Chapter Two
It had been thee moons since Willowstream's, Stormcloud's, and Sharpfang's warrior ceremony, and Stormcloud was acting like she was deputy or something. Shrewstep's kits had been apprenticed with Owlkit becoming Owlpaw, Adderkit becoming Adderpaw, and Barkkit becoming Barkpaw.
Owlpaw had been apprentices to Littlespark, Adderpaw had been apprenticed to Mintstrike, and Barkpaw was apprenticed to Willowstream. Wishpaw had earned her full medicine cat name, Wishsight, and Russetcloud had kitted two healthy kits; Patchkit and Rustkit.
Patchkit was a small black-and-white tom with startling green eyes, and Rustkit was a dark ginger tom with green eyes, each representing their parents in their own way.
Shrewstep paced around.
Tonight was a Gathering, and he didn't know who was expected to go until Foxstar called for everyone's attanetion. "I, Volewhisker, and Marshwillow have chosen a few cats to go." Shrewstep blinded in confusion. Foxstar chose first.
"Bramblefrost, Flakepaw, Larkpaw, Willowstream, and Sharpfang are the cats I've chosen." She stepped down and Volewhisker took her place. "I have chosen Heronwing, Kinkpetal, Barkpaw, Adderpaw, and Owlpaw." He stepped down.
Marshwillow took his place. "I shave chosen a lot. Kinkpetal, Mintstrike, Fireshard, Gorsepaw, Cherryeye, Friskheart, Cloudflare, Littlespark, Tundrablaze, and Flameblaze shall go." Shrewstep felt his whiskers drop. He wasn't going!
"We better get going..." Foxstar muttered as she slid down the Highrock, followed closely by Marshwillow, Volewhisker, and Wishsight. Shrewstep waited until they left and let out an angry yowl.
Adderpaw's P.O.V
Adderpaw stood besides his sister and brother. Her paws trembled in fear and excitement as she walked along the shore, the pebbles beneath her paws crunching. Water lapped hungrily as the shore line as Owlpaw jumped in surprise as she got sprayed by water.
Barkpaw let out a mrrow of laughter, but to be silenced by his mentor, Willowstream, their father's former apprentice.
"Are we almost there!" Owlpaw whined as she pounded her paws impatiently on the stones, hissing in pain as one was caught between her toes. She quickly pulled it out and licked the pad, continuing until they were at a tree that had fallen in the lake, making a bridge-way.
"Let's go the other way!" Barkpaw began to turn, but Willowstream nosed her on. "Step up." She mewed. Barkpaw shakily placed a paw on the slippery log. Opening his eyes, he realized he was safe, and bonded across with grace. Willowstream followed.
Owlpaw trembled with fear as she slowly made her way over to wet log. Her claws sunk into it, she finally made it across...with the help of her mentor, Littlespark.
Now it was Adderpaw's turn.
Adderpaw gulped and quickly bounded across without caring. "Am I dead yet?" Adderpaw shook violently with fear, only opening her eyes to many cats laughing at her.
She grumbled and made her way into the clearing. She discovered to scents of Thunderclan and Riverclan. But one unfamiliar scent. She wrinkled her nose. "That is Windclan. They are scrawny cats I tell you." Tundrablaze hissed. "But, they are fast and hard to catch." Litthespark added.
Soon, they sat down.
"Let the Gathering, begin!" Foxstar called as she climbed up onto the root. A silver tabby she-cat stepped up. "Riverclan is doing well. Rowanpaw has revived his full name and is now know as Rownpoppy." Yowls of approval rose from all the Clans except Windclan. They stared on with hostility.
"Who ruffled their fur?" She whispered to Owlpaw. She shrugged and the she-cat continued. "We are also sad to announce two deaths. Spiderheart, the former deputy, and Torneye have been found dead," She paused the cats bowed their heads. "By the Shadowclan border!"
Yowls of outrage and fury rose, and even Adderpaw joined in.
"You fox-heart! We didn't kill them!" Volewhisker spat, his tail lashing in fury. "Did they have any fur between their claws? Bite marks, wounds? Anything?" Foxstar asked more calmly. "Rowanpoppy said that Spiderheart had a gash over his throat, and Torneye had gray fur with black stripes between his claws." She mumbled, shuffling her paws nervously on the tree root.
"Grey fur? With black stripes? I may have to talk to one of my warriors about this." Foxstar addressed her. The silver she-cat dipped her head and a golden brown tom stepped up. "Thunderclan is thriving. Vixenwish had returned to warrior duties after her kit, Dustkit, became the medicine cat apprentice." He addressed. Thunderclan yowled approval sling with Shadowclan and Riverclan, but Windclan was still hostile. "Squirrelspirit has kitted two healthy kits. Eaglekit and Briarkit."
