Cool kids.
BRIE pov
So here it is survivor series and I was helping Nicole get ready for her title match.
Vince came rushing to us "umm.... Change of plans, you guys will get two minutes, Brie do something shocking, uh yeah that is it. Oh an Nikki congrats on the title." Vince winked at her as left just as fast as he came. I look at Nicole and we squealed. "So, what surprising thing are you going to do to make me win my title?" Nicole sasses me. I bite my lip and think as hard as I can to do something surprising but not harm any of them "don't know," I said nervously, when Nicole was going to tell me something hunter interrupt her "oh I'm busy so no questions Brie kiss AJ. Full stop, bye" hunter ordered and my jaw drop to the leave. Sure I was happy but to do that in public,what would Bryan say? I rubbed my face "I feel bad for, having to kiss that moth but hey it for not only mine but our careers. So man up" Nicole pissed me off so I left.
During the match I took the title put it on my shoulder and AJ came running to her baby. No doubt AJ got the message too. I pulled her in a planted one on her lips, I can tell she wants to kiss back but instead break free and backed away shock only to be rack attack by Nikki and lose her title.
I celebrated with my twin on air but left as soon as we were off air to my hotel room. I laid there for 15 minutes or so until I hear a pounding on the door. I groan but got up and opened it
To my surprise AJ was there with ice cream and cheesecake. "Cheat night?" She cutely asked cheering me up already. i moved aside and let her in closing the door as she do so.
I jump on the besides her falling in my tummy. "Why so sad?" She asked peeling the sealing off from the lid off the ice cream. I sighed and rolled on my back "just, felt bad for betraying you" I honestly admit. She laughed and I raised up and look at her shock "why are you laughing ?" She watch at me while I asked. "Simple, you didn't plan it. Hunter told me to lose the title and told you to kiss me. That was a great way to lose my title if you ask." AJ said as she ate some of the vanilla ice cream. "You are to epic" I told her as she fed me nodding "what can I say, I'm born with it" she self praised and I narrowed my face at her playfully opening our cheesecake eating it together watch avengers on Netflix.
"Love that movie!!!" AJ beamed as I turned off my laptop after the show finish. "Yes! It is the only comical thing I know" I said quite proud of myself until she growled "cool kids" she said and I scrunch my face up at her playfully "ok cool, since I'm cool kids let us do what they do. Strip down to underwear and then we can have our own little version of a sleep over." I said close to her ears as she shivered but nodded happily. We put away the food items and strip and began our short pillow fight an then on to other things we went.
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