Aj pov
I was standing backstage with Brie as we lean back on a crate. Tonight our opponents were each other and we are down for that. WWE universe don't know that Brie and I are a thing so. "How is my gear?" She asked as she looked down at her red two piece attire. "Great, as always." I honestly told her and she smiled brightly at me! I love her so much! "Thanks pumpkin." She replied in my voice as we got the word our match is next. We began to walk to the gorilla side by side.
Randy waved us as he came backstage since his match had just finish against Harper which he won obviously. Randy and Dean are still broken up and still don't speak no matter how hard we has tried to make them. Both are super stubborn but more so Orton.
I kissed Brie on the cheek as I began to skip out to the ring. The crowd chanted "Cm Punk" as usual but I don't care for it. I sat on the ropes playing with my ponytail watching around with a bored expression. Brie's theme song then hit and she walked down the ramp by herself without Nikki since Nikki is out for the week with an injury. Brie flipped over the ring as I got up from the ropes and look at her, trying my best to stay in character.
The bell ring and we locked up with a head lock before we both break it an look at each other 'angrily'. I then went for the clothesline but she docked out the way so I had to kick her between her knee sending her to the ground. I skipped around happily as I laugh. I was about to pick her up but she threw a punch to me an I fell. She crawled on to me giving me several head knocks. "You look so hot." She told me softly so the camera won't pick up on what she said. "So do you doll." I flipped us over and throw punches at her before I stopped and looked at her lovingly. I couldn't do this, she looks to pretty to fight, even if it is scripted.
"What are you doing?" Her face to the side covered by hair so no one sees her mouth moving,
"Going to start a scandal. It can possibly get us fired." I honestly told
She snapped her head back to me and the crowd went silent trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Even the commentators are trying to figure out what exactly happened. Her eyes scanned my face looking for any form of humor or bruises on my face.
She flipped us over and throw some punches which I sold really well. The crowd and commentators started back using their voices. She got me up and held me in a chock lock from behind. "Are you being serious?" She asked as I switch positions holding her neck an one arm back. "Very, let's live crazy-" she broke free. I look at her before pushing her into the side buckle. "We accomplished so much here already. Let's do this show a favor." I told kicking as she slipped down on the grounds watching up at me. Her lips then twitch into a smirk and I knew she was down for it. "Let's do this."
I pulled her out of the corner and clothesline her to the mat as I got on top of her and leaned down and planted a big kiss on her lips as I heard the crowd gasp. I crawled on top of her and shove my tongue into her mouth as she sucked on it as I moan a bit into it. She then turn her head to the side as I began kissing and sucking on her neck before I found her sweet spot an suck it. "You always find my spot so quickly," she told me holding onto the back of my shoulders. I look seeing the crowd in amazement and shock.
I felt her hand tugging at the hem of my already short top and I pulled away from her and remove the top receiving cheers and claps. She bit her lips, reaching her hand up to cup my boobs as I threw my head back in pleasure. "Fuck Brie!" I said loudly looking down at my lover. She is sporting a devious look before she flipped us over, removing her top leaving her in her push up bra. "Are we going to get naked on TV?" She asked as she leave trails of kisses up my neck. "Why not?" I replied an arch my back up watching as she undid my bra but not take it off. I pulled her pants down and she kicked them off, reconnecting our mouths in a very heated and moans fill kiss. I took off my own pants not waiting for her because I'm way too wet an excited.
"Let's use the ring to our advantage," she says pulling me up
"69 on the turn buckle "
I bit my lip and remove my bra throwing it into the crowd. Surprising how officials or anyone isn't out here trying to tear us apart. I push brie into a corner of the ring I decided to give the crowd a bit more excitement. I bend over on Brie's crotch and began to grind up on down on her, her finger nails digging into my hips as we both went down then up. "Fuck! AJ I need you right now." She pleaded as we remove our own panties and I swear I never heard a louder crowd! I flipped up onto the third rope hanging upside down before Brie. She nodded then we went right to 69. Removing loud chants. I swear I can people pleasuring themselves off us.
After Brie and I finish had sex on national TV, right in front of an arena filled with over 18k people. We put back on our ring gear and headed back stage leaving everyone stunned and some members of the audience sad. I flick my hair from eyes watching over at my doll smiling. Her whole neck is hickeys and so is mine.
"What the hell was that out there!?"
""Are you guys crazy!?!"
"Your going to get fired!"
"I know you weren't given permission to do that!"
"You two need mental help!"
"Even though that was insane it was also insanely hot!"
"What were you both thinking?"
We never heard the end of those questions and remarks since we got backstage but we ignored it all. The official out there in our match is still in shock and it only made Brie and I laughed. All the creative members, stage managers, mangers and what not meant shit to us. I'm pretty sure we would do it again and I'm sure that was the highest rating WWE has ever gotten.
"April, Brianna to my office! NOW!" Stephanie called out to us looking like she was about to explode from anger, maybe Hunter should fuck her more. Brie and I skipped -literally skipped into their office. Watching Stephanie slam the door behind us. Everyone single member of power was in this room. "Ugh, all theses people for no reason." Brie commented and I softly kissed her getting torn apart my Hunter's shout for us to stop.
Vince was going to speak but she stopped him. "I can tell you guys are debating this. If you know what is best for business you would be debating this. I know you are studying if to fire or fine us. And you should be. But in the other hand more views, loudest crowd, I'm a million percent sure everyone is talking about it all over social media so more exposure to you. In all, all those things equal more money." Brie so wisely said and I smiled at my baby girl. She is everything I ever need and more. "And Vince we know how WWE needs the money right now and how much you love money Vince. So call us when you guys decided." I finish the statement as we left before all of them before they could even blink. We rush through everyone and got into our car and drive the hell off.
(A/n are they fired or not? Would you fire them? AJ I MISS YOU DOLL.)
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