Brie pov
My mind is in a gaze right now, Nikki is some sort of hero, I'm still naked along side AJ, I'm going to get kill, Lana and Seth turn or were just pretending to like Nikki and Eva, Seth and Dean apparently had sex (I was shock to hear that), Nikki actually save AJ even though she don't like her and I'm crying because of my stupidity this could have all been avoided. I should have listen to AJ and just say no but I had to be nice!
"Time is up bitches. Emma untie AJ and Brie's hand from off the tree but leave there feet tied just in case they try something stupid." Lana demanded the dumb blonde who listen to all of them like some lost dog, following someone with food in their hands. Emma untied me first then AJ. I feel to the ground as my feet was tied and for some reason I couldn't stand. "Okay, good now take the barb wire and tie their hands behind they're back, and untie their feet. " Paige demanded this time as I cried, the barb wire is painful and I can't move my wrist in at all or I get some new cut, "I'm sorry AJ, for not listening to you." I told my lover who was in just as much tears as and was screaming out when the barb wire was being put on her. "It is fine, you didn't knew it was just your big heart talking. I still love you" she said and I smiled at her, I really do love her so much and I know she loves me "love you too, so much. Love you the most" I said and the wide smile on her face made me forget about the pain I was in for some seconds.
"Eva, if you I die thanks for being my sister.......well.......sister and friends, since some things which we did wasn't so sisterly but you love me." Nikki said and I got annoyed, she can't be that pathetic! She already has a sister, twin sister at that! "You know I love you so much" Eva replied as they were being tied by Lana and Paige. "The love fest is done, time to die!" With on hard yank we were all being push by some one to a location further into the woods where it is damp and creepy with a lake. Yeah, we are going to die "who first?" Paige ask pulling out a knife from her back pocket. "Hmmm, AJ let us leave the best for last." Seth said as Lana now had the gun which Paige had earlier, pointing it to AJ's forehead. I began to cry and try to break my hands free but I only cut myself more, Paige was holding me in place as the four twisted people laugh. "Say goodbye AJ" Lana said in a soft devious tone. When she about to fire the shot Nikki somehow kicked her behind her head making the gun drop along with Lana. Paige forgot about me and rush over to Nikki and began kicking her in her stomach as Lana was still knock out cold, Eva was there though and deliver kicked to Paige in both shins having the British, raven hair girl fall to the ground. Emma came to the rescue of her friends and kick Eva in her face making Eva fell to the ground as she curled up blood coming from her nose and hands. AJ decided to get in on the action and kick Seth in his balls like three times having him fall to the ground in pain.
Lana, Paige, Emma and Seth regain their power and now all of us well, Nikki, Eva, myself and AJ are the floor as the four criminals stand tall. Seth now had the gun in his hand pointing to us. "Game over" he said and laugh darkly along with his three minions as he point the gun to AJ who was crying and I couldn't reach so I close my eyes. I heard a shot ring off and a gasp as I slowly open my eyes and turn towards AJ who was still alive and not shot, I was confuse so I turn to Seth and saw Paige was on the ground, trying to nurse her gunshot wound to the belly area but a lot of blood is coming out. why would he shot his own team mate?
"YOU TRAITOR!!" Lana screamed at him as he shot in her in the arm, eyes cold as hell. He didn't have to even fire a shot at Emma because she was already a crying mess so he held the gun out to her as he untie a shock Nikki. "Why would you do that?" She ask looking at him, surprise but skeptical. He sighed "it was all part of a plan, I wouldn't let anything happen to you Nicole, I love you way to much." Seth said smiling at her as she hug him. Little did they know Lana had a next gun in her hand and was aiming it me, once more I shut my eyes and I heard a gun shot ring off and Nikki shouting something I'm to terrified to even make out, goodbye world.
I felt nothing, absolutely nothing but I knew she fired a shot at me so why didn't I feel nothing? Is it because I'm dead now. "Am I dead?" I ask eyes close not wanting to know the truth. "No, Nikki took the shot for you" AJ told me and my eyes widen immediately as I saw my sister on the floor holding her arm in my pain. "Nicole!! No why would you do that!?" I screamed and scampered over to her as the barb wire cut into my skin. A next shot went off and Lana was dead as Seth look at his work. This is all to much, "Seth untie them." Nikki said to Seth who nod and quickly came over to me and untie me, then Eva who untie AJ.
