(Part 2) Depressed!Pregame!Shuichi
I mean... he's not really pregame anymore but whatever.
(Shuichi's POV)
I feel like I'm forgetting something important. As I walk around the empty halls of this 'Ultimate Academy' something doesn't feel right. It's like... something or someone close to me is gone but I can't remember anything about them.
"Huh...?" I stopped dead in my tracks as that seemed to ring a bell. It was so vageuly familiar, that wording... somebody close? What happened? Why can't I remember...?
I lowered my cap and let out the smallest sigh, knowing it was pointless to ask questions like that. I enter the library slowly and cautiously, this killing game has me on edge. There's nobody in there, so I walk in.
Looking around me, I start to notice things I didn't the first time I was here. There was a lot of dust... too much dust. It was as if this library was hundreds of years old but nobody had cared once to touch it. That just makes my frown worse, since I really like books.
Then... a small streak on the floor catches my attention. I look at the bookcase to see it lines up perfectly with opening it, so I curiously tug at it. The bookcase swings open like a door to reveal a door that's themed like Monokuma... clearly some kind of mastermind must be in here. I notice a card reader that currently has the access denied, and I can't pry the door open. Whoever made that door intended it to be strong.
Something about this seems vageuly familar, even now I can't erase that thought.
Rantaro's dead body... it made me feel like I'm living dèja vu. I can't figure it out... no matter how many of my friends die it just feels like there's something worse that's stabbed at my heart. It feels like it happened because of the case that caused me to wear my hat, but even now that it's gone I can't shake the feeling...
Did somebody die before I entered this killing game and I can't remember...?
"Number 154, my name is ¥∆§•Ω÷. I've liked Danganronpa for a really long time, and I've always wanted to be a part of it. If I could be in Danganronpa, I'd want to be an Ultimate Detective... I know there's been a few before, but I've always really liked those characters so I'd wanna be one myself. Oh, and an Ultimate Detective hasn't been the blackened before so I'm sure I can do that! I'll come up with the most awesome, most gruesome murders- everyone will love it I promise!!! ...And... I'm also trying to think of... the perfect execution... hey, if you can add (Y/N) to the game... I want to pass a promise to her."
Who was... (Y/N)? That name sounded so familiar...
This school... why was it familiar? Was this the school I went to...? And the roof... did something happen there...? I was allowed to enter the school after talking to administration, so I slowly make my way to the roof.
"(Y/N)..." I whisper to myself, seeing if it rings a bell here. To my surprise it seems right. Something happened here that I can't remember.
"...Did I do something before I entered the killing game...?" I wonder. I can't remember anything but I wish so badly that I did. Who was (Y/N) and why was she important? Why was her name forgotten but familiar?
I look at the rooftop bench to see an old Rantaro keychain. It looks like it's been dropped suddenly. I pick it up curiously, doesn't the school clean up litter on the roof...? I let out a sigh as it also seems familiar. It had importance, I just didn't know how.
"What did we do? (Y/N), (Y/N)... why is that name so familiar...?" I can't help but wonder and wonder. I knew I was close to something but I just can't see it. Maybe if I ask the school if she was a past student that could help?
(Y/N) (L/N). Aged 17. Third year in high school. Class A-3. Average grades. Died in an accident on December 29. Last known sighting December 22 by me... at auditions for Danganronpa 53.
"Did we... have something special...?"
Word count: 717
Also a venting thing... :')
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