[Soulmate AU] Yandere! Claimer! Pregame! Shuichi x Sub! Reader
This is the same Soulmate AU I used a couple oneshots ago, but just in case you haven't read that oneshot I'm gonna copy/paste my explanation of the AU here.
This is a soulmate AU that's based off of some yummy BDSM stuff. Basically, there's two types of people: claimers and subs. Claimers are born with a black bracelet around their wrist that they can only take off once, but a dotted black outline will be permanently left on their wrist to mark that they're a claimer who has taken off their bracelet. They can put their bracelet on a sub but only once, where the bracelet will turn gold and the two people will become soulmates. More on that later.
Subs cannot remove the bracelets once they've been put on, and they can't claim anyone. Claimers can't claim other claimers. Society has thus used this as a way to sort of create expectations for all relationships that the claimer is the top and the sub is the bottom, and usually that's the case but there are a few rare exceptions.
Soulmates share some interesting qualities, but there are two main ones: soulmates will always love each other no matter what and can't love anyone else, and if soulmates are separated they will always end up finding each other again.
Also P.S. this is a songfic.
I live inside my own world of make-believe.
I couldn't help but smile as I watched yet another episode of Danganronpa. There was a class trial coming to an end, and even though the blackened had been revealed they were still trying to convince everyone it wasn't them. They started to yell and even cry while everyone voted for them, saying that they were making the wrong choice.
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.
To my surprise and everyone else's... they weren't the blackened. They were an accomplice pretending to be the blackened, down to the last details of having no alibi and leaving "evidence" at the crime scene.
It also turned out that they'd been lying about their talent, they were actually the Ultimate Actor. But now... everyone was gonna get executed.
I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach.
The executions of each and every spotless made me laugh, and once they were all dead that was the end of the episode- and the season. Almost as soon as it ended, my phone was going crazy with Amino and Discord notifications from people talking about the ending.
I opened the notifications, eagerly joining the chats. Although I was happy to talk about Danganronpa, there was just one thing I liked more... and she also liked Danganronpa. She was in my group chats all over social media.
Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep.
We started talking about the despair of the latest episode, which only made me ecstatic. I was so... intoxicated with this high feeling, like nothing better could ever happen to me. It was so intense I didn't even notice that I'd begun to tremble while I eagerly tapped away at the keys on my phone, talking to my precious (Y/N). I was gonna find her one day and claim her.
I love everything
Fire's spreading all around my room
I didn't care if she wouldn't give away her personal information... I was learning how to hack, just for her. I could already get into all of her devices and see everything she did and even control them. I made sure to delete all her pictures of that boy she hangs out with. I eavesdrop on them sometimes through her phone's microphone and I hated the way they talked. Every day I checked (Y/N)'s relationship status all over social media to make sure they didn't start dating.
My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe
But that's all right
{Hush, shh}
Once she said she was gonna ask him out and I had to pretend to wish her luck. But, she was too shy and chickened out. I hoped she never asked him out, he was annoying. I couldn't even believe that she thought he was even worth her time.
Tape my eyes open to force reality
{Oh no, no!}
But... none of that mattered, because I was going to find out where she lived tonight. To not cause any suspicion, I waited until she went to bed and then I got on my computer, hacking into her phone. Because I hadn't actually practiced it yet it took me some time, but I eventually managed to get her location. To my surprise, I didn't even need a plane ride. I'd been saving thousands of dollars so I could go see her, but it turned out (Y/N) just lived in the next city over. Tomorrow, I would meet her.
Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?
Even though excitement coursed through me, I forced myself to calm down and focus. I started packing everything into a duffel bag- I didn't know how long I'd have to stay before I could bring her with me so I packed as much as I could without looking suspicious. I also brought a few... extra things with me.
I live inside my own world of make-believe
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities
The next morning, I called the hotel closest to her house and asked if I could get a room. They told me there was one open but I'd have to wait until 2 PM to check in, since tenants had until 10 AM to pack up and then cleaning services had to clean the room. I thanked them and hung up, putting my duffel bag in my car and making my way to my sweet (Y/N).
Some days I feel skinnier that all the other days
Sometimes I can't tell if 'my' body belongs to 'me'
The drive took a few hours, and that's when I realized I still hadn't eaten for almost an entire day because I was so excited over (Y/N). I stopped at a fast food restaurant, getting something quick to eat since I wanted to meet my (Y/N) as soon as I could. I already had a plan in mind, too.