We stood and look at Nikki who was rolling in pain, mud and blood. " Seth take my coat off and give it to Brie, I can't stand her nudity and give yours to AJ. Seth sat up my sister and took off her coat which was reaching her mid thigh, leaving her in black leather pants and her bra. The Seth gave it to me as I put it on and zip it up as he gave AJ his which reach the short lady under her knees.
Nikki was now to her feet as Paige snuck up behind her to stab her but I pull Nikki out of the way and kicked Paige in the gut taking the knife as I stab Paige in her heart as she fell to the ground eyes widen, mouth wide open blood coming from it, AJ finish off the job an kick her in the head. Paige is dead. I took her life, oh no what did I become? I couldn't care about right now though I hugged my sister tightly, missing our gross hugs.
That got stop short when Emma some how got balls and pick the gun Lana had to shot us all while she laughed like a maniac, Nikki took the gun from Seth's hand as she fired a shot to Emma stomach area and hand the gun over to Eva who took the final shot to kill Emma with a shot to the head. This is all surreal! "Guys! Get their body in the water! Under the water has huge rocks so pull them in deep enough find a rock and put two on each body to keep them from floating up." Seth ordered, wow they really did plan to kill us, thanks to Seth for saving us though but now isn't the time. Eva and I dragged Paige's body into the water which reached us to our bust line. Under the water is dark so we won't be able to see a thing. "Seth it is to dark we can't see nor feel a thing!" Eva complained as I nod. Seth look around for a resource which he found. " One of you come with me as the next stay in there with the body so we won't lose the spot" Seth ordered as Eva told me to go with Seth which I did.
"Thank you" I told him as we lifted a heavy rock. "Yeah no problem" he replied as we carry the rock back to Eva, the rock wasn't that hard to carry since we are wrestlers and we do lift weights almost everyday. He dump the rock on Paige lifeless body as we went for a next and do the same. We then help Nikki and AJ who are working surprisingly well together.
And hour later and we were done heading back to Nikki's car. I stop mid way as I look at Eva who was helping Nikki with her wound. "I got it!" I say as they turn to look at me confuse. "Got what?" Eva asked as she put pressure on Nikki's arm. "I remember the deal!" I said but that didn't help there confusion which all of them were looking at me with. I sighed and walk closer to Nikki, who look at me confuse "the promise we made when we were seven. To always be each other number one girls beside mom. I'm sorry I forgot it Nicole." She send me a sad smile. "It is okay you never use to live by it really, since we were younger, I should have gotten over it a long time ago. I was so mad with AJ because she isn't a best friend, she is your lover and I know in my heart your new number one girl, it is fine though." She said to me and send me a half smile as we she began to walk arm in arm with Eva, who I'm jealous of. I feel bad I never really did live by the promise. "Plus it was dumb, you could've make a girl child and she would have been number one. So no big problem." Nikki said to me still walking and not even looking at me as she smile at Eva. "wait Nicole." She stop and face me with an eyebrow raised. "You may not be my number one, but you are the next half of me and I'm not saying that because we are twins, I'm saying that because I mean it, I need you Nicole, I can't survive with just one half of myself now can I?" I said holding out my arms to her as she melted and ran into them hugging me. "Sure, I may not be there all the time because sometimes we put ourselves last but that doesn't mean anything." I whisper to her as we smile and she winced in pain. "Let us go to the hospital." Seth said as we picked up our pace and entered Nikki's car which he had the keys to and drove off. "By the way the story is you were attack by some gang members who tied you up and beat you. Got it?" He asked as we all nod. My new crazy life is going to begin. I sighed and kissed AJ who kiss me back but she was shaken.
(A/n I told you guys the story was going to take a crazy turn, but at least Nikki and Brie are on the same team. tell me your thoughts on this chapter. And yes I love Lana and I like Paige so don't think I hat any of the people I kill.)
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