Reveling Everything
Aj pov
It has been two months since I was suspended from the WWE for wrecking a production trailer. Yes, I wreck a trailer but I was pissed and angry. Plus I didn't do all that much damage to it. Just some scratches............and dents.
I sighed and pulled my luggage inside, feeling kind of bad nobody rushed up to me and hugged me like they did when a Bella or any other diva for the matter comes back. I guess I could be bitchy, but I rather be right and bitchy with no friends than a plastic manikin.
I saw Dolph and he was the first and only person to hug me tightly but left right after for his match.
I entered the divas locker room and everyone went silent and the energy was pure awkward.
"Uh AJ you are back. Good for you" Paige said trying to be nice and welcome me somehow but it only made thing worse. She realized and bit her lip turning away.
I hate Paige, at first in NXT I loved her and wanted to feud with her which we did but after I saw her fucking the shit of Brie that soon changed to hate. Just like how I hate Ambrose for standing jerking off himself watching them. The idiot didn't even know I was there, but he is not the main problem, Brie is.
Thinking about Brie where is she? Her bitchy twin is here.
"Oh okay, uh AJ welcome back. Sorry about the weird energy" Rosa decided to be mature and speak up as I send her a small thankful smile "thanks Rosa."
"Stop being fake you all know you were loving it without her." Nikki decided to be honest and I like that she did, she may have fake boobs but she keeps it real "Nikki is right" Foxy said wrapped in her towel.
"Oh hey, Nikki I've been looking for you for ages. Seth wants to ask you something." Brie rushed in telling her sister not noticing me until Nicole point to me.
She turned and saw me there, her mouth fell in to an 'o' shape and her eyes that use to sparkle so much were dull and she held an almost sorry look, almost.
"Um what is with the staring competition?" Cameron asked and it broke us out of our gaze to look at the woman so was giving us questioning action. "Uh, it is nothing. Nikki let us go." Nikki gave her twin a weird look but Brie just pulled her out of there.
I saw Paige looking unsure with her eyes squinted. Can't believe that bitch fucked my Brie. Wait no Brie, come on self we went over this, she isn't yours....anymore. We don't even speak again. I walked out and greeted Phil who came with me to try and be a better husband.
Brie pov
I can't believe AJ is back. The night after Royal Rumble, Monday night Raw. I exhaled, things are going to be weird. Paige and I fool around often but with AJ being back will that stop? No, AJ and I aren't together, she can't tell me what to do.
I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and a beard on my shoulder. I forced a smile and turn to my husband. Things have gotten better between us since April left but I just don't love him like that anymore. "Hey babe" I kissed his lips needing some sort of human affection and he is giving me that. "Hey, Brie" he said in between our soon heated kiss. "Gross get a room." Nikki said as I turn to face my sister and Seth who both had disgusted looks on their faces. I laughed along with Bryan. "Whatever, hey we are on next let us go." With that she pulled me and I wave at the two guys.
We won our match against Summer and Cameron.
I bumped into AJ and my eyes widen, I open my mouth to say something but decided against it. "Bitch" AJ told me and I simply walked off feeling hurt.
I sat in one of the tv rooms alone feeling bummed out and tears falling from my eyes. That was when I hear the all to familar theme song that I have been dying to hear.
I hear voices in my head
They talk to me counsel me
They understand
They talk me
I jumped up and down with joy as I saw my best friend run down the ramp and hit Seth with an RKO making Dolph pick up the win. Dolph left and Randy grabbed a mic, smiling as he waited for the screaming crowd, who was chanting his name to silence down a bit so he could speak. It took like three minutes but when they did he smiled and said "I'm back and Seth you better not close your eyes." With that he dropped the mic and did his famous pose from the second ropes as everyone went crazy again. He jumped out the ring slowly backing up the ramp.
I ran out of the room at my quickest rate, pushing everyone and everything out of my way making people yell things at me but I can't hear them.
When I got to the gorilla Randy was turning to enter the back. We were off camera and I ran and jumped up on him, hugging him tightly as he laughed but hugged me back even tighter.
"I missed you so so so much. You have no idea." I told him and he smiled at me as I pulled back still on him. "Yes I do, I was seriously thinking about flying you out to meet me. But you and Nikki are the highest ranked divas right now I just couldn't. " He said and I squealed hugging him again.
I jumped off him pulling him with me to somewhere more private and quiet. I went back to the private tv room where I was before I ran to meet him. "How did the movie go?" I asked and he smiled looking at me. "I must say I looked smoking. No, seriously it is the best WWE movie ever and I'm not just saying that." He bragged but I couldn't help but smile at that. He is the same old him but he looks much more relaxed.
