SHSL Lucky Student! Reader (REQUEST)
This takes place in Hope's Peak.
This was also a request.
(Your POV)
You were the Ultimate Lucky Student (just like Nagito and Makoto). And quite as your talent suggested, you had some very interesting luck. For example, when you were looking for food one day, you happened to find a perfectly made donut on the counter that you never bought. Of course, you ate it. It's free food!
Another time you were walking and you were really tired, but all of a sudden you found a motorized scooter so you stood on it and let it take you to your destination (it literally had a note that said "take me"). You'd also won the lottery thrice, found a really rare crystal, survived a surgery with little survival chance, won many bets, gotten out of paying money to insurance, and more. Case in point, you were lucky. Maybe a little TOO lucky, but that was that.
Well, back to the present... you couldn't daydream about your past forever. And quite the sight you had.
Shuichi was approaching you, and immediately you felt your heart flutter and your stomach get a tingling sensation. You had a crush on the male, but he didn't know that. Please don't stutter when I talk to him, please don't stutter! You prayed to yourself, and took a breath, "Hey Shuichi!" Oh, my talent is so nice sometimes... luck is nice.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)," Shuichi pulled his hat over his eyes like he did to everyone, even his friends. Apparently he had solved a murder case and the criminal's eyes were so scary that he didn't like eye contact anymore. You weren't sure about the details.
"Hey Shuichi, do you maybe wanna hang out right now?" You casually asked, secretly planning to finally ask him out since he'd be way too shy to ever ask you out if he even had a crush on you. Please say yes to my invite, please fucking say yes! You could feel your heart beating faster and faster.
"Um, sure," Shuichi smiled nervously, not knowing your plans. And that's how you wanted it to stay.
"Awesome! Come on, let's go to the rooftop!" You grinned and gently grabbed Shuichi's wrist, causing him to blush and look away at even the slight contact.
Kindly, you guided Shuichi to the rooftop even though he could've done it by himself. You had just decided to set up the mood for the hangout and hopefully, Shuichi would maybe take a hint. However, he was rather oblivious so that'd be a challenge to get through to his thick skull. Okay... he's not stupid!
Since it was evening, the stars were just starting to come out. A few traces of the sunset remained, coloring the bottom of the sky in a soft purple-pink hue. It faded into a calming black, the stars shining brightly overhead. Each of them was its own unique glow, never quite matching that of another star. It was beautiful, and both of you breathed in the cool fall air as you stepped out onto the rooftop. You could smell the autumn leaves from the trees below, and it was a fresh scent; much better than the air inside. The perfect setup, it was almost cliché and straight from a movie.
"Woah, it looks amazing at this time of day," Shuichi commented, mesmerised by the sight. He was looking up at the stars, taking his time to admire each individual one as his always pale face showed that he clearly didn't get out much, so he probably never really admired the stars.
"Do you come here in the day?" You asked, feeling his previously tense wrist (you never let go) suddenly relax. He was so calm, unlike his usual nervous self. It made you smile a bit. Knowing that he could be totally calm around you made you happy.
"I usually eat my lunch up here," Shuichi explained, and slowly looked down from the sky and to you, "Um..." he tensed up again, "Was there a reason you brought me here? Sorry if the question seems odd."
Shuichi hurriedly looked away and with his free hand, pulled down his hat. He was fully tense again, and you frowned. You had just gotten to see him relaxed and you wanted him to stay that way. "Well... I wanted to ask you..."
Time seemed to stop. Your heart began beating rapidly, and your chest felt tight. You were going to ask him out now. In less than an instant, your mind was flooded with worry that he'd say no and you wanted to run away, but at the same time you wanted stay to hear his reaction. Your throat felt twisted, like you were losing your voice. You prayed it wouldn't fail you now and finally said your question,
"...Would you... be my boyfriend, Shuichi?"
The world collapsed right there. What if he says no?! Oh god, what if I messed it up?! Does he even like me in that way?! He's probably gonna say no, why did I even decide to do this?! Thoughts raced through you in less than a second.
"H-huh?!" Shuichi jumped at your question, caught completely off guard. He blushed a little and brought his hat down again.
"S-sorry, of course you'd say no. Um, I-I'll just leave..." You felt your cheeks heated in embarrassment, and you wished you hadn't asked him out. Your luck really wasn't on your side right now. You turned to leave, feeling despair and regret begin to eat away at you like a nasty parasite.
"Wait," Shuichi suddenly grabbed your wrist as you had taken only a step or two, and you froze right in place. Now it was your turn to be shocked.
"H-huh...?" You weakly croaked, not daring to turn around. What if he's just telling me I'm stupid...? But this is Shuichi, he wouldn't do that!!
"(Y-Y/N), I-I... really like you, a-and I a-accept!" Shuichi bravely yet shyly declared.
You turned around immediately. Shuichi had tears in his eyes, like he was scared of you leaving or something. You quickly tackled the male into a hug, surprising him once again, but you felt his arms wrap around your form and pull you in closer. Closing your eyes, you tried your best to enjoy the hug while it lasted. And it wasn't that hard, considering that relief was flooding your system and all you felt now was safety and acceptance.
"Thank goodness you said yes..." You whispered, opening your eyes and finally having the chance to lock eyes with him. They were the most beautiful eyes you'd ever seen. Never once had you been able to make eye contact with him until now, but now that his yellow eyes were staring into your (e/c) ones it made the wait worth it.
"I guess you're called the Ultimate Lucky Student for a reason," Shuichi joked, a small smile on his face.
"They'll have to change it to Ultimate Super Lucky Student," You played along, a friendly smile upon your face.
Shuichi chuckled, and you leaned in slowly before kissing him on the lips, your eyes fluttering shut. He jumped a bit and tensed up, but quickly relaxed and melted into the kiss, returning the gesture. You were both using lots of passion, and it felt magical. You could practically feel your chest explode as your lips moved in sync with his.
Running out of air, you had to pull away. You did so slowly, opening your eyes in the process. Shuichi had opened his at the same time as yours.
"Woah... y-you're a good kisser," You complimented, your face a blushing mess. Shuichi's face was a deep shade of crimson red, clearly not used to any sort of attention like this.
"Oh, uh, th-thanks?" Shuichi awkwardly replied, not sure how to react.
You began laughing, and soon Shuichi joined in.
Truly, you were the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Word count: 1344
Original word count: 1083
Date edited: July 3, 2019
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