Shuichi x Millionaire!Reader
You weren't happy with the way you lived. So many people were jealous of your life and your mansion that had a staff to take care of such a large building, but... you hated it. You wanted to give it away so badly and just live a normal, humble life where nobody knew who you were...
You'd only got rich in the first place because of your mother. She wanted you to become rich and successful, so you did. And you hated every second of living in that beautiful mansion. You hated it so much you felt like you'd rather die... but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
"Maybe today..." You mumbled to yourself as you peered over the balcony at the breathtaking view of the magnificent scenery. It was a beautiful, fresh forest with a few stars twinkling and off in the distance there was a lake. Truly, a sight you were sick of by now.
You leaned just a little too close to be considered safe, and you slowly inched your way further and further... until you stopped as you always did. Just barely not falling, a small shove would send you plummeting to your death... why wasn't there somebody to do it for you...?
"Why can't I just live in a small house and donate my money to those who actually need it...? People call me a snob because I'm not allowed to do anything but sit on all this disgusting money..." You thought aloud, feeling a tear begin to build in your eye. You didn't dare wipe it because you knew you'd fall if you moved one hand, and instead watched it fall to the very glamorously decorated entrance, complete with complicated marble designs on the floor just outside the fancy doors. It had a strange but very pleasing ancient and medieval mix.
You let out a sigh as you heard the call that usually made you retreat from the balcony: your personal chef calling that he had finished cooking dinner and it was set on the table. But today you didn't retreat as you noticed somebody at the lake. You couldn't tell much from their small figure but you noticed they seemed to be looking at something in their hands, but it didn't emit light so you knew it wasn't some teenager passing up the lake's view to their technology. That small thought made you smile, and you suddenly wanted to walk up to that person and just talk to them.
Going back inside, you immediately journeyed to your wardrobe and looked through it before you finally found clothes that looked as casual as you'd get: a (color) cotton dress with black leggings to create a cute look. You knew this was your best option so you changed into them, putting on your most casual pair of un-casual shoes and began your journey to the lake to meet the person.
"Miss (L/N), dinner is ready! Are you going somewhere first?" a maid asked as she noticed you open the door.
"I'm going to the lake, I'll come back when I'm hungry. I'll be fine without any assistance, thank you," You bowed a little and left, despite the maids not liking it when you bowed. They said you shouldn't have to bow because they were employed to you, but you insisted so they let you do it.
As you reached the lake you saw the person was reading a book, and it was a he. He had a tent set up under a tree and now had a small fire in a firepit that he was roasting a hotdog over slowly.
"Um, hello?" You awkwardly greeted, causing the male to look up from his book. He had facial features of innocence and general bliss even though he wasn't smiling- you could just tell he was happy.
"Oh, hello. Are you camping here too?" the boy asked.
"Yeah, I decided to take a long night hike and found you though so I decided to say hi," You lied, not wanting to reveal the truth.
"Mm, interesting. I saw a good camping spot a few blocks down by a stream, are you camping over there?" he questioned, his eyes giving off some kind of... mysterious aura.
"Sort of. I took a path down there," You lied once more.
"Really? I didn't see any paths," the boy looked a little confused, but something told you he was acting.
"...You don't believe me, do you?" You crossed your arms.
"...No, I know you're lying. You're that local millionaire (Y/N), right?" the boy turned around momentarily to check on his hot dog and finding it to be cooked, stood up and walked to a folding table he'd set up with paper plates and placed the hot dog in an open bun. He began to put toppings on it one by one.
"...Yeah... I am..." You sighed in defeat, knowing it was no use to keep trying to lie to the boy, "Wait a minute, how'd you know my name?"
"You don't remember me?" the boy seemed a little downcast.
"No, sorry..." You bit your lip.
"I'm Detective Saihara, I was the one who solved the case when someone broke into your house and stole lots of your money and valuables."
Immediately lightbulbs began going off in your head, and your eyes widened, "Shuichi?! It's you?!"
You couldn't help but immediately run towards the male excitedly, and you wrapped your arms around him in a warm hug, "It's so good to see you... I thought I'd never see you again..."
