A Helping Hand
Poppy spends time with Bruce and his kids....
Poppy was in the bunker in the craft room Branch had made, she was working on scrapbooking, and she heard someone coming down the lift. She heard Branch's talking to himself and decided to go see what was up.
She came out and saw he was looking at a letter and pacing around. She goes over.
''Branch, is everything ok?'' She asked.
The blue troll looked up at his girlfriend and gave her a strained smile. ''Hey Poppy.''
''What's up?'' She asked.
''I got a letter from Vaca Island and Spruce is asking if I can go over there and help him with the restaurant and the kids since Brandy is going on a yoga retreat for a month. I would but I have that safety seminar for the week, and I can't help until I get back.'' Branch said pacing.
Poppy grabbed his hand. ''I can help Spruce out, then after your seminar you can join me at Vaca Island, and we can both help.'' She smiled.
''I can't ask you to do that. It's a lot of work.'' Branch said going over to her.
''I can do it. I love kids and I do multiple things all the time, besides I can spend some time with Spruce, I've been meaning to get to know your brothers better.'' She smiles holding his hand.
''Alright Poppy if you insist and right after I will come and take over.'' He smiled squeezing her other hand.
She smiles and kisses him as he tilted his head kissing her deeply as his hand went to the back of her head.
Branch and Poppy loved kissing each other, it was like the first time, and they very much enjoyed when they were alone, and they pulled away.
''I owe you one Poppy.'' Branch responded.
''Just take me out on a romantic date and we can call it even.'' She winks as she went to the bedroom to take out some of the clothes she left there.
''I don't see why you don't move in all together.'' Branch said as she got her stuff.
''Because it's going to be awkward with John Dory and Floyd staying here as well and besides you haven't seen them in a long time.'' She said.
John Dory and Floyd stayed in the bunker with Branch while Clay who was now dating Viva went back to the Bergan golf putt putt and Spruce was back at home with his family.
Branch shook his head. ''But I love having my pink queen with me and they don't mind.''
Poppy had her bag about to leave when Branch pulled her in for a kiss and hug. ''Be safe.''
''You too handsome.'' She growls playfully as she goes up the lift.
A couple hours later Rhonda took Poppy to Vaca Island and Poppy got out as she saw the islander all around swimming and enjoying themselves as she made her way into Spruce and son's restaurant and placed her back in one of the lockers as she went out and saw the kids running around and Spruce taking orders.
She went over. ''Spruce!''
He turned and was surprised to see Poppy there. ''Hey Poppy, nice to see you wish I could chat but I'm a bit busy.'' He said going to a table and taking an order.
''I'm here to help.'' Poppy said.
He as surprised. ''Bitty B didn't want to?''
''He's busy this week but he'll come and help after so for this week I'm your partner.'' She said.
He looked at her raising an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.
Poppy realized what she said. ''Nothing like that just here to help with the restaurant and kids.'' She corrected turning red.
"So basically, my partner just none of the hand holding, make-outs, sex, or sleeping together, right?" He pointed out finding it amusing. Poppy was very pretty but not as beautiful as Brandi.
"Yeah that." Poppy blushes and turned red.
"Besides your my sister that would be weird but glad to know I can still pull the tongue-tied card out on you." He joked leaning in and winking at her and giving her a notepad.
"Yeah true." She nodded.
''Ok, great I could use the help. Do you know how to serve?'' He asked getting back on track.
''Yes I do.'' She nodded.
''Great, follow me. So you'll mostly be taking orders and helping the kids if they need anything.'' Spruce said as he took her back to the counter and gave her an apron.
''When the food comes out call out the order.'' He said.
''Got it.'' Poppy said getting to work.
''Oh, and if you need any help call me, but try not to.'' Spruce nodded as he got to work.
Spruce was checking inventory and 3 of his kids came over and looked at Poppy.
''Hey Poppy! What are you doing here?'' One asked.
''I'm helping your dad.'' She said.
The kids nodded. ''Can you play with us when your done?''
''Of course!'' Poppy smiled calling out the orders and getting them set up.
Later the evening shift came in and Poppy was relieved of duty and went to the kids and made supper for them and she got an idea.
''Who want to play dodge ball!'' Poppy shouted to the kids.
They all shouted and ran outside with Poppy as one grabbed a couple of balls and they all split into teams and started dodging. Poppy was playing ref since she was so small.
Spruce decided to be done for the evening and enjoy the rest of the day and went out and saw Poppy playing with the kids and he was surprised how much energy the pink troll had.
He saw she got hit by a ball as she fell backwards. He went over to her. ''You ok Poppy?''
She popped up and smiled. ''I'm fine.''
''Say Spruce you should come and join us some reason the boys want to be boys vs girls and it only me and Brandy jr.'' Poppy said.
He chuckled and nodded. ''Sure, I'll help the girls, never one to refuse girls.'' He chuckles and goes over to Poppy and his daughter.
The boys spiked the ball as Poppy ran and hit the ball back. One boy went to hit the ball and Spruce jumped and hit the ball over as it landed.
