Chapter 19: Raising The Stakes
On the verge of drifting off into a deep sleep, Peter jolted awake suddenly as the all too familiar uneasy feeling washed over him. By now he'd come to recognise it as a sign of something being wrong. Checking his watch, he realised that a good twenty minutes had passed since he'd come back to the bedroom.
"Gwen..." He whispered to himself.
Jumping to his feet, he dashed out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom door, tapping on it rapidly.
"Gwen, it's me, Peter... What did you fall asleep in there?" He joked, tapping once again.
With no answer, his heart leapt into his throat as he hesitated over whether or not to open the door. Though he quickly decided that the feeling was too strong to ignore and twisted the handle, letting it swing open. His eyes widened in horror as the sight of Gwen sprawled across the floor caught his attention immediately. Kneeling on the floor, he pulled her onto his lap and checked for signs of life; relief flooding through him as he felt a slow heartbeat and pulse.
"Gwen... Gwen, come on... Wake up." He tried gently shaking her awake.
Having no luck, he placed one of his hands behind her head and gently moved it so that he could see her face. The first thing he noticed was a trail of blood that had run from her nose, all the way across her cheek. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled out his phone and hastily dialed the emergency number. It took only seconds before an operator picked up the line on the other end.
"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?" A female voice on the other end asked.
Fumbling for his words, Peter quickly gathered himself before speaking. "Hi uh... My uh... My fiancé collapsed on the bathroom floor and I can't wake her." He explained in panic.
"Okay, hold on there... Have you checked her vitals?" The operator questioned.
"Yes, erh... Heartbeat and pulse are there but slow." He answered smoothly.
"Alright, and how long has she been out?" The operator asked.
"I'm not sure. I just found her." He informed them.
"Right, okay. Any injuries?" The operator questioned.
"Well she did hit her head earlier this afternoon and right now there is blood coming from her nose..." He explained.
"Okay, listen carefully to what I want you to do. Sit tight and keep trying to bring her round, I'll send paramedics out to you right away." They instructed.
"T-Thank you!" Peter breathed down the phone.
Being given the permission, he hung up and dropped his phone down beside him, turning his full attention to Gwen. Lowering his head, he pressed his forehead against hers.
"Please be okay, I can't lose you. Please just come back to me." He whispered, his voice shaking with fear.
The next hour or so passed in an unmemorable blurr. Moments after he whispered those words, he heard sirens wailing in the near distance. Then they were banging on the door and after a speedy trip to the hospital, they'd taken Gwen in to be seen to, leaving Peter waiting in the halls pacing back and forth.
He felt utterly restless and couldn't bring himself to sit down, even after at least half an hour of waiting. The minutes had never ticked by more slowly and with each passing second, he grew more and more anxious. Finally, a nurse came out and addressed him.
"H-How is she?" He asked, not caring about anything else.
"She's fine. We were able to help her. She should be able to go home within the next couple of hours if her progress continues." The nurse assured him.
Letting out a huge breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding, he nodded as the panic gripping his heart vanished. "So... What exactly happened?" He questioned.
"Well, the operator you spoke to informed us that she'd been hit in the head with a heavy glass door earlier. The impact of that door caused her to have a cerebral haemorrhage, otherwise known as bleeding on the brain." The nurse explained.
"But wait... Those things usually require surgery, do they not?" Peter questioned, confused by this information.
"Yes, in most cases they do. That's why we're confused... Your fiancé didn't need surgery, her body seems to have healed most of the damage done. All we had to do was drain the excess blood from the brain. She's recovered much faster than the average patient." The nurse explained.
"So... What does that mean?" He asked.
"We've never seen a case like hers before. Her recovery is incredible. If you'd like, I can take you to her now." The nurse offered.
"That would be perfect, thank you!" He agreed.