The tom stepped down and Foxstar token his place. "Shadowclan is full of opportunities as we have earned three new warriors. Willowstream, Stormcloud, and Sharpfang." Adderpaw watched as the new warriors puffed out their chests in pride. "Wishpaw had taken a full medicine cat name of Wishflight." Wishflight raised her head, her eyes gleaming. "Russetcloud has given birth to Patchkit and Rustkit."
Adderpaw stiffened as she knew all eyes would be on her. "And Shadowclan welcomes three new apprentices. Adderpaw, Owlpaw, and Barkpaw." Adderpaw felt cats eyes bore into them as the Windclan leader stepped up. "Windclan had some bad news. Toadpaw, my apprentice, has fallen ill with a terrible disease, and died the night after he caught it. We have not found a cure, and hope no one else catches it. The symptoms are aches, suicidal thoughts, vomiting, and rashes."
Silence fell upon the cats.
"Every Clan is sorry for your loss, Lionstar. We hope the best for Windclan." Foxstar dipped her head as Lionstar returned the dip. "The Gathering is over by the power of Starclan!"
Shrewstep's P.O.V
Shrewstep paced patiently as the cats returned until his family found him. "How was their first Gathering?" Shrewstep asked his mate, but only pain shown in her face. "Foxstar wants to talk to you." She whispered as she huddled their kits close.
Shrewstep gulped and quickly bounded into the Leader's den. "Shrewstep, Pebblestar reported the death of the elder Spiderheart, and the medicine cat, Torneye." She paused, blinking as Shrewstep began to shuffle his paws. "They were found by our border. Spiderheart had a gash over his throat, and Torneye had fur just like yours between his claws." She drew in a sharp breath.
"Are you saying I murdered a defenseless elder and a honored medicine cat?" He accused his mother. "You know I wouldn't do that!" She hissed. Shrewstep leapt to his paws. "Then why are you accusing me!" He shot back defensively. "Because I'm trying to protect you!" Foxstar growled.
"Well then stop protecting me, and stop acting like I'm a kit! I'm not a kit anymore!" Shrewstep was panting at the end as he glared coldly at his mother's horrified face. "Go. Leave me." She hissed as Shrewstep stumbled out, only to be greeted by Volewhisker. "How'd it go?"
Volewhisker seemed shocked by his sudden outburst as he silently walked towards the warriors den. Shrewstep sighed and settled down outside of the warriors den. He watched intently as Larkpaw, Gorsepaw, Stormpaw, and Flakepaw practiced their battle moves.
"Take that! Riverclan scum!" Stormpaw hissed as she hurled herself at Larkpaw. Meanwhile, Gorsepaw let out a playful snarl. "You'll never beat Shadowclan, soft-hearted Thunderclan cat!" Gorsepaw snarled at Flakepaw, whom threw bats at the apprentices muzzle.
Shrewstep sighed and bounded up to his brother, Starkwillow. "Hey, I know we haven't been getting along lately, but...I need to talk to you." Shrewstep stuttered as he stared at his brothers similar pelt. Starkwillow shrugged and followed him into the corner of camp.
"I know you didn't go to the gathering, neither did I! But, Foxstar said that Spiderheart and Torneye were found dead by our border. Spiderheart had a slit over his throat, and Torneye had tufts of what looked like to be our pelts between his claws." Shrewstep gulped as he stared at Starkwillow's expressionless face. It was full of guilt, sorrow, and a bit of fury. "I..."
He trailed off as Friskheart pressed herself against him. "My mate is innocent!" She hissed. "I know my brother is innocent." Shrewstep spat, his neck fur beginning to bristle. "Friskheart, go talk to your brother." Starkwillow whispered to the scrawny she-cat.
Friskheart huffed and stalked away. "Well--" "Riverclan! Attack!" Shrewstep craned his neck to see Pebblestar and Rive-
rclan pelts flood. With a snarl, he hurled himself Dapplefrost, the deputy. "Why does every Clan hate us!" He hissed, scoring his claws over her muzzle as she scrambled away.
"I don't know!" Starkwillow replied before he sent Frostfern running. "I wasn't asking you!" Shrewstep growled as he sent a apprentice flying. Starkwillow snarled as he batted Whiteflare away. Shrewstep, getting annoyed, hurled himself into the center of battle.
His claws met Pebblestar's pelt as he heaved her off of Volewhisker, slamming her to the ground, and pinning her. "Go ahead! Kill me! You don't have the guts!" She sneered. Shrewstep planted a paw on her throat. "Think again." Shrewstep growled as he slid his claws out, digging them into the she-cats throat.
Pebblestar's eyes widened in shock as she began to thrash and struggle, but it was no use. Soon enough, the fire on her eyes died and she went limp. "Heh." Shrewstep hissed, stepping off and hurling himself at Fishpoppy. She had three lives left now.
"Riverclan! Retreat!" Pebblestar yowled as soon as she recovered from losing a life. Riverclan cats pelted out of camp, either yowling in anger of terror. "We won." Shrewstep growled. "Again.." Willowstream added from behind him.