Shuichi froze for a bit before hugging you back, gently patting your back, "Sorry I never showed up the next day... my car broke down and I was in a different town... and I had no way to contact you..."
"It's fine, I'm just glad you're here now..." You smiled and nuzzled his chest, making him unintentionally smile like an infatuated tween.
"Mhm... and to make sure that doesn't happen again... d-do you wanna maybe... e-exchange phone numbers...?" Shuichi nervously asked, his face heating up with a blush.
"Of course!" You took out your phone and opened to a new contact page before giving it to him, him doing the same. You put in your contact information and saved it, handing him back his phone. You got yours back and saw his name in your contacts as well, making you smile and put away your phone. Then, your stomach growled.
"Do you want me to get you something to eat...?" Shuichi asked.
"Haha, if it's not too much to ask," You awkwardly agreed.
"No, I have too much food for just me. If you want I could make you a hot dog... I also have marshmallows for s'mores... and a few small bags of chips... what do you want?" Shuichi offered.
"I guess I'll take (food)."
You gasped a little as you realized how late it was getting. The maids would definitely start to worry if you weren't home soon...!
"Shoot, I gotta go or else my mansion will be all panic... I'll text you later, okay?" You promised.
"Okay," Shuichi patted your head slightly, making you giggle. You reached up on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, then quickly left without another word to leave Shuichi standing there, stunned at what had just happened.
When you got home you dined alone, and in a very lonely way at your large table. It was so empty and... it was just depressing. You didn't like it one bit. You promised yourself that one day you'd sneak out and eat some fast food, but knew that people would recognize you and it'd be terrorizing for you. Crowds of people would gather, asking for autographs or pictures... it was so annoying.
Once you finished your dinner you thanked the chef and said goodnight to your maids, then excused yourself to your bedroom. You sighed as you sat at the edge of your bed, thinking about Shuichi. What did he think of you living life like such an asshole, keeping all your money to yourself? Did he know your mother made you do it? You wanted to explain it all to him so badly, and you wanted him to believe you and tell you it was okay. Indeed... you wanted a relationship with him. Possibly to even marry him one day, but you weren't sure.
"But... he wouldn't fall in love with a greedy millionaire..." You sighed, "...Right?"
Thoughts swirled in your head but ultimately they had no point, so you gave up and decided to sleep since it was late. You crawled to your pillows and lifted your blankets, crawling inside the warm covers. A little strip of moonlight coming from the gap in the curtains illuminated the floor, giving it a slightly eerie appearance. You fell asleep with that as your last sight.
"Wha...?" You stared at the wide open door to your balcony in confusion. You walked outside but found no traces of anybody, and eventually shrugged thinking one of the maids forgot to shut the door while doing their early morning cleaning while you were still sleeping.
Well, that was until you noticed your walk-in closet door was also slightly ajar. Now things were really strange, all maids were banned from that room strictly. That was your personal space for your eyes only, no matter what. You told your maids if you were bleeding to death in that room they were still not to enter and let paramedics do it instead. If you died, so be it. It wasn't that you had anything bad in there, you had a safe full of money. And you knew you had some greedy maids.
"Is it okay...?" You thought aloud, opening the door and turning on the lights only to be greeted with the sight of your safe from its hiding place and instead on the floor, completely empty save for a note that had been carelessly placed on top. You picked it up but all it said was 'Oopsie! I wonder if Saihara-chan wants to hear about this one~'
You were utterly confused but decided to Google the name Saihara, finding out that he was a local detective so praised for his work that he had the highest pay of anyone in the entire department. You figured you should contact him, and he got started on investigating that very day. In fact, it only took a few days until he caught the culprit, a boy named Kokichi Oma.
He was an orphan who struggled for food, and you felt bad for him so you didn't press charges. You realized he was starving and did it so he could survive. You let him keep the money because you had plenty more and bought him a cheeseburger. You told Shuichi to name the case in the records as unsolved or else 'the media' would be angry you didn't press charges. It was actually your mother, but the media was a good enough cover-up.
"Thank you, Shuichi," You smiled and felt so relieved you gave him a hug. He returned it after a few seconds.
