Sherlock Saihara
It was the spring of 1886, and London was bustling with activity. I paid little attention to the people, however, because the newspapers in my lap held greater interest to me. Only two days ago a most singular murder had occurred, and Scotland Yard could not find many possible details as to the culprit. They were incompetent as always.
"Shuichi, there is a telegram for you," (Y/N) spoke out, presenting the paper to me. I already knew who the telegram was from and what they were going to ask of me, but (Y/N) had not yet been informed of the case so this was her opportunity.
"Read it out loud, please," I instructed, blowing smoke from my clay pipe. (Y/N) followed my command, reading out loud to me:
Dear Mr. Saihara,
I'm sure you've read in the newspapers of the horrible murder that has occurred just two days ago. I have tried but failed to make head or tail of the entire ordeal, and I am sure it is quite the mystery for you. I will arrive at 10 o'clock with more details.
"Well, the hour is nearly ten now, I am fairy sure we will soon be given more details. The papers have informed me very little of the case, so it will hopefully serve to educate me as well," I commented. Sure enough, not five minutes later there was a sharp knock on the door. Hajime was directed to the sitting-room. (Y/N) invited him to sit, but he politely declined.
"I anticipate this will be a short meeting because I do not know very much of the case," Hajime admitted.
"Well, tell me all you know," I prompted, blowing more smoke from my pipe. Hajime chose to pause for some time, until at last he began to speak.
"Two days ago, the body of a woman who has been identified as Angie Yonaga was found by a young man named Kokichi Oma. He called upon the aid of the authorities at once, and we have discovered that Ms. Yonaga had been locked in her art room prior to the murder. Oma claims to have picked the lock of the door and discovered her body, but we do not believe him," Hajime summarized the entire case so far to both me and (Y/N).
"You believe he is the culprit because he could tamper with the lock?" I suggested, which Hajime confirmed.
"We have him in custody. We've been questioning him, but he simply repeats the same story," Hajime responded.
"Then I shall start by speaking to Oma. Take me to him at once," I commanded, rising to my feet. Hajime knew me by now to not question my methods, and so he agreed to let me see Oma. (Y/N) came along as she always did, though I was not bothered by this- I rather enjoyed her company and companionship.
Once we had reached our destination, we stepped out of the cab and into the building. Hajime directed us to a side room and had us wait, and a few minutes later he returned with a short man in handcuffs whom I presumed to be Oma.
I immediately applied my methods of observation and noticed that the man had taken care to hide as many small details about himself as possible. However, I could still tell much about him. His wrists and fingers gave away that he wrote often, but not in a conventional method. His right index finger was slightly dark, which I concluded to be an ink stain from repeatedly using his finger as a quill. The man's shoes were old and worn, but mostly at the toes, showing that he was a frequent runner. However, I deduced from the shape of his body that he did not do it as a profession because he was too malnourished to support that lifestyle.
"This is Oma. You may ask him whatever questions you like, though I have to admit I do not see why you would request this meeting. He is too stubborn and ruthless to admit to his own crimes," Hajime complained, and in response Oma smiled.
"That would be a shame if he did because there would be no mystery, then," I smiled at Oma, knowing it would be difficult to get information from him. He was a guarded man.
Word count: 734
I dunno, I guess this is just some random writing practice since it's not really a oneshot LOL. Well... if I made a part two there would be an actual oneshot piece to it...
Anyways, I wrote this cuz I was bored pff-
Here's pictures of some questionable things that actually happen in the
books :)
I have more pictures of Sherlock being questionable, but shh...
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