"Is every Clan against us?" Kinkpetal hissed as she pawed the ground. "Who cares if every Clan hates us? We always win!" Stormcloud yowled. Wishflight bounded up to the group. "Enough! Let me see." She planted a cobweb on Stormcloud's wound and began to inspect it. Shrewstep rolled his eyes and bounded up to Foxstar. She was hunched over a motionless body.
"Who is--" Shrewstep was cut off by a gasp.
"Volewhisker..." He breathed in shock. Before him was the motionless body of Volewhisker. The deputies eyes were glazed and his claws were still unsheathed, ready for battle. "He died the death of a true warrior." Bramblefrost made Shrewstep flinch. "He served me for moons..." Foxstar whimpered as she curled her tail over her forepaws, still hunched. "Foxstar, you have to choose a deputy before sundown, and if I, right, it's about sundown." Kinkpetal mewed gently, her eyes glazed with sorrow.
Foxstar nodded, drawing in a sharp breath. "Ok..." She sighed before climbing up onto the Highrock, her eyes shining with horror. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey...g-gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Foxstar yowled, stuttering every once and awhile.
Every cat was already gathered. "We are sad to know that Volewhisker has joined Starclan." Gasps and wails of horror and shock erupted. Once they died down, Foxstar continued. "And by tradition, I shall name the new deputy of Shadowclan." Silence passed upon the cats. "I say these words before the body of Volewhisker, so that he may hear and approve my choice." She paused, as if she were almost uncertain of who would be the new deputy. "The new deputy of Shadowclan is..."
Shrewstep growled silently as his brother stepped up. "I shall serve my Clan well until I join my ancestors." He stated before stepping down. "At dawn, the elders shall take Volewhisker's body out for burial." Foxstar drew in a short breath. "Clan meeting dismissed!" After she said that, cats crowed Starkwillow.
"I'm so happy for you!"
"You'll make a great deputy!"
Shrewstep bounded up to his brother, shouldering his way through the cats to get to his brother. "Well-Oh no! I instructed you! You go first!" The brothers said in unison. Shrewstep took a step back. "Well....I guess I'm deputy." Starkwillow shuffled his paws nervously. "Yep!" Shrewstep said with a pop before taking a breath and turning his back to his brother to go mourn Volewhisker.
Shrewstep watched as Mousedapple, his former mentor, Beetlejaw, and Graycloud carried Volewhisker'slimp body out of camp for burial. "Well, that was..." Bramblefrost began from beside Shrewstep. "An epidemic." Shrewstep sighed. "I dunno." Bramblefrost shrugged as he looked towards Heronwing, Volewhisker's brother. "How well will he handle?" Shrewstep looked towards the senior warrior who was hunched at the edge of the clearing, his face hidden by shadows as he looked down. "Badly." Bramblefrost joked as he and Shrewstep stifled a mrrow of laughter. "Yeah, sure." Shrewstep hissed.
"Ok, but really." He added.
Bramblefrost flinched. "Sorry." "No problem." Bramblefrost looked at Shrewstep. "But I think he is gonna handle it..." Bramblefrost trailed off, thinking. "Er.......Challengingly?" Shrewstep blinked. "You mean, not well?' Bramblefrost rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Not well."
"Didn't mean to ruffle your fur." Shrewstep growled as he stalked towards the warriors den. He curled up in his nest and watched slowly as warriors entered and made their way to their nests. I wish I was deputy. A thought flickered in Shrewstep's mind as his pelt began to tingle with tension.
The moon cast shadows around camp as Shrewstep silently lead Starkwillow out of camp, past the guards, and towards the Riverclan border. "Why did you bring me here!" Starkwillow hissed as Shrewstep scrambled onto a rock. "Because.."
Without warning, he hurled himself at Starkwillow, claws unsheathed.
Starkwillow yowled in terror and shock as Shrewstep's claws dug into the warriors soft underbelly. "What are you doing!" Starkwillow hissed as he kicked Shrewstep off with his hind legs. Shrewstep regained balance and slowly walked towards his brother, his tail swaying slowly behind him as he claws clinked against rocks beneath his claws. "Shrewstep?" Starkwillow trembled in fear.
Anger bubbled up inside of him as he struck Starkwillow's muzzle, sending the warrior stumbling backwards and landing on his back with a sickening thud as Shrewstep planted a forepaw on his chest, and on his neck. "Shrewstep," Starkwillow choked out as he gasped for air.
Shrewstep ignored his desperate pleas as he scored his claws over the warriors neck. Starkwillow let out a gasp of shock as Shrewstep stepped off the warrior, scrambling to his paws.
Slowly, blood leaked down his legs and onto the soft ground as the deputy collapsed, choking on his own blood. "Shrewstep..." He whispered before falling silent, his eyes glazed over and staring sightlessly into the forest. Shrewstep smirked.
His brother, the deputy, was dead.
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