"I-it's fine..." Shuichi tried to keep his calm, but you could see a tint of pink on his cheeks. Suddenly, an idea hit you.
"Heyyy Shuichi, do you wanna maybe go out for dinner tomorrow evening?" You asked.
"U-um, sure, what time?" he smiled shyly.
"How about seven, at (restaurant)?" You suggested.
"Huh? That's a pretty fancy restaurant..." Shuichi seemed nervous.
"I'll pay for your meal so don't worry, okay? By the way... the place has a formal dress code so wear a suit and tie or something!" You giggled.
"O-okay..." Shuichi hesitantly agreed.
There was a knock at the door so you pulled away from the shy boy and waved before leaving, allowing one of his coworkers to enter and talk about work.
The next day at 7 PM you arrived at the restaurant, but there was no sign of Shuichi. You thought maybe he was running late and continued to wait... for an hour. There was still no sign of him. Sighing, you realized that he was probably never going to show up and you were most likely not going to ever know why... did he just stand you up? Did he forget? Did he not like you? So many theories swamped your mind but you couldn't decide on the most likely option.
Instead, you returned home and cried. Nobody knew why you were crying, but you didn't care. You'd developed a crush on Shuichi and now that you'd probably never see him again it felt like the world might collapse. It was childish and stupid to be so dramatic, but you fell hard for him...
"I can't have any happiness..." You whimpered to yourself pessimistically.
You opened your eyes slowly to the familiar sight of the plain, white ceiling. It's been 10 years since all of this mess happened, and you were much happier. With the help of Shuichi you'd escaped your mother's clutches and you donated all of your unwanted cash to very good charities who were more than happy to accept your donations.
Looking to the side, you saw that Shuichi was still asleep: a common sight on a Saturday morning. Most Fridays he stayed up late reading something, and as a result woke up late on Saturday. But you didn't mind, it let you enjoy his peacefully sleeping face. You couldn't help but caress his cheek lightly, placing a light kiss on his lips. You smiled and slowly reached a hand up to mess with his hair that had become messy from his slumber, until the door opened and you turned to see your child, Simon.
"Good morning mommy!" Simon giggled. He was only 4 but he spoke fluently and acted like a gentleman.
"Good morning Simon, did you sleep well?" You smiled, walking over and patting him on the head.
"Mhm! Daddy gave me a new book and it helped," Simon grinned.
"What was it about?" You asked curiously.
"A dog named Biscuit. He followed his owner to school, isn't that funny?" Simon started laughing at his short summary of the book, and you pretended to be just as amused as he was.
"That sounds pretty funny," You innocently lied, "Hey, are you hungry?"
"Yeah!" Simon nodded.
"Then let's go have some breakfast! What do you want?" You began to lead the way to the kitchen, being mindful that Shuichi was still asleep.
"I waant... eggs!" Simon demanded.
"Scrambled?" You chuckled at the mention of his favorite breakfast.
"Yeah! And I want hashbrowns too, please!" Simon smiled.
"Okay, eggs and hashbrowns it is. Go play in the living room while I go make breakfast, okay?"
"Okay~!" Simon happily ran off to the living room, where you faintly heard him making train and car sounds from his toys. You couldn't help but giggle as you started cooking the food, also making sure to start brewing a cup of coffee for Shuichi when he woke up since he loved his morning coffee.
Eventually you finished cooking and you set the table, putting everyone's breakfast where they usually sat. "Breakfast is ready!" You called, and a couple minutes later Simon walked in.
"I'm here!" Simon giggled and started walking to the table.
"Now hold on young man. Wash your hands first," You scolded lightly.
"Aww man!" Simon huffed but did as he was told.
"Sorry I woke up so late..." Shuichi apologized, walking into the kitchen.
"It's alright. I made breakfast, and you have coffee! Thank me later," You joked.
Shuichi smiled, "Thank you," and turned his head to Simon, "Good morning, Simon."
"Hi daddy!" Simon greeted warmly, now drying his hands with the hand towel.
You smiled as you took a seat and began to eat, joined by Shuichi and Simon. This was the life you wanted, and the life you loved.
Word count: 2673
Alternate name idea: Shuichi being wholesome instead of me making him a horny bitch for once
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