Missing! Shuichi (Angst)
(Your POV)
You looked sadly at the picture of Shuichi and you together. It had been taken a year ago, and you simply wanted those times back. That was all you could wish for anymore. Just to have the happy times back.
Can't get my mind out of those memories
Now time to tell them, "Don't take my dream."
Still music keeps on turning me from the words that hurt my soul
Removing doubts from my mind
"Those were the times, huh?" You chuckled in pure sorrow. The picture depicted you and him hugging one another and about to kiss by your favorite tree. You had met at that tree and it was really important to the both of you... until one day a fire started and the tree burned to ashes. There was nothing left of it anymore, not even a charred twig. And that had been the last object you had to cherish him by, other than your treasured picture.
You'd known him for two years before the incident, but it felt like you'd known him your entire life. You two loved each other dearly, been there for the other, and yet it had to be taken from you so suddenly and violently. You didn't want to think about it, yet it was all you could think of. Even months later you could still hardly sleep or eat. Not like you wanted to anymore, anyways. You gave up on that long ago.
Those long days passing by from that door
Like late summer they slowly fade away
Finding ways through the favorite tune
Played all day with my eyes closed
Time seemed to be stuck. It would never move on. Every day was a painful, infinite loop of wishing the whole thing was a nightmare and you'd wake up to have your dearest Shuichi still there, hugging and loving you. You were forced to relive the same horrific reality every second, no matter how badly you just wanted to forget it. With every fiber of your being you wanted to see him... if even one more time. Just to feel his touch again and hear his voice once more, just to have one last conversation... Just to at least say goodbye.
But that would never happen. He'd been missing for months, supposedly kidnapped by a criminal he was tracking but there wasn't a trace of him. No way for anyone to find him, and the police had assumed him dead a while ago. His case was thrown into the endless bin of unsolved crimes and never looked at again. The police used him as an asset to solve mysteries, yet didn't even bother to solve his. It was like Shuichi never mattered to them.
So badly, you wanted those days with Shuichi back. The way you used to smile at one another and play silly games, even the smell of coffee in the house in the morning you missed greatly. The way he'd look at you with his beautiful yellow eyes, and stutter when he was shy... you remembered it all. You wanted it back.
Those long days passing by from that door
Like late summer they slowly fade away
Finding ways through the favorite tune
Filling me with those sounds
So many things you missed about him, all of it you remembered from the single photo. Even the tree you could remember. It had leaves that shone emerald green in the sunlight and gave shade below, its massive roots sticking out of the ground a little. In fall the leaves would turn into a brilliantly beautiful spectacle of yellows and reds. They'd slowly fall off the tree, leaving it bare in winter and covered with snow. And in spring the amazing greens would return.
If even that tree was replanted, maybe you'd miss him less. Nobody bothered to replant a single tree in the middle of nowhere after a careless idiot threw his match onto some of the nearby grass, which eventually caught the tree on fire. It was just another tree to everyone else, just another fire. Another ordinary deal of business.
Everything about Shuichi seemed to be another ordinary deal of business. Even his location wasn't cared about anymore, nobody cared to really investigate anymore. People would always tell you that you never truly knew how many people would miss you until you died, but it seemed that nobody missed Shuichi as much as you. Your sorrows brought you pain every day but nobody seemed to care in this bustling world. Nobody cared about you or Shuichi Saihara... they were just another ordinary deal of business to everyone else.
"Take a picture of us about to kiss! It'll be really cute!"
"Um... okay!"
"That's a keeper. You guys are adorable!"
"Erm... n-not that cute..."
"Awwwe~ Shuichi, you're so cute when you're shy!"
"H-hey! No I'm not!"
"Hehe, whatever you say!"
Word count: 836
Yeah, that was a songfic. Lyrics from a Persona 4 OST called Heaven.
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