Marriage But Your Kid Has Anger Issues
(C/N) means child's name
(Your POV)
You felt something tapping your shoulder.
"Hey mooooom, wake up!" a childish voice called out.
You opened your eyes. Your child (C/N) was at your bedside, poking you repeatedly.
"What do you want, sweetie?" You tried to smile but couldn't in your tiredness.
"I wanna go to school!" (C/N) smiled and giggled.
You looked at the clock. It was only 2 AM! "Go back to sleep, it's two in the morning. Nobody else wants to go to school right now..."
"But I wanna go see Marshal!" (C/N) pouted.
"Who's Marshal?" You questioned.
"Mom, he's awesome! He kissed me yesterday," (C/N) started laughing.
"You're only nine, don't start dating guys," You scolded.
"But you and dad are together and age doesn't matter! Maturity does!" (C/N) protested.
"What's going on...?" Shuichi, who had previously been asleep behind you, stirred awake.
"(C/N) wants to go to school to see her little boyfriend..." You explained.
"Wh-what?! At nine years old?!" Shuichi exclaimed.
"I'm trying to tell her it's not a good idea but she's not listening," You sighed.
"'Cause only maturity matters! Not age!" (C/N) started to get angry.
"Well, the mature thing to do right now would be to be patient and wait for school," You remarked.
"Okay then, I'll wait until school! That's only... five hours!" (C/N) huffed and marched out of your room.
"She'll fall back asleep," You shrugged, going back to sleep yourself.
"Is it time for school yet?" (C/N) yelled.
You and Shuichi both jumped awake from her agitated voice. "What the heck are you yelling for?!"
"I was trying to wake you guys up but you weren't! And I wanna go to school NOW!" (C/N) demanded.
You looked at the clock. It was only 4 AM. "Sweetie, it's four in the morning. Go back to bed."
"I'm not waiting any more!" (C/N) screamed.
"Shush! Be quiet! You have to wait for school," You declared.
"I don't wanna wait!" (C/N) began crying as loud as she could, "Take me to school!"
"This is ridiculous," You groaned.
Shuichi had been watching silently and he jumped out of bed and hugged (C/N) close. "P-please, stop crying!" Shuichi begged fearfully.
"If you don't stop crying the cops are gonna be on our asses and thinking we're abusive!" You growled, "Oh crap! I just cussed in front of (C/N)!"
"I hate you! You guys hate me!" (C/N) screeched as loud as she could.
"No we don't! School just won't start until seven. We didn't make the rules, we just have to follow them," Shuichi panickingly tried to explain.
You heard sirens in the distance. You started freaking out as they got closer, and (C/N) kept screaming about how you supposedly hated her.
There was a knock on the door. "Police! Open the door!"
You and Shuichi exchanged a glance and you ran to the door, opening it.
"Why is there a child screaming?" the officer demanded.
"(C/N) wants to go to school to go see some boyfriend but we said she can't go to school and she had a fit," You explained nervously.
"If you can't quiet your offspring then you'll be subject to Child Protective Services evaluating your home and parenting structures or you will have to send your child to counseling for anger management if they find nothing wrong," the officer commanded.
The screaming finally stopped from the other room, and you sighed in relief.
"I FUCKING HATE YOU DAD!!!" (C/N) screamed.
That didn't look good...
"Why do I have to go see this stupid counselor?!" (C/N) growled, "Marshal doesn't have to see a counselor!"
"Well, Marshal can manage his anger. You can't, and your counselor is helping you so you can talk to Marshal better and he'll like you more," You explained in as nice of a way as you could.
"Hi, (C/N)! Hi, (Y/N)! Hi, Shuichi!" the therapist, Dianne, greeted, "Are you ready for your group session today?"
"Yep!" You smiled and then looked at (C/N), giving her a warning glance before the three of you stood up and followed Dianne into her office.
"We are not having another kid..." Shuichi sighed.
"I'm pregnant," You reminded the male.
"What's pregnancy?" (C/N) asked.
"You're gonna have a sibling!" You announced.
"Huh?! But I don't want a sibling!" (C/N) whined, "Get rid of it!"
You and Shuichi glanced at each other, and laughed a miserable laugh. Mentally both of you thought, 'if only abortion was that easy.'
Word count: 772
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