{Lime} Pregame!Shuichi x Neko!Reader
N-nyaa~!!! UwU OwO s-so lime is L-LEWD STUFF >//////< NYA
A-also in this oneshot, t-touching your tail is... *blushes* i-it's a naughty spot!!
I lost braincells writing that intro like that. Please end my suffering.
Here's the non-"I'm Going to Hell for This" version:
WARNING!!! THIS ONESHOT IS A LIME!!! Limes contain sexual content, though not usually to the extent of a lemon.
In this oneshot, touching a neko's tail causes them to feel pleasure... so in a sense it's like a long di-
{Your POV}
"Mmmm... Shuichi's warm~" You hummed happily, curling up in the male's lap with a quiet meow. Your tail found its way around his waist, pulling you closer just ever so slightly to his torso. A purr rumbled in your throat as he pet your hair softly, causing you to let out another meow.
"And (Y/N)'s cute~" Shuichi chuckled, watching you bask in his affection. You wanted to cuddle, hug, and kiss him pretty much 24/7 but he didn't mind- he actually enjoyed it. It was a good thing he did too, otherwise you were sure your relationship would've fallen apart long ago. You wondered if you were a full human you would've been different, but as a neko you naturally loved attention from whoever you considered to be your 'owner' and whoever their friends and family were. In this case, your owner was Shuichi and since he had almost no friends or family {let alone any that were close to him}, you haven't come into contact with others very much.
Giggling, you suddenly sat up so you could reach his face and kissed him on the cheek. He chuckled as he watched you nuzzle his chest, purring loudly, "Give me attentionnn!"
"I'm already petting you," Shuichi laughed a bit, kissing your forehead and pulling you even closer to him. You just snickered and kept nuzzling him, not telling him what you actually meant.
"What was that laugh for?" Shuichi asked, making you unintentionally let out a small squeak. You'd meant 'attention' in an... NSFW way, but you figured since the moment was wholesome he'd misinterpret it and you'd get a good laugh out of it. Now since you'd squeaked, you doubted the surprisingly sharp pervert would let you get away with it.
"I-I... uhh... I just thought you were being cute," You mumbled, preparing yourself for the oncoming perverted comment that would completely shatter your terrible claim. Hiding as much as you could from Shuichi, you tried to delay this or make it have as little of an impact on you as possible.
"Awwwe~" Shuichi gave you a wholesome smile and kissed you on the forehead, making you freeze up as you blushed darkly. Did your perverted intentions really just slip by him somehow? Was he just playing dumb as a play to get you to admit to it and make yourself embarrassed? You couldn't tell.
"Wh- Okay, there's NO way that seriously slipped by you," You blinked ajust few times in half confusion, giving Shuichi an almost concerned look. Unless he was really out of it, there g no way something like that would slip by him like that!.
"Something slipped by me?" Shuichi raised a brow, genuinely looking confused by your comment. You were about to confess to what you'd just said until you remembered that Shuichi was pretty good at faking emotions when he really felt like it. Groaning, you decided he was faking it to get you to admit it.
"Shut up, you're tryna make me admit it," You pouted, and Shuichi's confused look immediately morphed into a wide, half sadistic smirk. He placed his lips close to your ear, and you heard his beautiful voice really... up close and personal.
"Mhmmm~ So tell me, what kind of attention do you want~?" Shuichi whispered in your ear, making them immediately fall flat from the embarrassment. Shuichi giggled and watched as you tried to curl up in embarrassment from his comment, but he didn't let you, "Tell me, (Y/N)~"
"I-I um... I... I w-wanted... sex..." You barely whispered loud enough for Shuichi to hear it, knowing that if you tried to dodge around it he'd just prompt you to be more specific, so it was easier to just outright admit it. As soon as you said that, Shuichi started to make out with you roughly. It was almost difficult for you to keep up with him, and the sudden outburst was definitely unusual for even an aggressive pervert like him.
You felt yourself being pushed downwards, and before you knew it, Shuichi had pinned you down to the couch. He released the kiss so he could get a good look at your flushed, slightly panting form. A satisfied smirk quickly brought its way to his face, "I hope you like it rough, kitten...~ Cuz That's how you're gonna get it tonight~"
"H-huh?!" You squealed, causing Shuichi to snicker. He lowered his head to your neck and started to lightly lick the delicate skin, slowly moving his tongue across. You let out a small noise as he did so, feeling a small wet trail being left on your neck as a result of his actions. When he reached the other side of your neck he went from licking to kissing, making you moan quietly. Before you could say anything, you felt one of his hands grip your tail and start to pet it, causing your moans to immediately get louder.
"Shuichi~!! You know that's s-sensitive~!" You gasped as he kept playing with your tail and kissing your neck. Shuichi only chuckled, looking up at you with that smirk of his.
"That's why I'm playing with it, you horny slut~" Shuichi suddenly squeezed around your tail, and the pain mixed with the pleasure made you moan even louder than before. Shuichi almost laughed, taking that as a sign to move on and get dirtier, clearly eager to make your moans get even louder than that.
Fingers lifted the hem of your shirt, and you felt more and more of your torso become exposed as Shuichi slowly took off your shirt. You squeaked quietly out of embarrassment but didn't protest, instead allowing him to undress you. It wasn't like this was your first time being intimate with him, so even though it felt nerve-racking you reminded yourself that he'd seen you naked several times before.
"You're always so cute when you're flushed up like this~" Shuichi's voice was smooth as butter and low when he spoke, and you'd have been lying if you said it wasn't sexy. You unintentionally let out a small moan just from his voice, causing you to get even more embarrassed. Suddenly, there was a feeling of air hitting your breasts, and you realized Shuichi had taken off your bra. Your first instinct was to cover yourself, but you reminded yourself that Shuichi had already seen you naked before so it didn't matter.
"Hmph..." You pouted quietly, looking away as Shuichi licked his lips, getting an eyeful like it was his first time seeing you completely topless, "S-stop staring at me like that...!!"
Shuichi chuckled at your insecurity and suddenly started playing with your breasts, all of your moans clearly being like music to his ears.
"You wanna go further (Y/N)~? Hmm~?"
Word count: 1143
...I don't even know what to say so I'm just going to sit here in stunned silence at what I've written before finally hitting 'publish' after I lose all faith in myself.
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