A friend and brother
Boom and Floyd became a couple, and they are enjoying their relationship, but they are having a hard time coming out as a couple to their family and friends and how will Branch take it? A request for my close chica...
One evening inside a small loft house in the upstairs was a yellow glitter male troll sitting on the couch with a cute blue troll with pink hair resting his head on his shoulder. Boom and Floyd were watching tv and enjoying the peace and quiet as the rest of Kismet were out at a party Queen Poppy and her sister Viva were throwing.
Boom sighed quietly as they watched a show.
''You ok Boom?'' Asked Floyd looking up at his boyfriend.
''Yeah, why ask?'' Boom replied as he kissed the top of Floyd's head.
''You sighed, and I've noticed you seem a bit off.'' The male troll said sitting up and looking at his boyfriend. ''Are you having second thoughts?''
''No, nothing like that... I'm just this is the first time I've been in a relationship where I'm actually nervous to tell the others that I am in a relationship with you... I love being with you and I can take the jokes and teasing from the guys it's just.... Branch.'' Boom sighed laying back.
Floyd nodded looking up. ''Well, if Branch can't accept, we are together then I guess we will just have to leave him out of our lives.''
Boom looked at Floyd shocked he would say something like that.
''This is your brother Floyd; you would really cut him out because he doesn't accept up?'' Asked his boyfriend surprised and touched Floyd would go that far.
''Yes, I admit I did fail my brother by not coming back but I want to be happy, and he doesn't need understand it just accept it.'' Floyd replied.
Boom sighed and Floyd looks at him again. ''What? Don't you feel the same way?''
''Look Floyd me and Branch have been friends since we were little and we are close to each other, I trust Branch with my secrets more then the others, but we don't keep secrets.... I don't know how to feel, I guess we'll deal with it when the time comes.'' Boom said laying back.
''Well, tomorrow is a family game night so my brothers and the girls will be there we can tell them then.'' Floyd said.
''I want Branch to know first, and I think I'm going to talk to him.'' Boom replied as he stood up.
''I'm going with you.'' Floyd said.
Boom got out his phone and send Branch a message as they left.
They came to the edge of the village, and they saw Branch and Poppy coming over. Floyd held Booms hand as they went over to meet Branch and Poppy.
''Hey Boom, Floyd! What's up is everything ok?'' Asked Branch.
''Yeah, um I wanted to talk to you Branch.'' Boom replied.
''Sure, buddy what's up?'' Asked Branch.
Boom walked up face to face with Branch. ''Branch me and Floyd are dating.''
Branch didn't say anything, and Poppy was next to Floyd with her arm around him.
''Ok so you and my brother are dating, why are you telling me this?'' Asked Branch.
''Branch we are best friends, and I wanted you to know that me and your brother are dating, I didn't want to keep it from you.'' Boom replied.
''Well let me as you this.'' Branch went over to Floyd with his hands on his shoulders. ''Do you love Boom?''
''Yes, I do Branch with all I have; he makes me happy.'' Floyd said.
Branch went over to Boom and stared into his eyes. ''And you love Floyd, and you will do whatever it takes to make him happy and to keep him safe?'' Asked Branch.
He might have been the youngest, but he was very protective of his shy brother.
''Yes, with all I have. I love him and it was hard for me to come and tell you, I don't want you to be mad.'' Boom said.
''And if you can't support me and Boom then we will cut you off from our lives.'' Floyd stated looking at Branch.
''Well, it's not up to me. If you two are happy and in love, then by all means be together. You don't need my permission, but if it helps, I accept you two are together.'' Branch replied with a smile.
''Congrats you two now would you like to join the party?'' Asked Poppy.
''Nah we were just going back home to enjoy spending time ourselves and we were gonna tell everyone tomorrow at game night.'' Floyd smiled.
''See you two there!'' Poppy smiles and pulled Branch with her as they left the couple, and all was well as Boom and Floyd had their arms around each other as they went back to the loft they were staying at.
''I love you Boom.'' Floyd replied.
''I love you too Floyd.'' Boom smiles and kissed him on the lips.
Floyd smiles and quietly moans as they start to make out.
Here we go...
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