With a reassuring smile, the nurse led him down the corridor, through a set of doors, down another corridor and then finally through the door into a small room where Gwen was sat up, looking more lively than ever. His heart relaxed as soon as he saw her glowing face.
"I'll leave you to it." The nurse said and exited the room swiftly.
Returning his eyes to Gwen, he smiled nervously as he tried to think of something to say or a joke to break the ice.
"Hey..." She beamed.
"Hey." He greeted, flashing another smile.
"You just gonna stand there or...?" She questioned, trailing off as she patted an empty space on the bed beside her.
He moved quickly and sat by her side, taking her hand into his own and bringing it to his lips, planting a kiss there before resting it back on the bed.
"You scared me." He admitted.
"I'm sorry..." She began.
"For what? You didn't do anything. Don't be sorry, okay." He pleaded.
"Okay." She agreed with a smile, biting her lip as she waited for him to speak again.
"So uh... How's your head?" He wondered aloud.
"Better, thank you." She answered.
"You know, they erh... They're saying that your recovery was incredible. Most people who suffer a brain haemorrhage take months to recover and that's with surgery." He told her.
"I guess..." She began, then checked to make sure there was no one eavesdropping before continuing. "...The venom in our blood is more powerful than we realize." She finished.
"Yeah, I guess it does." He agreed.
Leaning forward, she pulled him into a hug which he returned instantly. More than anything, he was just glad to see her up and well again. Whilst waiting, he had been doing some thinking and had made a silent promise, not only to Gwen but also to himself. From now on he would always think things through carefully before making any kind of decision. He had far too much to lose now and couldn't stand the thought of risking it all. It was those reckless choices that had gotten them into this mess, and now he wouldn't relax until he'd gotten them out of it.
"That memory stick... Do you still have it?" She asked.
"Yeah, it's right here in my pocket." He informed her.
"Good. I think once we get out of here that we should see what was on it so we know why it was important to Harry." She stated.
"Of course, though I think we've had enough for one day. We should get some rest and then do that tomorrow. I don't want anything happening to you again, after all." He said.
"Yeah, you're probably right." She agreed, stifling a yawn just thinking about bed.
Before Peter could respond, the nurse returned to the room to inform them that they were free to leave. Happy to have Gwen back in full health, he thanked the nurse for her services and took Gwen's hand, leading her out of the room and then the building. Outside there was already a cab waiting for them, having been called for by the hospital staff, meaning that they got home in no time. Once inside, they went straight up the stairs to bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
With a bright light filling the darkness, Peter found himself back in the clock tower cradling Gwen's lifeless body in his arms once again. He gritted his teeth, trying to suppress a scream.
"I told you, didn't I? You are the reason why this happened. If you don't stay out of her life you're going to kill her!" A familiar voice taunted.
Forcing himself to look up, he felt his body begin to tremble as Harry was staring down at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words just wouldn't come out.
"Look at her, Peter! Look At Her! Laying there with a broken neck... And it's all your fault!" Harry sneered.
"No!" Peter choked.
Turning his head to the side, unable to bear looking at Harry any longer, he almost bolted when his ex-friend had moved in the direction that he was looking in the space of less than a second.
"You look away, why? Because you know it's the truth yet you cannot let her go. You are a coward, Peter Parker!" Harry spat.
"He's right, Peter! You're a coward! That's why you broke your promise."
Looking in the opposite direction, he was horrified to see Captain Stacy standing above him, pointing his finger accusingly.
"No! I never meant to, I just... I love her." He cried.
"She doesn't need it! Your love is toxic! You're killing her." Captain Stacy yelled.
"It's not true!" Peter yelled.
"Listen to him! This is what happens when you become a hero, you have no choice but to sacrifice love and happiness!" Harry roared.
"Never! I'm not... I won't let anything happen, I'll protect her with my life if I have to! If I have to give something up, it isn't going to be her!" He yelled, panicking as her body disappeared from his lap.