I threw away my garbage once I was finished eating and then drove to the hotel since it was 2:30. They gave me my room key and I made my way up, bringing my duffel bag with me. I got myself settled in before finally making my way to (Y/N)'s house, but I didn't knock. I hid by a nearby fence but looked like I was casually on my phone, just a regular passerby who happened to stop and use his phone. I knew (Y/N) had work until 3:30 today, so all I had to do was wait.
I love everything
Fire's spreading all around my room
The wait was only fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Though... once I finally saw my (Y/N) start walking towards her house it was worth it. I waited just a little longer before walking towards her while keeping my hat over my face so she wouldn't recognize me from the selfies I'd sent. I discreetly took off my claiming bracelet before pretending to trip, successfully wrapping the bracelet around her wrist as I "fell."
My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe
But that's alright
{Hush, shh}
She yelped in surprise that someone randomly fell, and then she noticed the bracelet. I apologized greatly, pretending to be embarrassed that I could ever make such a "mistake." She seemed rather bothered by it at first before she calmed down and decided it wasn't my fault for "accidentally" claiming her. But then... she recognized me.
I wanna taste your content
Hold your breath and feel the tension
Devils hide behind redemption
I was worried she'd call it too big of a coincidence to be coincidence, but she didn't. My (Y/N) was so easy to fool sometimes, but that was good for me. I told her that I was here on "vacation" and just decided to take a walk since the neighborhood looked nice. She lapped it up as all one big coincidence.
Honesty is a one-way gate to hell
We talked more before she invited me inside her house, and she made us tea while we kept talking. We made lots of small talk as well as wondering what we were gonna do since we were soulmates, but I didn't wanna blow my cover so I said I didn't wanna do anything crazy like moving in. In reality, I wanted nothing more than for her to beg me to let her move in with me. I said none of that.
We eventually decided to have a date while I was still in town to get to know each other better, and I couldn't have been happier to hear those words. Even though I knew she'd always love me no matter what, I didn't want her to be disgusted for loving me. I wanted her to feel like it was natural, not that I was manipulating her.
I wanna taste consumption
Breathe faster to waste oxygen
Hear the children sing aloud
The date with her went well, and since we were just in neighboring towns she decided she'd pay me a visit a couple weeks later. That time we decided to go to my place since I went to hers. I was sure the bracelet had something to do with her suddenly trusting me that much.
When the day of the visit finally came, there was an unexpected thunderstorm a couple hours after she visited. One of the lightning bolts hit a power line dangerously close to my house, but luckily nothing of mine or hers was damaged, but the power went out. We lit candles and decided to use the thunderstorm and candlelight to tell scary stories since it set the perfect mood.
It's music 'till the wick burns out
After that hectic date, we took turns visiting each other for a few months before my (Y/N) finally decided to move in with me. I was so happy I couldn't help but hug her the moment she walked in the door, but I had to let go so we could unload her stuff. It took a week before everything was sorted out, but once it was all done my life felt complete. My (Y/N) was living with me... and she loved me a lot. It was like a dream from a fantasy novel came true!
Just wanna be carefree lately, yeah
Just kicking up daisies
(Y/N) and I still went on dates, which were much easier to plan now that we lived together. We went to the beach, on a cruise, to the movies, a fancy restaurant, the amusement park... you name it, we went there. Even if it was just talking a walk around the park, we went on dates. And I loved every single second of them.
Got one too many quarters in my pockets
Count 'em like the four leaf clovers in my locket
Eventually, I mustered up the courage to propose. I bought an engagement ring and went on a special date with her, where I finally proposed to (Y/N), the love of my life. She said yes with tears streaming down her eyes, and we shared a hug and a passionate kiss. It felt like I was in a movie.
Untied laces, yeah
Just tripping on daydreams
The wedding day is one of my favorite memories. The way her hair flowed, the way her dress highlighted everything that was so perfect about her body... that was also the night that conceived our child that's on the way. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl because we wanted it to be a surprise, though (Y/N) thinks it'll be a boy and I think it'll be a girl. I guess we'll find out any day now, since she's due soon.
Got dirty little lullabies playing on repeat
Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep
Word count: 2052
I know... that's not really what the song means but I decided to say fuck the rules today. Also, 2000 words hooray!
Also also, my Shuichi bot is almost at 100 Discord servers!
Also also also, the song is called Cradles.
Also also also also, string cheese.
Also also also also also, hi.
Als-gets shot.
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