''Yeah!'' He shouted.
''Points to the heart throb!'' Poppy shouted.
One of the boys spiked the ball again and Poppy tried to reach it and Spruce picked up Poppy throwing her in the air as she hit the ball, and it landed on the ground.
''WE WIN!!!'' Shouted Spruce's daughter as the three high fived.
''We did it!'' Poppy squealed hugging them.
They played most of the evening and Spruce looked at the time. ''Alright kids time to get ready for bed.'' Spruce called.
The kids sighed and they went to get ready as Poppy grabbed the ball.
''So, how did I do?'' Asked Poppy happily.
''You were amazing, you have a real talent for taking care of kids.'' Spruce said as they headed in.
''Thanks, it was a nice to get out of the kingdom for a bit.'' Poppy said.
''I really appreciate the help, Poppy.'' Spruce replied.
''Of course. Besides I've been meaning to spend a little bonding time with you and the rest of your brothers.'' She said.
''Really?'' He asked. ''Say you hungry?''
''Yeah, actually I am.'' Poppy said.
''Ok, I'll go tuck the kids in and well get something to eat.'' He said going to the kids.
5 minutes later Spruce came out and looked around going to the bartender. ''Where's Poppy?''
''Oh, she went back out, probably sitting looking at the island.'' He said.
''Two burgers and fries with a couple of drinks.'' Spruce said.
Poppy was outside sitting on a beach towel looking out at the sunset sighing.
''Hey Poppy.'' Spruce said coming over and handing her the food.
''Woah thanks and wait is that sprinkles as well?'' Poppy asked surprised.
''Yep, Branch mentioned you like sprinkles on your food so here we go.'' Spruce said sitting next to her.
''He's so sweet.'' Poppy giggles.
''So, why else did you come here?'' Asked Spruce.
''Besides wanting to help Branch, I wanted to get to know you guys. I never knew he had brothers, and I feel like I should know you guys.'' Poppy said.
''That's very nice of you Poppy and I enjoy hanging out with you.'' He smiled as they continued eating.
Later after eating they were watching the sunset.
''I really do mean it thank you for your help and the kids love you.'' Spruce said drinking.
''No, problem. I love kids, I usually go to the troll daycare and tell them stories and just spend time with them.'' She smiled.
''Someday you will make a mom to yours and Branch's kids.'' Spruce said with a smirk.
Poppy blushed. ''Ha yeah years down the road.''
''Never hurts to practice.'' Spruce said finishing his drink.
''So, what can I do to repay you for helping out?'' He asked.
''You can teach me how to surf.'' She suggested.
''Haha no problem, Poppy.'' He smiled as he stood up. ''Tomorrow morning meet me out there. But I'll show you to the guest room.''
Poppy got her bag and went to the guest room and went back out to see Spruce yawning.
''I'm going to bed, Poppy, I'll teach you tomorrow morning.'' Spruce said.
''You got it.'' Poppy said.
The next morning Poppy was in her swimsuit and went out to see Spruce who had a couple of surfboards.
''Morning Poppy.'' He said.
''Morning Heart Throb.'' She joked as he rolled his eyes.
''Ok let's go. So, follow me and balance is key.'' Spruce said getting on the board.
Poppy got on hers and saw a wave coming. ''So, um what now?'' She looked at him.
''Turn the board around and stand.'' He said.
She did as she was told and stood as it shook, and the wave knocked her over. ''AAHHHHAA!''
Spruce laughed and watched as she got up and sighed. ''You ok Poppy?''
''Yeah.'' She frowned.
''Try it again. I didn't get it my first time.'' He said.
Poppy looked at him and stood up as she did it again and this time she stood up and steady. ''I'm doing it!'' She shouted.
''Yeah, you are!'' Whooped Spruce as he got on his and started surfing with her, they kept it up for a couple hours then Spruce decided to take a break.
Branch had taken the caterbus and made it to Vaca Island and got out and saw Spruce sitting in the sand watching the water.
''Hey Bruce.'' He called.
''Hey Branch bro your here!'' The older troll stood up and gave his brother a noogie. ''I thought you had a meeting or something.''
''I was supposed to, but they cancelled it and I decided to come help you and Poppy.'' Branch said looking around. ''Where's Poppy?''
''Oh, right there.'' Spruce turned Branch's head.
His eyes widened at the sight of his of his beautiful girlfriend surfing. ''She...''
''Yep, she's a natural at surfing and you're a lucky troll Branch, she has so much energy and great with kids.'' He said.
''Yeah, I got lucky.'' Branch said.
Poppy got out of the water and shook her head and saw Branch. ''Hey Branch!''
She ran over and tackled him in a hug and kisses him deeply pulling away. ''What are you doing here?''
''There wasn't a meeting so I came here and now the three of us can hang out together.'' Branch winks at her.
''Alright love bird I got to get back come on let's go take care of this stuff.'' Spruce said with a smile as he left the couple alone and went to see Brandy.
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