{Birthday Special}
Edit made by me!
"You are NOT going to work today, mister," You crossed your arms, almost glaring down at Shuichi who could only look up at you with a helpless expression and a meek demeanor.
"B-but, (Y/N), I-" Shuichi tried to complain but you shushed him quickly, not allowing him the chance to even have an argument.
"It's your birthday and as your girlfriend I hereby ban you from working today. Got it?" You smirked, knowing that Shuichi didn't argue after you did that. Sure enough, he sighed in defeat, knowing that it was pointless to argue.
"Okay... I'll stay home from work," Shuichi sighed, clearly not liking the idea but not really having a choice in the matter. You grinned widely and hugged your beloved detective, knowing exactly what you were gonna do to celebrate his birthday.
"Thank youuu~!! Now c'mon, we're gonna go somewhere super awesome!" You pulled away from the hug, tugging on Shuichi's arm a little. You weren't normally this bubbly and excited, but today was different. You were going to spend the day with your boyfriend, after all! And even more, it was his birthday!
"Huh?! Wait, where are we going?" Shuichi protested weakly, but you didn't answer his questions as you rushed him into the car, quickly driving away. It only took about half an hour to get to the place you wanted to, and it was more than worth it. You were now at the park you and Shuichi first met in as little kids.
"Look Shuichi! It's the park we met in!" You giggled, looking over to see that Shuichi was pleasantly surprised by the sight. Chuckling, you ruffled his hair a little before getting out of the car, Shuichi following close behind. Walking through the park sent several memories to flood through your brain.
"Ow!!" You whined, tears welling in your eye from the pain. You'd just fallen and scraped your knee on the concrete path, but you were too scared to lift your knee because there could be blood and you didn't wanna see blood.
"Are you okay...?" a shy-sounding boy asked, and you looked up to see a boy with short, navy blue hair around your age. You weren't sure what to say as you watched him bend down to your level, carefully picking up and looking at your scraped knee. You whimpered some more, but the boy didn't seem to pay much attention as he took a band-aid from his pocket and put it on your knee, "There..."
That memory made you chuckle a little bit to yourself. You were only four at the time and Shuichi was just five, but it felt like it had happened just a few days ago. The day you met Shuichi was a short encounter and he just seemed like a friendly stranger. Obviously, he didn't just become a friendly stranger.
"Oh, you're the boy that gave me a band-aid!" You smiled, and the boy shyly returned a small smile of his own.
"It's not a big deal..." he sheepishly replied, and you couldn't help but think to yourself that he kind of looked like an adorable plushie when he got humble. It made you wanna squeeze and hug the life out of him.
"Yes it is! ...Hey, you never told me your name," You pointed out, and the boy looked a bit shocked, followed by a few seconds of silence. Finally, he started talking again.
"My name is Shuichi," he practically whispered, seeming embarrassed by it. You just smiled, happy to finally learn his name.
"Hi Shuichi! I'm (Y/N)," You stuck out your hand for a handshake, and he returned it. Since you were still a little kid it was a clumsy and exaggerated handshake, but that just made you laugh.
That was about a week or so after you met him for the first time. The two of you kept seeing each other at the park and eventually you became best friends, having sleepovers at each other's houses and just having a lot of fun as kids.
As the two of you got older, your friendship got closer and closer. Eventually, you asked out Shuichi and although he was shy about it, he said yes. That was when the two of you had barely moved out of the house and were living as roommates. It's been a few years since then.
"I'm kind of surprised they haven't decided to get new playground equipment," You commented as the two of you sat on adjacent swings. You didn't swing very much though, it was more like swaying back and forth.
"Well... I'm glad they haven't. I like this equipment," Shuichi chuckled a bit, though he was blushing a little which only made him even cuter.
"Yeah, me too. Cuz it reminds me of you~" You giggled, and Shuichi's blush got a lot darker after that. He looked away out of embarrassment, making you laugh.
"Awwe, you're blushiiinnng~" You teased, making him try to cover his blush but with very little success. Shuichi opened his mouth to say something, but someone else spoke up.
"Hey, you two teens need to cut that out! You're being too inappropriate for my kid!" someone shouted at the two of you, and the two of you looked to see a girl who looked like the stereotypical Karen.
"We're not even teenagers," You laughed, not intimidated by the girl at all.
"Yes you are! Only teenagers would act so stupid!" the girl pretty much screeched, and a little boy suddenly reached up and tugged on her sleeve.
"Hey mom, you ever thought that this is a public place and they're not being naked so it's okay?" the little boy asked, making the mom get more furious.
"You're only five, you shouldn't have to see this kind of stuff!" the mom declared.
"We... weren't even kissing. Or hugging, or making any kinda physical contact," You deadpanned a little at how ridiculous she was being.
"C'mon mom, can I just play?" the little boy whined, and even though she was reluctant she agreed to let him play, warning you and Shuichi that if you did anything else that she didn't like she'd call the cops. Smirking, you turned to Shuichi with an idea.
"Let's see how she'd react to something liiiike..." You almost had a sadistic grin as you got in front of Shuichi and went down on one knee, winking at him to silently tell him to play along, and you pulled out a jewelry box to reveal a ring {a fake one, but a ring}, "Will you marry me?"
Shuichi was genuinely shocked at your sudden outburst but once he noticed the ring was fake when he looked closer he realized what this was about, and kept up the attitude, "Yes..!! Of course I will," he pretended to be holding back tears, and the two of you hugged. You put the fake ring on his ring finger, using all of your effort not to laugh.
"She looks pissed," You whispered through a giggle, making Shuichi chuckle. Even though he wasn't usually one for trolling, he was clearly enjoying this.
Sure enough, she called the cops on the two of you and once they figured out what was going on they scolded her for calling them unnecessarily and even apologized to you and Shuichi. And with that, they left.
"Y'know, I think seeing a Karen get totally destroyed is a pretty good birthday gift," You laughed, "But I do have a better gift."
"What is it?" Shuichi asked curiously, and you simply reached into the giant pocket on your jacket before taking out a neatly wrapped gift, which he carefully opened so he wouldn't cause any litter. He came face to face with a jewelry box, which he opened to reveal a real engagement ring and a note that said, "Marry me?"
Shuichi chuckled a little at the irony before giving you a wide smile, kissing your cheek, "Of course I will..."
Word count: 1339
Happy birthday Shuichi♥~
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