The Phone Call
Mark's POV:
My head ached and throbbed as I pulled myself away from the monitors. The blaring florescent light stung my eyes, and my throat was once again left sore. A usual day in recording always ended up like this, and even though it had been three years, I haven't become accustomed to it quite yet. Much like living in an apartment with two other, exceptionally loud boys.
I heaved out a tired sigh, and slugged into the chair. It felt like heaven to relax-- or at least, my version. To not leave my temples in pain was truly a dream. Although I loved and immersed myself in every bit of making videos, there was always a consequence. Either it be disappointing fans, or my own pain. The recording room was left a mess, but I was too exhausted to do anything about it. I was done for the day, and every part of my body knew it. My hands, and even fingers were numb from grasping onto the mouse. It was beautifully silent in the room, and I couldn't ask for anything better. It was like a cold drink on a blazingly hot summer day, and it brought with it great satisfaction. I sunk into the quiet, and it was wonderful.
Of course it was interrupted shortly after Chica started dragging her claws across the door. It was around the time she normally started annoying me. By then, there was no point but to open the door. "Who's a good puppy, Chica-Picka?" I twisted the knob and let her jump onto me. The glaringly noticeable scent of wet dog stenched up the room. "Whoa!" Her heavy golden retriever mass took my breath away as I staggered backward. I couldn't stay mad at her- those innocent, puppydog eyes always got the best of me. She practically chased me out of the room, and licked my face with a slobbery kiss in a thank you. I wiped the wet, disgusting drool off and plastered a goofy grin on my face. She took it as an invitation, and ran to her food bowl.
I chuckled at her expectancy for food. She whined and scratched at the floor, the screechy, deafening sound she created ear shattering. Damn, she knows how to push my buttons. Chica huffed out a breath and sat down. I crossed my arms at her babyish behavior, but reluctantly gave in. She perked up right on cue as I went to grab the food. Of course. She followed me back to the bowl, keeping a careful eye on my movements. She wanted to make sure I really was going to give it to her. Chica was definitely a bit stubborn at times.
I fell onto the couch after I was done feeding her, the warmth and comfort of it so welcoming. Everything simultaneously throbbed with overwhelming pain, even though I hadn't been even slightly working out. It must have been the draining day that had taken a toll on me, with the combination of how dull and dreary the weather was. I figured going through some of the fans' creations would help me recover.
Some of the fanart I stumbled upon when going through tumblr was stunning. I couldn't believe such talented people watched my videos, and I was beyond thankful. The fandom was really such an eye catching and supportive place. A drawing someone made of Jack and I appeared on the screen. It was definitely a tad romantic, and I couldn't help imagining it. Us both seated together under the moonlight, Jack's eyes reflecting the thousands of stars in the night sky. To feel his skin pressed gently against mine, our bodies so close-- it was a dream. He was a dream. I was so unbelievably and undenyingly in love with everything he was.
I had almost completely forgot what loving someone felt like. Even though Jack wasn't mine in any way, to feel that again was indescribable. I was so numb, so heartbroken. I don't know what it was, but I hadn't ever felt that strongly about anyone. No previous ex could compare to the amount of love I had for Jack. He was everything and anything I needed. It didn't take much to find that I was truly deeply in love with him. He had such an electric and addicting personality that I had an instant attraction to. Even though we don't get enough time to talk, he's such an important part of my life.
My phone's loud buzz interrupted my thoughts. I hesitated before answering, I really was not in the mood to talk to anyone. Seeing the name show up in a hazy white on the screen changed my mind completely. Jack, on the other hand, I was always in the mood to talk to.
"Mark..." An unfamiliar voice startled me.
"Jack, is that you?" A pause. Silence.
"I need to tell you something." He stated, and I was finally able to tell it was in fact him. He sounded extremely off. His voice was lingering with desperation. It was sickly and quiet, straining into a rasp.
"Of course. You okay buddy?" Another pause.
"I just- uh- I've had things on my mind..." I could almost feel his cold breath against my neck as it traveled through the phone. He swallowed before continuing.
"What's wrong, Jack?" I asked, the feeling of his presence in the room surreal. I couldn't grasp in that moment what I was thinking, or how I would respond to him. Everything was so bizarre. It put me off in the worst way.
"I- I just..." He sounded so needy, his voice so frail and weak. His breathing pattern cracked and quivered.
"Tell me," I pleaded, the touch of fear beginning to mock me. To hear someone I loved so passionately suffering alone was one of the strangest feelings I have ever experienced.
"I can't... I can't bring myself to..." The feeling of his cold words brought an ominous, depressing shadow to the room. Before I managed to respond, he whispered something I couldn't make out.
"I, I lo-"
His voice was soon after cut off by the call dropping. What the hell was that?
I couldn't think, I couldn't process what had happened. I was so wrapped up in the moment the only thing I managed to do was call back. To which of course was no response. Not a sound crackled from the receiver. I needed to know so desperately that he was alright. I didn't know what to do, how to even comprehend what he said. I just hoped he was okay. I didn't think I would be able to function without knowing for sure. I knew I would obsess over this until I did. I needed to know he was alright.
I prayed to God that he was.
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