This is it
Brie pov
Saturday at the teen choice awards was hell but great mix together. Hell because Bryan kept holding me and whispering in my ear and great because I got to meet amazing performers, and see my fans. Bryan said he didn't had the papers on him so he will give it to me Monday after I return for today camping trip with AJ and Paige and her family.
I got dress in plaid shirt and a short pants while AJ wore the black to my blue outfit, we look really cute. No, it wasn't Plan but it happened and I like it. "So where are you?" I ask Paige over the phone at the entrance of the woods, while holding AJ's hand. "Rahaahah!" Paige scared both me and AJ as we screamed. "Ha! You should have seen your faces." She point to us laughing as I felt AJ's irritation, I found it funny though so I laughed along with Paige. We once were great friends and everyone deserves a second chance.
Paige pov
Dumb, these two don't know what is coming there way but I'm going to have oh so much fun. "So AJ, I saw that you are going to be in the WWE movie.......well they ask you." I tried to lower their guards a bit. The small woman with the long black hair look at me a gave me a small smile "yeah, but I don't want to do it. All I want to do is wrestle." AJ shrugged. Why is she so set on just wrestling? Why don't she not want to take the divas division further? It is all for the company that supply her. "Oh, always so passionate about wrestling, I love that." I lied sounding super convincing as AJ smiled at me, brushing her hair off her face. "So, Paige what are you up to?" Brie ask and innocent question admiring the surrounding, always one for nature but not anymore she will be. "Just working to be the only diva who held a title more than ten times." It was true and I know both girl are pissed about that fact to bad bitches, this plan will only push me further into that goal. "Well....dream big." At least Brie tried to be nice unlike her bitch of a girlfriend who laughed and said "don't get burn my the stars hun. Think again" that fucking bitch! No problem, keep your cool Paige, keep it. "Well, I think I will since I don't get bit by love with everyone I see." Top that AJ ha! She glares at me as Brie whistled trying to make herself not apart of this. "Funny." AJ mood was all of a sudden light and fun and what the crack is she on? I gave weird glances "isn't friends great to have! Where you can diss each other but with love" she hugged me an I don't know what is happening but I want be a pawn In her chest game. "See, aww we are friends yay! I'm happy." I clapped and Brie just snap a picture of a bird from her phone.
After about an hour walk "where is your family?" Brie asked and I turn to them as they stop walking, I smirked. "Not here but someone else is." With that Emma hit AJ with a thick piece of wood knocking her out as Brie stood their shocked, I then kicked Brie in the head making her just as knock out as her lover. "Good, I hated you two! Good job Emma." I pulled the blonde into a kiss as we laugh in a wicked way.
A next hour pass an both wake up. "Aw, the sleepy beauty, Brie woke up and so did the troll AJ." I said in a fruity voice. Both girls glared at me, neither being able to move since we strip them and tied the to trees. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?!" AJ asked looking down at herself and gasp noticing her nakedness and she did the same when she saw Brie. "Nothing..... What is wrong with you?" Why would anything be wrong with me? What is wrong with her for thinking something is wrong with me? "You tied us to tree and strip us!!! Something is wrong with you." She angered me so I slap her across her face as she send me a dirty glare. Brie began to beat up trying to get free, stupid but hot. "Oh Brie crumpet you can't get out of that but I can fuck you." I crawled over to her "don't you dare touch my girlfriend!!" AJ screamed as I signaled Emma to slap her which she did, "watch me."
Brie pov
I felt tears start to whelp up in my eyes as Paige run her finger over my bare nipples, rubbing it. "Stop p-p-please." I began to beg for her to stop what. She is doing but that only made her laugh. "Your hard nips are saying otherwise." There is nothing I can do but cry. "Don't worry at least I'm pleasuring you before I kill you." Paige said in a evil but sweet tone laughing as she ran her finger up my inner thighs and it feels good but wrong, I want AJ. I looked over at AJ and saw her trying to break free but no luck. "You know that you two give Nikki no credit?" She asked kissing my neck as her hand was still in between my thigh. "What are you talking about?! She has been nothing but a bitch to me and AJ?" Be strong Brie, I told myself while I asked. Paige laughs and place her hand a little higher up my thigh closer to my v-jay, I shivers and prayed she don't go through with this. "You don't know, do you?" She shock me by moving her hand and stepping back away from me. "Know that she hates me and her own twin because she is with me and she disown us and don't care for us?" AJ basically summed it up.
Paige shook her hand as Emma stood next to her doing the same like a clone of Paige "oh, this is why I'm not nice." She said to Emma as Emma nod agreeing with the wicked witch. "No, first she stop my plan to beat you, Brie. And before you say anything listen to the next part. So I was going after AJ, I put nuts in her brownie knowing she is super allergic to them. That was Nikki somehow found out and pass and knock it out of AJ's hand. You never even know that." I'm Fricking shock! Why would Nicole do that! I thought she hates AJ. "She loves you and you can't even give her time of day. Mhm." I felt bad because what said Paige was true.
