped his arm around Branch as they went to sit at the table.
John Dory was serving the food on the plates and Branch was eating his favorite food that grandma used to make.
''We dug though some boxes and found grandma's recipe book and it had all of our favorite foods when we were little, and it was titled birthday food.'' Clay answered.
''I was looking for those but there is one thing missing I just can't place it.'' Branch answered looking around.
''Hm this was all that we found.'' Floyd replied eating.
Branch ate his breakfast and was spending time with his brothers.
Poppy was indeed at Bergan Town, and she was buying stuff to make Branch's favorite dish of all time as she held the recipe up.
''Poppy!'' Shouted Bridget who saw Poppy and picked her up.
''Hey Bridget!'' Shouted Poppy as they hugged.
''What brings you here?'' She asked.
''Well, today is Branch's birthday and I found this recipe that his grandma used to make when he was little for his birthday so I figured I would make it for tonight, but all the ingredients are here.'' She answered.
''Well let me help you find the stuff.'' Bridget smiles as they went to get the stuff.
''So, what your plan for tonight with Branch?'' Asked Bridget as they were looking at fruit.
''Well tonight for supper. I'm making his favorite meal, and I'm going to give him a present and we are going to the fields to watch the stars, cuddle and maybe sing.'' She smiles.
''Ahh that is so sweet and romantic.'' Bridget smiles.
''It's our first year celebrating his birthday as a couple.'' Poppy smiles.
''Why aren't you spending the day with him?'' Asked Bridget looking at her friend.
''Because I talked to John Dory and him, and his brothers want to celebrate Branch's birthday since they missed out on so many and well, we decided that Branch would spend most of the day with his brothers and then he would be mine this evening.'' Poppy blushes.
''That is so sweet Poppy. I'm sure he will love it.'' Bridget smiles.
Branch and his brothers were having a sing and dance off contest when the lift came down and in came Bruce.
''HEY BITTY B! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'' Bruce exclaimed and lifted Branch tossing him and catching him placing him down and laughing.
''BRUCE! I'M TOO BIG TO BE TOSSED!'' Branch replied snapping but deep inside he was happy to be the baby again.
''I know but I had to for old times' sake.'' Bruce smiles and hugs Branch who hugs back.
''Just in time to have a dance off between me and Floyd.'' Branch replied.
''You're on! Come on John Dory!'' Bruce smirk.
They all started dancing and having fun.
Poppy made it back to her pod that afternoon and started working on setting up her pod as she went to her kitchen and was trying to make the fruit salad and Fluffle berry pie.
''Alright should be ready soon.'' She giggles and she set up some fake plastic candles knowing what real candles will do for Branch.
It soon turned evening and Poppy just finished pulling out the pie and set it on the table.
''There it's all ready now just need to wait for Branch.'' Poppy giggles.
She then went and put on a strapless blue spring dress that hugged her body, and she took her hair down as she waited.
5 minutes past and nothing, 10 and still nothing. Poppy sighed and wondered where Branch was. Surely John Dory told him the plan.
Branch and the bros were having a blast drinking and eating cake while watching funny videos. The birthday troll was having fun playing cards with his Clay.
Poppy was sitting at the table feeling sad when there was a knock at the door, and she stood up answering it only to see Viva.
''Hey Poppy!'' Viva squeals.
''Hey, Viva.'' Poppy replied looking down.
''What's wrong?'' Asked Viva worried.
''Well... I set up this dinner for me and Branch for his birthday giving that it's our first year together I wanted his birthday to be special, but I guess he forgot.'' Poppy sighed.
''Um Poppy I was on my way to the bunker. John Dory is throwing a big birthday party with the family and us of course.'' Viva answered.
Poppy froze and frowns. ''What?''
''Yeah, wait did you not get invited?'' Asked Viva shocked.
''I guess not.... me and JD talked, and they would spend the day with Branch and in the evening me and Branch could be together...'' Poppy felt ready to cry as she felt her heart break.
''Oh Poppy I won't stand for that let's go.'' Viva replied pulling Poppy.
Poppy stopped. ''No, they don't want me there so I'm not going.''
Poppy shut the door and fell down against the door crying feeling stupid and hurt.
Flashback day before Branch's birthday...
''Hey John Dory!'' Called Poppy.
''Hey Poppyseed.'' He answered as they met halfway.
''So, I have plans for Branch's birthday and I want to make sure it doesn't get in the way of your plans. So, what was your idea for Branch's big day?'' Asked Poppy.
''Well me and the bros were planning on spending the day with Branch.'' He answered.
''Ok, so you guys spend the day with Branch, and it will give me time to set up for the birthday date night I have planned and, in the evening, let him know to come over.'' She replied happily.
John Dory nodded with a tight smile. ''Sure.''
Poppy left.
Flashback over....
Viva marched over to the bunker and went down on the lift and she saw they were all laughing and she saw food and a cake on the table.
The boys looked as Viva came over.
''HEY VIVA!'' Clay hugs her.
''Where's Poppy?'' Asked Branch.
''HOW DARE YOU JOHN DORY!'' Shouted Viva getting upset and stomping over to John Dory who looked scared.
''What?'' He asked.
''You have a lot of nerve leaving Poppy hanging like that you jerk!'' Viva exploded.
''What do you mean where's Poppy?'' Asked Branch coming over.
''She is in her pod crying her eyes out! John you and Poppy had an agreement that you boys would spend the day with Branch and in the evening him and Poppy would have their own time together! And she was in her pod waiting and you never told her you were throwing a big evening party!'' Viva growls.
''I thought I made it clear she can spend the evening here with us for his birthday.'' He answered.
''That is not what she got from it! She didn't show because she felt unwanted if I hadn't seen her light on, she would have spent the whole night in her pod.
The brothers were shocked, and all glared at John Dory.
''Look, she gets to see Branch all the time, and we have a lot of time to make up for this.'' John Dory defended himself.
Branch felt his blood boil as he grabbed John Dory and shoved him to the wall glaring.
''SCREW YOU JOHN DORY! I asked where Poppy was and you lied to me!'' Branch shouted as he turned and left the bunker.
The bros and Viva looked at John Dory who was embarrassed.
Here we go! Check out the Trolls Band Together One Shot to see the conclusion... Also happy belated birthday to Justin Timberlake and Branch!
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