A Day of Fun
Poppy and Clay spend some time together...
Poppy was on a fuzzy bug as it traveled to the Putt golf course. She had some exciting news she wanted to share with Viva and couldn't wait.
She came to the area and knocked on the door as it opened, and she was expecting to see Viva only to see Clay.
''Hey Clay!'' Poppy greeted happily.
''Hi Poppy, good to see you.'' He said as they hugged.
''So, what brings you here?'' He asked.
''I came to see Viva; I got some exciting news for her.'' Poppy said grinning.
''Oh well hate to break it to you Poppy but she's not here.'' Clay said as they walked in.
''Well, where is she?'' Asked Poppy.
''She actually went to Pop Village to see her your girl's dad.'' He said shrugging.
''And you stayed behind?'' She asked raising an eyebrow.
''Yeah, someone has to run this place.'' Clay said.
''Well, I don't feel like going back so can I stay here for a bit?'' Asked Poppy.
''Of course, Poptart. You can make yourself at home. I got my sad book club to go to.'' Clay said looking at his watch.
''Oh, can I come with? I love big groups!'' Poppy said with enthusiasm.
Clay looks at her with a smile and nodded. ''Sure, come on, it last for an hour.''
He was surprised, he didn't think Poppy would like anything sad. Viva went to a couple but didn't really care and Branch was very uncomfortable with it.
''I will warn you, there might be some crying.'' Clay said.
Poppy nodded. ''I got it Clay.''
They went into the club and Poppy saw about 4 other trolls who had a book in their hand she went over and sat next to Clay.
''Guys I'd like you to meet Queen Poppy viva's little sister, and she is joining us today.'' He said smiling at Poppy.
''Hi guys.'' Poppy said happily.
''Poppy, I'd like you to meet, Wyatt, Alan, Pine, and Tammy.'' Clay introduced.
''Hey guys.'' Poppy smiles.
''Hey.'' They said.
Poppy sat as the group talked about a pirate book they had been reading and how it made them feel.
Poppy was surprised to see a sensitive, sad side to Clay.
Later after the book club they were walking when Poppy's stomach started growling.
''You hungry?'' He asked.
''Yeah, a bit.'' Poppy shrugged sheepishly.
''Cool, come on let's go see what's in the kitchen.'' He said as they went together.
''So, what exactly do you do?'' Asked Poppy.
''Well, me and Viva are co-owners so she in charge of the fun and I'm in charge of the paperwork and expenses, while making sure this place is running safe and secure, while checking on the food inventory.'' Clay rambled off.
They made it to the kitchen and Poppy was curious.
''So, what does Viva do then?''
''She makes sure the trolls have fun and are happy and me and her split the inventor stuff and sometimes she'll work on things that need to be fixed.'' Clay said.
''Viva is handy with tools?'' Asked a shocked Poppy.
''Yeah, but anyway. Take your pick.'' He opened a storage room and there was candy and food.
Poppy looked around shocked. ''W-What?!'' She jumped up and down going around.
Clay smiles. ''So, Poppy can I ask, what was Branch like when he was by himself?''
''He was gray and was concerned about the Bergans attacking, always interrupting the parties and just a grumpy pants. He would stomp on my party invitations and was just mean and kept to himself.'' Poppy said eating some cotton candy same as Clay as they sat down.
''It was because of what happened to grandma right?'' Asked Clay feeling bad.
''Yeah... the bergan thing... I just found out about it when I was pestering him to sing, and he broke and told me.'' poppy sighed.
''Poor Branch he must have been so scared.'' Clay looks down.
''Yeah, he was, and he never mentioned having brothers. Though the day of Bridget's wedding I saw him in Rosiepuffs pod and looking at the only record you guys did.'' Poppy said.
''I never even thought about taking him with when I left, I just left... we were all mad at John Dory for ruining the concert that none of us even bothered besides Floyd to pay any attention to Branch.'' Clay said feeling horrible.
Poppy finished her cotton candy. ''You need to let it go... It's in the past.'' She said.
''How can I? I doubt Branch has forgiven me or the others for leaving him.'' Clay sighed.
''No, but the best you can do is move on and be there for him now.'' Poppy said.
''You should be a personal motivator coach.'' Cly smiled.
''Nah, I don't think I could handle that.'' Poppy said holding out her fist.
Clay smiles and fist bumped her.
''So, what now?'' She asked.
''Well, I got some things to check on come on.'' He said.
They went to one of the clowns and Clay adjusted a couple of things as Poppy watched.
''You and Branch seem to have a lot in common. You're both from the same band, you both like to make sure everyone and everything is safe and secure, and you both are dating two sisters from the same family.'' Poppy teased.
Clay froze still in the squatting position and stood up. ''Dating? No, me and Viva aren't dating Poppy, who told you that?'' He asked.
''Come on Clay it's obvious you two do everything together, you co-run this place, your always together and you guys won't stop talking about each other.'' Poppy pointed out.
''So, we have a high admiration for each other.'' Clay said.
''Oh, well poor Viva... she might be sad about that.'' Poppy said worried.
''What do you mean?'' Asked Clay looking at her.
''Well, I mean I thought you knew; Viva told me the other night she really likes you as more then a friend. I told her to tell you, but she was scared you'd dismiss it.'' Poppy shrugged.
Clay gulps and looked down then at Poppy. ''She does?''
''Yeah, she told me during our bonding time yesterday... but I guess it doesn't matter.'' Poppy said standing up.
''Wait she actually admitted that she has feelings for me?" He asked uncertain.
''Yes, she did, and she seemed so happy about you two being something.'' Poppy stood up.
''Well, I'm gonna get back I'll catch you later.'' Poppy said leaving.
''Need me to take you back?" Asked Clay.
''Nah, see ya later.'' Poppy took off for home with a smile on her face.
She had a plan, but she was gonna need most of Bozone's help.
Enjoy! More to come.
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