Frantically searching the area with his eyes, his breath hitched in his throat when he was able to locate her; or at least, he thought it was her. She looked different and it scared him. Her usually glowing blonde hair was a dull mess that fell around her shoulders, her clothes were torn and tattered. Though what scared him the most was her eyes. The whites weren't white at all, they were red, and the jewel blue irises were replaced with pure black. Underneath there were dark shadows colouring in heavy bags.
"Gwen..." He whispered.
"You killed me, Peter. Why did you kill me? I thought you loved me." She questioned, her voice, softer and more innocent than he'd ever heard before.
"No... I didn't... I wouldn't." He cried in panic.
Unable to move a muscle, he could only stare at the broken shell of the girl he loved, and watch as she stared back at him. Though what happened next, shocked him to the core. Placing her hands over her face, she began to weep bitterly and for a moment, Peter felt like his heart was being strangled in his chest. After a few seconds, she slowly removed her hands from her face and his eyes widened as he saw that rather than tear tracks, there was a blood trail on both cheeks.
"You did this to me..." She cried.
"No." He whispered.
Suddenly, she stopped moving and instead just stood glaring at him. He froze in place, his heart pounding beyond control as fear gripped him. She rushed towards him and let out the kind of shriek that he'd usually associate with a banshee.
Waking up suddenly, Peter looked around the room and let out a breath of air when he saw that he was back in his room and nowhere near the clock tower. Checking the other side of the bed, he saw Gwen still sound asleep next to him. Although it was now morning, he moved slowly and silently to get off the bed and headed towards the bedroom door.
"Where are you going?" Gwen asked, having woken up after feeling him move off of the bed.
Jumping almost off the floor, he turned around and saw that she was now awake and sat up, looking over at him with worry in her eyes.
"You're tired, go back to sleep." He instructed her gently.
"No, I don't want to go back to sleep. Answer the question." She demanded.
"I'm not going anywhere, why would you think that?" He quizzed, his hand hovering over the door handle.
"What? You think I haven't noticed how you've been sneaking off in the middle of the night, returning in the morning before I wake up and then telling me that everything is fine? Well guess what, I have." She snapped.
"Gwen..." He began.
"No! Don't give me any more excuses Peter, enough is enough." She pleaded. "Because I can't handle being shut out. The worry is killing me." She added.
"I'm not shutting you out." He denied.
"Yes, you are... And it needs to stop." She told him.
Peter let go of the door handle and let his hand drop down by his side. Deep down, he knew that she was right. Truthfully, he was tired of trying to hide it from her, it was too risky and just didn't feel right at all. If he really was going to marry her, then he couldn't have secrets. She deserved a man who was open and honest, whether the news was good or bad, and if he couldn't be that man then he really didn't deserve her at all. Closing his eyes he sighed, then turned around and walked over to the bed, sitting down again.
Gwen shuffled away a little, clearly not happy with him. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her head on top of them. Knowing that she was waiting for him to open up, he tried to think of a good place to start.
"Remember those nightmares... The ones that were reoccurring?" He questioned.
"I don't think that I could forget them, even if I wanted to." She answered.
"Well, for a couple of nights they stopped but for the past three nights, they've come back and they keep getting worse every damn time I close my eyes." He informed her, his eyes filled with fear and regret.
Gwen lifted her head from her knees and looked him in the eyes. She couldn't deny or hide that she was disappointed in him for keeping it from her for that long, but her concern for his mental state trumped the disappointment. Instead of getting angry with him, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
"You're not mad?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"I was, at first." She admitted honestly. "But more than anything, I'm worried for you." She added.
"Look, I know I shouldn't have kept this from you and for that, I truly am sorry. But... I need your help, Gwen. I can't get through this without you..." He confided in her.
"And that's all you had to say, Peter. That's all it takes for me to step in and help you." She told him.
Though he already knew that, he was no less grateful to hear her actually say it to him. The more he thought about it, the more he realised that it was exactly what he needed to hear.
