Best friend
AJ's pov
I woke on top of Brie while she played with my hair. I smiled to myself because everything is so perfect right now I got the woman I wanted for a while now to be mine. Let us not talk or think about our husbands. I stayed still enjoying her hands in my hair like a puppy. She can't see my face nor can I see hers so it works. "AJ I know you are up." She stopped playing with my hair. I shoot up from off her sitting on the bed beside her shock. "How did you know?" I asked really amazed by the fact. She smiled at me before it turned into a small laugh "because you breathe like a gas truck when you are sleeping. Which I find so cute." She swooned and pinch my cheeks making me go red and hit her hand away softly. After all the years Phil and I been together for I never knew that. He never told me that. It warms my heart Brie paid so much attention to me, but it also makes me feel a bit insecure.
And why wouldn't i? The girl is like perfection on legs and a walking volcano. Not that I'm an insecure person because I'm not. I know I'm hot too, it is just that when a gorgeous person such as Brie observes you it makes you remember your flaws.
I don't know if my face gave away my thoughts but next thing I know Brie was sitting beside me arms wrapped around my shoulders as she kissed my cheeks. "You have nothing to be insecure about, you have literally no flaws. And if you do I sure as hell can't see them or look at them as beauty. Really I can't find anything wrong with you." She then place a kiss in my lips and smiled at me. You can tell she meant every word. And I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world. How could Bryan complain about her? "So are you Brianna. You literally is walking perfection. But did you look at me sneaking in as beauty?" I asked playfully while she unwrap her hands from around and whistle. "No I look at it as crazy an creepy. Like how did you even get that bag full of Sex toys in here?" Her voice was playful and her face was amused. I chuckled a bit at that "remember when you came out of the bathroom I was already here so yeah." I replied which she watch me for a second before we both burst out laughing. Never have this moment ended. I thought
Beep beep beep a noise came from Brie's laptop as she groan and rolled off the bed to get it bringing it back with her. She open it open and type her password in. I didn't look since I don't want to invade her privacy.
She squeal when she saw she was getting a video call from Orton I hop off the bed and threw her a robe which she put on quickly. I then stood away from the camera so he wouldn't see me. She gave me an apologetic look but i smile brightly it is fine really. I don't need everyone finding out about us especially a big name like Orton.
Brie pov
I return AJ's smile before accepting my best friend video call. "Ahhhhh rans-berry how are you? I missed so so so much!" I said honestly so happy to see him and he seemed to be happy. And that made me even more happy. "Is Bryan with you? Did you two just had sex and now wake up? Or who did you had sex and now wake up with?" He integrated me and I was token back. I wasn't surprise we know each other so well but it is how he just jump right at it. "Well hello to you to." I sarcastically replied and rolled my eyes at him on the computer screen. "Don't sass me young, Bella answer me." I heard AJ did a small chuckle as I turn to her and smile. When I look back at my screen Orton's eye was the only thing I saw as he tried to look and see who was there in the direction I was smiling at. "They are still there aren't they?"'he removed his blue eyes from his camera. "It could be Nicole." I sasses him knowing fully well he knows it isn't Nikki. "Oh please she would have already been in front of the camera or yelling things at me from behind it." He honestly replied as I twist my lips nodding.
I took a deep breathe an look at AJ who was staring at me making blush. "Rans I'm going to need you to keep my biggest secret yet. Could you?" The answer was obvious but I needed to make sure. I saw AJ's eyes widen as she shook her head. "Of course I can Brie." He sounded hurt but understanding. I bit my lip and nod I hate hiding things from him. I had already hide the whole shower thing with AJ from him an he deserves the truth. He never judge me just advice me. I inhaled a deep breathe "okay I did had sex and just wake up and yes the person is still here." I admitted chewing my lip as he was in a way shock at me. "Okay who is the person? I take from the way you are acting it isn't Bryan. It is someone I know tho." He accurately analyzed, he was always good at reading me. I nod and turn to AJ and tell her to come. I trust Orton with my life and these two will have to get along. AJ took scared and unsure steps before she finally made it in front of the camera and when Orton saw her he gasped. "AJ!!!! I never knew you both were lesbians!!!! When did this happen!? Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were better than that. Remember if you kill someone tell me so we could get rid of the body together?" He sounded really hurt coming down to the end and going over our pledge.
I felt really bad "I'm sorry I just don't know. It first happen the day when you told me you were leaving and I slam the locker room door in your face and then I went to shower and AJ appeared from no where we argue a bit before she followed me in the bathroom, I was shocked. Then she told me I'm weird for showering in my undies and I was like well I knew you wee up to something but I didn't know what. Then she asked me to shower with me since she was already there. I thought about and said ok not really caring. Then she asked for the soap and reach her hand out for it from behind me and I felt her bare boobs press to my back. When she came in the shower she had on bra an panties like I did. So I tried to ignore it turn around and give her the soap but I got distracted by her perfect boobs and couldn't stop staring at them. Then she was like 'not lesbo and if you was you still wouldn't be in to me' she mocked what I told her earlier while reaching for the soap in my hands. I like the feel of her hands so when she let go, I missed her hand on me. Then I realized i got disappointed when she hide her boobs with her hair. It freak me out why I was disappointed. AJ then soap my back while undoing my bra strap and the fully taking it off and throwing it by hers. Then telling it is how to shower naked and I couldn't help but kiss her and yh then after we got dress kiss and Nikki ruined our moment. By knocking the door." I told him everything from that day while AJ nod getting an insight to my brain. Orton Looked stunned and I smirked "And that is when you both began fucking?" He asked never having a filter for his mouth. AJ gasp from his rawness while I smiled. "No, she was afraid I was messing with her so she botch nattie and my match. Which only made it better according to Vince after Brie and I went to his office. Actually she meet me in there from following me. Then Vince give Brie the unpredictable gimmick like Ambrose but different." AJ took over from me as we took turns telling him EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING up to the moment he called it tooks hours. "You do know you didn't have to tell me about every detail of your sex right?" He asked while we laugh loudly at what he said. Poor thing seemed scared "yeah but that is what you get for wanting to know everything." AJ commented as he playfully growled at her. I notice they got along well now and I couldn't be happier. "it sound hot tho." He then said as I nod slowly at him "super." I added as we laughed more again.
"Oh I have a secret to tell you to, but tomorrow promise got to go shoot the film. bye Brie see you by the sea." He said our closing off thing. Dumb but necessary "bye Randy hope you get handy." We laughed and hung up. I look at AJ who seem amused but disturbed. "It is our thing." I told her and rest the laptop in the ground closing it before climbing on top of her kissing her.
(A/n I need to know if you guys want me to add a gay guys couple in this? I have an idea of who an who but need to know if you are cool with it. Oh and if you want you want a one shot write tell me about who and I'll make one. Oh and you guys keep amazing me and making me feel honored thank you soooooo much.)
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