chapter 2 : gramble goes to seed !
g ramble
|| nobody ' s pov ! ||
beffica and cromdo took their path forward , leaving behind the previous area . they entered a new area , with a ton of bushes and plants , there was also a cave . beffica walked up a ramp , cromdo following her . there was a pink , short grumpus with long - sleeved farmer attire .
" hey gramble ! how ' s the faarm ? " beffica asked . gramble gave her a slightly confused look , and responded. " you ' re still alive ? i really thought ya would ' ve died by now . " cromdo looked a bit more concerned . beffica then responded " nope ! i , like , found a journalist ! they ' re also pretty good at catching snax and i was just gonna bring them back to snaxburg ! "
gramble gave a slight smile . " that ' s nice . " beffica now looked a bit sad . she asked a question . " uhh . . . don ' t you wanna come with ? " gramble ' s eyes shifted to the left , him now looking a bit sad aswell . " well , uh - not really . . . " beffica ' s voice shifted to a slightly lower tone . " w - why not ? "
" sorry , beff , it ' s just that - i got my paws full of ketchup crops . since egg isn ' t here , we just sorta . . . need a reliable food source , y ' know ? " " oh yeah, i guess so..." beffica then asked a question that has been bugging her for some time. " are you sure that you don't want to come live with us? i mean, you can go back to your old farm and . . . call this one quits ? " cromdo noticed that gramble looked a bit . . . annoyed ?
" i can ' t quit . " gramble said , his voice slightly lowered . " now kindly leave , and uh , take some ketchup for the road . " gramble tossed beffica a piece of the ketchup plant , it sort of splattering on her . some sort of burger creature appeared , it rushing towards beffica and ramming into her .
" AAAAAAAAAAAAGH !! " she screamed . she fell off of the hill straight into a tree , probably giving her a concussion . gramble immediately stopped what he was doing to try and stop it . " WOAH ! DARN BUNGER ! GET OUTTA HERE !! " he chased it , before it also rammed into him . his gaze locked onto cromdo .
" hey stranger , uh - i need your help . these bungers go wild for ketchup ! i set up a pen over there , so here , take my sauce slinger , gather up some ketchup and lead that bunger over yonder ! " cromdo carefully took the slinger , before gathering up a few ketchup plants . he slung a few ketchup plants to lure in the bunger , it turning into a sort of saucy substance . the bunger immediately rushed over to the ketchup , following the trail and into the pen . cromdo immediately closed the pen door , walking over to gramble .
" took care of that bunger . " he said . " great ! uhh . . . let ' s go check on beff . " gramble stood up and rushed over to where beffica was , cromdo following him . beffica was laying there , dizzy . " check if she ' s alright . i ' m not really good at medical stuff myself . "
cromdo head over to beff to see if she was alright . " you alright , beff ? " beffica looked up at cromdo and said something . " ooh . . . uhh , don ' t you worry ! i ' m a . . . little sore but , i ' ll be a - ok in a bit ! i ' m just happy you ' re , like , getting along with gramble ! he ' s having a hard time and . . . " her tone changed into whispering . " his wife isn ' t around much these days . . . " her tone shifted back to normal after that strange , uhm . . . message . " so , uh , just - see if you could help him out ! i ' ll just lay here until my head stops hurting . "
gramble looked at cromdo , with a sort - of sorrow look in his eyes . " sorry bout that , stranger . i didn ' t mean for beff to get hurt like that . but , in the meantime , i guess you could catch some bugsnax . there ' s a fryder in that there cave , maybe you can lure it down with some ketchup ? " " sure . might as well . " cromdo said . gramble thanked him . he headed over to the cave and looked up . there was the fryder , on top of the ceiling . he placed down the snaktrap and opened it , slinging it with some ketchup . the fryder was immediately alerted and as cromdo hid behind somewhere , it rushed down to the trap , eating the ketchup . cromdo closed the trap and rushed over to collect the fryder . he brought it over to gramble , him taking it gratefully and eating it .
" thanks , stranger ! uhm , is it okay if you can catch a few shishkabugs ? they usually hide in the bushes . but they don ' t even like ketchup ! not sure why they bother me . . . " cromdo agreed to the request , heading over to the bushes once again .
-----time skip !-----
" justice is served ! " gramble said . beffica stood up , a shaky smile on her face . gramble crossed his arms . " that ' s dealt with for now but . . . they ' ll be back eventually . well , i ' m fixing to get my old garden growin ' again ! " beffica ' s face lit up when gramble said that . " you really mean it ? ! let ' s , like , get moving right away ! "
beffica rushed towards the tree , attempting to push it down . gramble turned over to cromdo . " ya know , your a pretty good hunter , like beffica said ! it ' s been rough since eggabell vanished , been rougher for some than others . " beffica turned over to the two . " uhhh , hey , can you help me , like , push this down please ? " gramble shifted his eyes towards cromdo .
" well , best not to dwell ! hold on , i got this . " gramble head over to the tree and pushed it down , making a bridge . " y ' all just get along now . i ' ll catch up sooner or later ! " cromdo nodded , and followed beffica . he had an uneasy feeling about this place . like , what are bugsnax even ? eggabell never told him what they actually were .
cromdo looked up to see beffica and a teal , purple - eyed grumpus with star stickers and a star - shaped locket . beffica seemed a bit sad , while the teal grumpus looked annoyed , possibly because of her presence ?
all he knew is that this would be one hell of a ride .
hey guys
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