"Good, I know I would find you in here." Dean came in and our smiles instantly dropped as I stood in front of my bestie to protect him some how. "Dean just leave, he just came back. Don't bother him wait until tomorrow" I tried to get rid of Dean but it didn't work. "No, I have waited to long." Dean said and Orton and I groaned.
Bryan, Nikki and Paige came into the TV room watching us. Why are they here? It seems like Paige red my mind and decided to answer "well, Bryan and Nikki came to greet their good friend Orton - welcome back.-" the glampire motioned to Orton and he nod and smiled "I'm here because they needed directions and saw when you came in here. Plus I love that couch" Paige said and divided on the couch, sighing happily as she lay on it.
We all gave her weird looks "oh as if any of you are any better." She argued and we all shrugged it off. She did have a point.
"Randy answer my question. Who know what I'm talking about." Dean pushed for Randy to answer him. "He doesn't have to answer you." I said for Orton, not letting my best friend deal with all the stress of Ambrose. "What question?" Nikki asked confused. Dean looked as if he was going to tell her but we were all interrupted by AJ and Phil arguing as John Cena tried to part them.
"WELL I NEVER TOLD YOU TO COME!! NOW DID I???" AJ screamed at the Pepsi tattooed man. His eyes widen "Well that is what I get for trying to be a better husband?" Punk fired back at the petite woman who was now fuming red. "Guys help" John said to us as the arguing couple finally saw us. I know shit was about to go down and soon, there is nothing I can do about it.
"Oh no superman don't need help" Nikki bitterly threw words at John. What happened between them? Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing as we now looked at them. "Nicole don't be so bitter I dumped you, we both wanted different things." John replied to my twin's bitchy statement and I was shocked but at the same time pissed off with John. "After all that we went through and you making my sister and I stop speak, you just dump her now? After she changed so much for you???" I spat at John annoyed and God damn angry.
Nikki held me back from approaching John even more. "No worries Brie. What John doesn't know is that I was over him a long time ago. I was over him since I started to fuck Ambrose, who may I say is the best I ever had." Nikki finish proudly.
My jaw dropped to the floor. "WHAT?!??" We all yelled and John just walked off pissed and seemingly hurt as Nikki just fixed her strap with her head held high. "Ambrose what do you say we become a thing?" Nikki turned to Dean asking. I looked up and say a somewhat hurt Orton making me hate Dean.
Dean looked at Nikki then at Orton and took a deep breath "that depends. If you don't mind that I fucked Orton and I liked it so damn much that I just want to take him here, right now. Do you mind Nicole?" Dean finished proudly and my mouth went super wide.
"WHAT?!?!?!" Everyone but me, Dean and Randy asked. The three of us rolled our eyes and I turned to Dean upset. "I can't believe you fuck my twin and my best fucking friend?? What the fuck is wrong with you?? And Nikki I can't believe you cheated on john" I scolded them both, Nikki looked shrugged acting like a bitch, I was about to tell her about her attitude but Dean stop me before I could.
"Oh Brie don't act innocent and like some angel when you were fucking Paige in the car park." Dean smirked and my eyes widen. Oh he didn't. Everyone was in. To much of a shock state to even asked what.
"Brie is that true?" I turned to face Bryan who asked me the question, I saw hurt in his eyes and study if to tell him the truth. It is now or never, I sighed and nod. "Yea-" I was about to confess to him about Paige but Paige distracted interrupted me. "Brie I'm sorry, I never meant to put you in this situation." Paige pleaded and I hugged her tightly earning a puking sound from April. I rolled my eyes at her immaturity.
"Girls are so dirty and horny today." Dean stated and I got so angry with him I was about to cuss him it but got beaten to it.
My brain put two and two together quickly. "AJ you saw us??" I asked feeling sick to my stomach thinking all this time she didn't know. Those were the words I first told her since I saw her.
"Of course I did. I was coming back here to clear my mind and cool down so I can apologize to you but then when I looked in I saw you two fucking and Dean get his pleasure off it. Why did you think I had wrecked that trailer?? I was so fucking upset" AJ stated and my mouth opened but I couldn't find words to say and no one else but Phil seems to either. "Why would you get angry about seeing Paige fuck Brie????" Phil asked a smart question and everyone looked to AJ for her answer. I nod at her as a way to tell her to tell them the truth. She inhaled deeply. "Because Brie and I were sort of a thing before Daniel first came back to host Raw, where it ended I guess. That was day Paige fucked Brie and seeing the one you love getting fucked by someone else is enough to drive you up a wall." AJ stated and Phil and Bryan started to yell at us, Nikki yelled at me for being with someone like AJ, Dean stood there amused, Randy just rubbed my shoulder for support since he knew this already and Paige was looking shocked and hurt.