"Thank you, Gwen. I really don't deserve a girl as intelligent and understanding as you." He stated, thinking about everything that he had put her through; constantly breaking up due to the danger and her having to fight for him every time.
Leaning in close, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips firmly against his. There was not a person in the world that she cared about more than she cared about Peter.
"So, these nightmares... What exactly are they?" She asked even though she dreaded the answer.
Clearing his throat, he took one of her hands into his own and rubbed her soft skin with his thumb. Looking deep into her eyes, he decided that it was time to tell her the truth. So starting with the night that he'd saved her life using his spider venom, he walked her through it all; the way the nightmares had started off with him being too late to save her, and how they had only progressed over time. Her father appearing at the scene and then Harry, and the awful things they'd said to him. Finally, he finished off with the worst part; her appearing to him, almost corpse-like and the words that had broken his heart.
Gwen's hand flew up to her mouth to stop a horrified gasp from escaping. She felt as though her heart was physically breaking. Despite feeling like she wanted to cry, she held it in. Now was not the time. She needed to focus on him.
"Oh my... Peter, that sounds horrible. I... I don't even know what to say." She stammered.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just you being here is enough for me." He told her, bringing his hand up to her cheek and embracing her face.
"Where do you think that these nightmares stem from?" She asked, trying to get a better understanding.
Peter remained silent for a moment, he already knew the answer to this question, but he wasn't sure how to tell her. Of course he'd told her previously about the guilt, but not about everything that it had been causing.
"There's no easy way to tell you, so I'm just going to come out and say it... I think that it's the fear of losing you, and the guilt I carry for breaking the promise that I made to your father." He admitted.
"Promise?" She questioned, confused.
"Yeah, the promise that I made to your father." He reminded her.
Gwen closed her eyes as she remembered her father and the promise that Peter had made to him during his final moments. She had been beyond torn up over the loss, but there was no point in regretting the things that she couldn't change. Though even if she could bring her father back, she would never give up what she had with Peter. It all meant too much to her.
"In full honesty, I kinda forgot about that for a while." She said, her voice little more than a whisper.
"Yeah? Well, not me." He responded.
"But you should." She told him.
"Why?" He quizzed, not understanding why she would take his side. He was the one who broke a promise to her deceased father.
"I've said this before and I'll say it again. It's my choice. Not yours, not my father's or anyone else's, mine! And I choose to be with you, no matter what." She stated stubbornly.
"Even though it goes against your father's wishes? Can you tell me honestly, that you would still be with me, even if he had lived to see another day?" He questioned.
"Yes, and it's because I love you more than I thought was possible to love anyone. I'm in so deep that nothing can ever pull me away from you." She confessed.
His heart beat even harder in his chest. But this time it wasn't because he was scared, or because he was panicking. This time it was simply because he knew that when she said those words, she meant them.
"Do you think that he would-" Peter began, but dropped the question as he didn't want to say it aloud. "No, never mind." He brushed off.
"Wait, no... What?" She asked, wanting to hear what he was wondering.
Hesitating for a moment, he decided to bite the bullet and just ask the question. "Do you think that he would hate me for not being able to stay away from you?" He asked.
"Does it matter? I loved my father and I miss him daily, but he's not here and even if he was, he couldn't tell me how to live my life." She said, smiling for the first time since the topic of Captain Stacy was brought up.
"No, I guess it doesn't. Thank you again, Gwen. You really helped to put things in perspective for me." He concluded.
Happy with how the conversation had gone, she rested her head lightly on his shoulder, soaking up the peaceful moment while it lasted.
After spending a little while in the comfort of each other's embrace, Peter remembered the memory stick that was still tucked away in his pocket.
"You uh... You have your laptop with you, don't you?" He asked Gwen, who lifted her head from his shoulder.
"Yeah, why?" She questioned.