AJ pov
I can't believe Nikki would do that? How did I not know? Omg, and I told Brie to forget about her! Gosh I hate myself now. Paige then walked over to me and started to make out with me, I tried to stop her but I couldn't. She then got on her knees and start licking up my inner thighs as I look over at Brie who was screaming at her but Emma put a sock in her mouth, so she then went on to closing her eyes, I don't blame her. Paige was now eating me out and I much as I hate to admit it she was good, I tried to stop myself from moaning by biting on my lip so hard it draw blood. But it I couldn't help it, it just escaped. "That is a girl" Paige said as she gave me one last lick before walking over to Brie and kissing her just to make her know what she did. "Your girl taste great but you even Better." Her accent thick as she spoke to Brie who was a crying mess.
I prayed in my head over and over again to be safe that this is the last of it. I got scared scared shitless when I saw Paige pick up a thick branch with little spikes and dirt on it "say hello to your Dildo." This girl is crazy I'm dead. I had no choice but cry along with Brie.
Nikki pov
So strange a female rapist this time, huh? All these weeks we have been doing this all we get is men, but a woman should be new. "Female, strange?" I said as Eva, Lana, Seth and I all walk up into some woods, Brie will like it here, all I see is grass. I heard crying and they sound sort of familiar, "guys did you heard that?" I whisper as they nod and we all dock to hide stalking a bit closer. I saw the back of two naked girls and some clothed girl on the phone with her back facing us, she must be the rapist. "Okay, Nikki and Eva you are up." Lana instructed as Eva and I nod., we work together the most. "Seth and I will soon be there so no worries." Lana went on to say as we nod again as Eva and I step out from where we were walking over to girl, "stop!" I shout out fixing my mask on my face. The rapist turn around and long and behold it was Paige. She didn't look frighten though she had a teasing smirk on her face as she licked her lips. I looked at Eva who was looking at me shock. "Who the hell are you batman and Robin?" She asked laughing as Emma soon appeared and laugh along with her. I tore my gaze off her and what I saw pissed me off to a point of no extent. My twin sister and AJ naked tied up to tree as they had bruises all over their body. "Oh no you didn't!" I shouted and rushed at Paige but she kicked me before I could harm her. Eva was about to rush at her as I held my mouth where she kicked me. Eva was stop short when Paige pulled out a gunning making everyone gasp as Brie and AJ cried louder, I thought AJ was tougher than that? Guess I was wrong. "Oh, the two unknown superheroes are about to die say good bye to your life." Paige laughed as she make sure to let us know the gun was loaded. I don't have a gun or nothing like that. "No stop! Please stop!" It broke my heart to hear Brie cried like that but that is what she get for trusting the wrong people. "Shut up Brie!" She screamed at my sister as my Brie howled.
"Think about what you are doing" Eva tried to lured her to stop, I don't even think Paige know it is us. I look back making it seem as if I'm looking at Eva when I'm really looking out for Seth and Lana, where are they? "I know what I'm doing."
"Nikki and Eva give it up! Paige knows it you too." Lana appeared and stood next to Paige smiling as they hug, what the hell? I took off my mask along with Eva as Brie and AJ gasp, I'm not going to look at them and their nudity. "I team up with Paige when I realize the type of selfish bitch you are, I never really liked any of you. Silly Americans." She and Paige laughed, what? How? "Don't forget me too Lana." Seth push pass me knocking my shoulder. "I followed Lana and Paige, over hear their plan and since I hated both Bellas from the start I figured why not, kill you both." Seth said as the trio laughed I hate them! "Why me?" Eva voice was soft and scared, I looked over at her and saw she was trembling. "Because you mean, you must be with your best friend Nikki and you are super annoying." Seth laughed along with his friends as the four of them stand notorious.
"See, when you went to that motel that night, I payed those guys to interfere with you, then I appeared and look like the hero. I know you were gullible enough to believe me and start the group. Seth was just as innocent as you.....well I think he was until he came up with this plan. I allowed Eva to join because I know it was the only way to have you fully committed to us. Plus I would have killed Eva sooner or later." Lana shrugged as I gasp at the dirty bitch. "How did you think I knew about all those things Paige plan? It was all part of the plan. I knew without this stopping rapist shit you would have never came her where we planned to kill you all. I know we are geniuses. " They gloated as I realize how stupid I was. "But on the bright side, sex was great, Ambrose was good in bed to." Seth added as my stomach churned an Brie let out a gasp. This is it.
( here is your update hope you like it. The part will be up some time soon. I'm trying to be professional but eh, anyway tell me what you think,)
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