Called: All cast and crew
Objective: Production schedule overview and welcoming of newcomers to the program
"Hello? Could I have your attention for a moment please? As you all know I'm Mr. Daniels, your director, and I just want to introduce to you your stage manager, Beatrice Masters. She is my second in command and has way more power than any of you so treat her with the respect she deserves. Beatrice?"
"Hi guys I'm Beatrice but everyone calls me Bea so don't be scared to. Like Mr. Daniels said, I'm the stage manager and I'm basically a fancy babysitter for the actors and a recruiter for the tech crew during production. And then when the shows come around I'll be the run calling the cues and basically keeping us all together. I guess you can think of me as the coach and you as my team. My best friend, Len, who is sitting right here, will be my assistant and you'll be introduced to the rest of the crew later because they're getting things ready for rehearsal at the moment. Okay I think that's it, let's get started!"
"Bea, can I go now?"
"No. Just chill out while we get rehearsal underway, all right? Then I can introduce you to the necessary people."
"Then can I leave?"
"Thank you."
"Lennon, right?"
"Eric. Sophie sent me over to introduce myself. I think she just wanted to get rid of me."
"I wish Bea was trying to get rid of me. I'd be out of here in a second."
"I know the feeling. What exactly does an assistant stage manager do?"
"Me? Nothing."
"Then why are you here?"
"Admin wants Bea to have an assistant, it's one of the things they're being strict about. I'm just here to make them happy."
"Fun. I'm sound design."
"I know."
"Of course you do."
"And you're Sophie's twin."
"Indeed. And she's relentless in her mission to bond with me. She says once we graduate I'll get the hell out of town and she'll be left to fend for herself."
"Is that true?"
"All except for the fending for herself part. She makes it seem like she's helpless but she's always been the one helping me, not the other way around."
"You're a good brother."
"That's what I keep telling myself."
"I just wish they would hurry up and tell us what to do so I can get out of here."
"Hot date?"
"Yeah, with my Calculus homework."
"Who do you have?"
"Ugh I had her for Algebra II. He hated me."
"I think he hates everyone."
"Probably. I have Lowe for Calc this year."
"Lucky. She has like the highest AP test passing rate in the school."
"I know, it's great."
"You know, for someone who came over here to be friendly you're not doing so well."
"I didn't come over here to be friendly. I came over here to kill time and to get Sophie off my back. You can hate me if you want."
"I don't hate you yet."
"But give it time."
"Ha! I should have expected that."
"You'll understand my charms eventually."
"And when that day comes, I would like you to shoot me."
"I'm happy to have that responsibility but I'm sad to tell you that in this place, it would probably end up being a pop gun."
"Oh the injustice. A guy can't even shoot himself here."
"It's a cruel cruel world."
"Len! Eric! Stop flirting and get over here!"
"Coming Bea."
"Is she always like that?"
"Only everyday."
"Oh joy."
Dedicated to duvukonu for always supporting my stories :)
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