"We should probably get around to seeing what is on that memory stick that's so important to Harry." He explained.
"Oh, right! Of course." She agreed.
Shifting off of the bed, she fumbled through her bag and pulled out her laptop, opening it up and switching it on. Taking the memory stick that Peter held out to her, she plugged it into the USB port on the side of the laptop. As the file appeared on screen, she used the mouse pad to open it up.
Shocked to find that it wasn't any sort of document, but rather a video file, Peter and Gwen exchanged looks before turning their attention back to what was playing. The video seemed to be filmed somewhere within the Oscorp building, however despite her time working there as an assistant, Gwen did not recognise the room at all.
"What the-" Peter began, but stopped as she hushed him.
Continuing to watch the video, the first person to appear on camera was Harry's father; Norman Osborn. He started off with a small introduction, muttering something about a project under the name of the Sinister Six, then he went on to introduce his lab partner and another person stood in front of the camera. Unable to believe his eyes, Peter slapped his finger on the spacebar to pause the video before rewinding it back. Sure enough, it was exactly who he'd thought it was; Richard Parker, his father.
"Isn't that your...?" Gwen began to ask, unsure if she should finish the question.
"Yep. That's not even the worst part." He answered with a small sigh.
"What do you mean?" She asked, trying to figure out what was worse to him than that.
"This video was made the same day that they left me." He explained.
Not sure of what to say, she intertwined her fingers with his and gave his hand a little squeeze. He looked at her and gave her a small smile.
"It's okay, you don't need to worry. I've accepted the truth a long time ago. I always knew that my parents were shady." He assured her.
Continuing with the video, they stared intensely at the screen as Norman Osborn picked up the camera and turned it to face what was in front of the two men. Held in cages were six different men, all with different wires attached to needles that were piercing through their skin. Unable to stand watching anymore, Peter slammed the laptop shut and turned to Gwen.
"If Harry knows about this... Project Sinister Six... I really hate to think what will happen if he ever finds a way back into Oscorp." He said, his eyes staring blankly.
"Then we really don't have a choice. We have to either get project Sinister Six shut down... Or we have to stop Harry from getting his hands on it." Gwen stated, not daring to think what would happen if the latter happened.
"We're going to need a plan." Peter informed her of the obvious.
Gwen opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again as there was a gentle tap on the bedroom door. After being given the green light, May entered the room with a grim look on her face.
"W- What is it?" He stuttered.
"Come downstairs... There's something on the news that I think you should see." May requested, turning around and heading downstairs.
Sprinting off the bed, Peter raced downstairs with Gwen following behind, both were anxious to see whatever it was that had May so concerned. Skidding to a halt in front of the TV causing Gwen to almost crash into him, his heart dropped when he saw a reporter standing in front of the Oscorp headquarters, which looked as though a tornado had swept through it.
"An attack at Oscorp?" He quizzed, looking to aunt May for answers.
"Yes, and you will never guess whose fingerprints they've found there..." May began.
"Please tell me it's not who I'm thinking of." Gwen whispered, too quietly for anyone to hear.
"Your old childhood friend, Harry Osborn." She informed them.
"Oh my... This is bad." Peter gasped.
"I'm just glad that you have nothing to do with the kid anymore." May said.
Peter gave a nervous chuckle, knowing very well that aunt May would freak out if she knew the truth. Giving her a thank you, he took Gwen's hand and led her back upstairs to his bedroom where they would be able to talk freely and come up with a plan to stop Harry.
"Can you see now, why my guilt is hard to shake? Harry wouldn't resort to extreme measures if I'd have just given him some blood." Peter turned and questioned an unexpecting Gwen.
"That's true, but you're forgetting that Harry is a big boy. Which means that he is responsible for his own actions, no one else. Instead of flipping out and acting like a child, he could have just taken it like an adult and made peace with it so that he could live out the rest of his life in acceptance. Yet here we are because you are more man than he will ever be." Gwen reminded him.