All that didn't matter at the moment, the only thing that mattered were AJ's words. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I silence all those who were speaking and walked towards AJ, she bite her lip a bit nervous,
"You love me?" I asked shocked, surprise, in awe but most of all happy. She sighed but nodded "yeah, so much all I can see is your face everywhere. But you and Bryan seems happy now, you got Paige when you want tits, I have no real purpose in your life again. You don't even love me bac-" I smiled and cut her off smashing my lips against her.
I tune out everyone but AJ she was the only one that really mattered to me, she was the one I'm I love with.
I pulled back from AJ and we stared into each other's eyes "I'm love you to AJ so much. I know you won't forgive me and I'm really, really, really, don't deserve to be forgiven but I'm just super sorry and I'm very-" it was her turn to cut me off with a passionate kiss. "I forgive you, we were new to everything. This is like our fresh start." AJ told me and I smiled.
I turned to Bryan and saw him angry, confused, doubtful, some what regretful with tears running down his eyes. "Brianna I'm sorry for everything. I can forgive you and change for you. Just please don't leave me." He said and hold onto me, hugging me. I pulled away and held onto his shoulders "listen Bryan, I'm really sorry, I truly am. But you deserve to find someone will be in love with you. I'm sorry I'm not her. And you should find someone who will do things pleasing to you, since it seemed like I never could." I ended it off with Bryan and he just looked at me and shook his head "you were stupid anyway." With that he walked out. I rubbed my face tired of it all, but it needed to be done.
I turn to Paige she just shook her head. To tell me not to even speak. She raised her middle finger at me "fuck you and fuck you" she told AJ and I as we laugh a bit while she left. "I'm with Paige. Save your words AJ. No wonder why I was never not good for you all along you wanted Brie." Phil started and I looked down not wanting to cause him more trouble. He inhaled and rubbed his face. "I'm sorry for not being the person you fell in love with. Maybe like you I'm in love with someone else to" Phil reasoned and AJ looked up at him smiling brightly and nodding "you are." she simply said and they hugged. Wish Bryan and I could have ended like that. "Congrats to you and Brie both of you made good choices." Phil smiled and walked out waving while we waved back.
I turn to look at my twin who seem so broken and hurt. "Nicole-" she stopped me with her finger. "First of all Randy welcome back. Secondly Dean fuck you. Third if Randy do forgive you don't break his heart. I forgive you Dean. Fourth, I can't believe my twin is a lesbo and couldn't tell me. And lastly I have no sister." With that Nikki left and I broke into tears.
The only time Nikki said we weren't sister was on tv which were instructed to do. When we came backstage she kissed me and told me she loved having me as a twin no matter how annoying I am.
Randy came and hugged me "give her time to think, Brie. Don't cry right now you have AJ and I still. Nikki will come around, could be tomorrow or even tonight or next week but she will. You two always do." Randy kissed my head and I smiled and hugged him "you are right. Thanks for being my best friend. " I said and wiped my tears away.
AJ came and wrapped her arms around me kissing my neck "love you." She told me and I kiss her "love you more."
"Randy look I know you are confuse and all but please give it a try. I'm scared shitless and I'm never scared. I'm scared of being gay and what people will say but I'm willing to do it for you. I can't get you out of my mind." Dean spoke sincerely and I took a deep breathe watching them. Randy was shaking his head. I know he likes Dean but is just as scared. "I don't trust you Dean. This is all a game and I'm not falling for it," Orton said and I watch Dean sink deeper into depression. As much as Dean could be a dick my friend deserves happiness. "No it is not a game. As creepy as Dean could be -I mean he jerked off to Paige and I having sex and watch the whole thing, but after all he is a guy. And this is beside the point.- he really does like you. He wouldn't stop bugging me about you while you were gone. So please take my word for it. If he does fuck up I'll take the blame. I know you're scared about liking the same sex but we will get through this together like we did everything. I mean hello I'm gay to." I said to my bestie as he smiled and his eyes brighten looking at me.
"So what do you say? Pleaseeeeeeeee-" Dean began to beg like a child and Orton cut him off by kissing him hard.
"Is it weird that I find this so hot?" I whispered in AJ's ears holding her hands. "Nope. Once you don't finger yourself for it." She joked and we laughed as the two guys stop kissing and looked at each other blushing . "Aww" AJ and I cooed as they kicked out. Rude.
This didn't turn out bad it actually turns out good, expect for the Nikki part but I'll make sure she comes around.
(A/n so crazy ass chapter. Ranmbrose is together somewhat. AJ and brie made back up. Their husbands know, so we will see what happens with that. Paige is pissed and Nikki claims to not have a sister and also her and John broke up. 😰😳 Who saw all this coming in this chapter? Anyway comment and tell me your thoughts, I love to read them. 😛😘❤️💕💖🎀)
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