He paused for a moment and his breath hitched in his throat. Without any warning, he closed the distance and wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in her shoulder. Taken aback by the sudden hug, but still enjoying the embrace, she placed her arms around his waist and hugged him back.
"So... What's the plan?" He asked, stepping back to look her in the face.
"Hmm... Perhaps we should pay a visit to Oscorp, find out if anything was stolen and maybe even try to sneak down to the bottom floor. Then we can reevaluate what we're dealing with." She suggested.
"At this point, I think that's our best option." He agreed.
Both agreeing on what was the right move, they quickly threw on some fresh clothes and headed out of the house. It didn't take them long to reach Oscorp and the damage that they had seen on the TV was nothing in comparison to how it actually looked in person. It was much, much worse. All of the workers were scrambled everywhere, piecing together all the important files and paperwork. Scientists and their assistants were trying to salvage what they could of all the tests and experiments. Then there were some people just screaming in blind panic.
"What has he done?..." Peter questioned under his breath, mind blown by the amount of damage that had been caused by one person.
"It's awful, isn't it?... Now, we need to find a way to sneak past any workers so that we can get to the infamous bottom floor." She informed him.
Thinking over her words, he looked around the area in the hopes that something would give him an idea. He thought about creating a distraction, but quickly realized that it was a bad idea since most of the people seemed to be too busy cleaning up Harry's mess. Taking Gwen's hand, he slowly made his way to the front doors and waited for the two police officers to go off on their patrol around the perimeter of the building, using the opportunity to race into the building unnoticed. Continuing past the reception, they made it safely to the elevator and rushed inside just as the doors closed.
"Which floor is it?" Peter questioned, his hands skimming over all the different buttons.
"I don't know. I never even knew that it existed when I was an assistant here, surely it has to be the one that says ground floor, right?" She answered.
"Let's give it a shot." He agreed, jabbing the button with his finger.
The elevator began to move only a second after they had selected the floor and took no more than half a minute to reach the ground floor, where the doors opened to reveal a part of the building that neither Peter nor Gwen had seen before.
Stepping out into it felt unreal, like something that would usually happen in a thriller movie and Peter couldn't deny the uneasy feeling it had jolted awake within him. As they ventured further and the elevator disappeared back up to the first floor, the room became dark. Letting go of Peter's hand, Gwen felt her way around as she tried to locate a light switch. Being unable to see, she continued forward unaware of what was in front of her and before she could stop herself she fell over some sort of table, landing on the hard floor with a crash of metal and glass.
"Gwen!" Peter exclaimed in alarm, squinting to try and locate her in the dark.
Remaining on the floor, she froze in place as she felt someone brush her hair out of her face.
"Peter? Was that you?" She questioned, terrified beyond belief.
"Huh? No, I can't even find you." He answered.
Feeling her heart sink, she lifted her hand up to where she'd felt the movement of her hair and swallowed hard to suppress a scream. Whatever had touched her felt sticky and slimy, like some kind of tarr. Suddenly, she felt a hot breath on her cheek and then, as if it was right next to her, she heard the thing growl.
"Peter!" She screamed his name frantically.
"It's okay, Gwen, you're alright. Let me just find a light switch." He reassured her.
"Hurry, please!" She pleaded.
As he searched through the darkness for a light switch, she could feel the sticky substance creeping over her body and making her skin crawl. She worked hard to keep her breathing steady, though the more she felt it pawing her, the harder it was to remain still and silent. Stumbling his way across the room, Peter found himself against the wall and trailed his hands across it. Finally, his fingers touched upon a switch and he flicked it, illuminating the room with a yellowish glow.
He turned around and located Gwen on the floor amongst a metal testing table and sea of broken glass from all the shattered test tubes. But no one was next to her.
"Uh... Gwen..." He began.
"Yeah?" She questioned.
"Open your eyes." He told her.
Following his instructions, she was confused as she found that nothing was pawing her anymore. Whatever it was, must have fled as the lights turned on. Despite the relief, she was shaken at the thought of what that thing must have been. Peter rushed to her side and bent down, slipping his arms under hers, he pulled her onto her feet and brushed her off.
"Are you okay?" Are you hurt?" He worried aloud.
"Yeah, I think so and no, I don't feel anything." She answered.
"But you... You're shaking." He said, not convinced.
"Peter, I'm okay... Just a little shaken up, that's all." She assured him.
Before they had the chance to take in the sight of the room, Peter's phone rang. Reaching into his pocket and pulling it out, his eyes widened as he saw that there was no caller ID. Swiping across the screen to answer, he waited for the person on the other end to speak.
"Hello, Peter." The voice on the other line greeted.
A shiver ran up his spine as he tried hard to put a face to the voice. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't be sure due to the distortion.
"Who is this? And how do you know my name?" He questioned.
"Awh, come on... It's me, Harry." The voice informed him.
Sucking in a huge breath of air, Peter quickly pulled himself together. "What do you want?" He quizzed, anxious to hear what the kid was up to now.
"Did you enjoy my little display over at Oscorp?" Harry asked with an unhinged chuckle.
"Display! What are you talking about?" He asked in alarm.
"Yeah, I probably should have told you beforehand; oops, my bad. Oh well, no time like the present. You see, I launched that attack as a distraction so that I could sneak into your house." Harry informed him.
"You did what?!" Peter half yelled.
"Broke into your house, and now I have your aunt May... She says hi by the way." Harry told him, his tone full of menace.
Silently seething, Peter squeezed his phone and crushed it with his bare hands before throwing it across the floor. This did nothing to calm his anger and his fist came flying into the wall. Horrified by his actions, Gwen reached out and grabbed him by the arms.
"Peter, stop it! You're scaring me!" She cried.
"I- I'm sorry, Gwen." He whispered.
"It's okay." She said, rubbing his arms with her hands.
"Did you hear that? He has my aunt!" He panicked.
"Uh... Yeah, I heard but... Something doesn't feel right about this. Why would he go through all this trouble just to kidnap May, when he could easily just go after you?" She questioned.
"I don't know, but I'm not taking any chances." He stated and headed back towards the elevator.
"Wait! This feels like a trap... If May really was in danger your senses would be tingling." She pointed out.
"Usually, but I guess not this time." He responded, pushing the button for the elevator to come down.
Grabbing hold of his sleeve, she stopped him from entering as the doors opened and pulled him back to her.
"Please, listen to me. I have a bad feeling about this... If you go now, then one of us is going to need to be able to take care of the real trouble, so I'm staying here to work out whatever the heck Sinister Six is." She informed him.
"What? Really? Stop being stupid, Gwen! My aunt's life could be on the line here. Staying here is selfish!" He scolded.
Shocked and hurt by his words, her hands slipped off of his arms and fell back by her side. Her face fell from a neutral expression to one of disappointment.
"Did you really just call me stupid and selfish?" She asked, choking out the words in disbelief.
"Whatever." He dismissed, not wanting to push her further.
With no one holding him back, he entered the elevator and pushed the button. Seconds later the doors closed and it began to move, leaving Gwen alone in the room with project Sinister Six. Disheartened by the way he had left her, she turned her attention to the investigation that they had initially come down there for and used it to push his hurtful words to the back of her mind.
But no matter how many things piqued her interest down on the bottom floor, she couldn't shake the feeling that something awful was about to happen. Weighing up her options, she decided to put aside how upset with Peter she was and follow him back to the house. Pressing the button for the elevator, she impatiently waited for it to reach the floor and let out a sigh when it finally did. She watched as the doors open and then went to step inside, but lifting her gaze from the floor she backed away as Harry stepped out into the room.
"Going somewhere?" He taunted with a smirk.
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