Showdown Bandit X Chubby! Reader
Requested by : DayDream281
(A/N): writing on my computer again, so apologies for any wonky formatting that occurs!
You weren't like most puppets, the makers had crafted you a bit curvier than intended. You didn't mind, most days you liked your curves, other days you didn't.
"Howdy (Y/N), what cow did you eat today?"
Today was one of those "other days". You had seen this trope loads of times while sneaking a bit of TV time when the puppeteers went away. The one who has a different body than the others was always teased and made fun of. The reason was usually because they felt like it. Sighing, you turned to the oppressor. Penny Hemsworth. Now this would come to a shock to everyone in town, she was a sweet girl. At least that's what she fooled everyone into believing, everyone but you. She's the typical wouldn't hurt a fly type in public, but wouldn't hesitate to cut you behind closed doors. You rolled your eyes.
"Can't you find something better to do Penny? This is getting old."
"Not as old as that extra wood you're hiding under there."
Biting your lip, you turned and walked away from her. You were so done with her cow manure. You thought she would leave you alone, but luck wasn't on your side.
"Where ya going (Y/N)? Off to find another meal? Never seen ya run before, maybe it's some junk food. I got a store full of it if ya want haha, I'll even give ya a discount to help with your lifestyle."
You groaned internally, puppets don't even need to eat! Everyone just does it because they feel like it! And it's the same with sleeping.
"Penny, just leave me alone."
"Nah, this is more fun."
Sighing, You turned the corner and noticed a figure slide into the shadows, the purple and red shade of paint and fabric catching your eye. You thought it was odd and wanted to follow whatever it was. Hopefully it was a wild animal and you could feed it Penny. Picking up your dress, you picked up a bit of speed. Penny following close behind.
"Ooooo we exercisin' (Y/N)?"
Puppeteers above, she's just repeating herself at this point (A/N: Sorry I don't really like bullying and eating/exercise is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of being mean to someone who is considered chubby ;__;). You huffed and continued on your journey. You went in and out of alley ways, following the red fabric as if it was your mission. It was like it was calling to you. You dodged people and gave out a lot of excuse me's, Penny never failing to give you a insult in your ear along the way.
"Hey, might want to keep that extra wood to yourself."
You rolled your eyes again before fixing your bonnet and continuing on. Soon your little journey came to an end. You saw the red fabric- er bandana as you can now identify it, on the ground and picked it up.
"What ya got there?"
Does Penny really have to follow you all the way across town? Of course she does. You ignored her and started looking for the purple paint. The one who bears it could be near looking for their bandana. You finally spotted the paint again and rushed towards it before it disappeared and grabbed the arm before it could leave again.
"Woah! What's happenin'?"
You yelped at the voice and stumbled back, bumping Penny in the process.
"Watch it!"
You rubbed your back with your free hand and looked up at the stranger. He looked concerned and waved a hand in front of your face.
"Ya good partner?"
You nodded and blushed a bit before presenting the bandana.
"I think this is yours."
"My bandana! Thank ya kindly miss...?"
"(Y/N), and you?"
His mouth gaped.
"You don't know who I am?"
You shook your head and was about to say something in response when Penny butted in.
"Oh don't mind her, she lives under a rock, Showdown Bandit right? Penny Hemsworth, I run the general store across town. You should come by sometime and we could chat for a while..."
Penny's voice droned on and on as she continued to try and talk up Bandit, but all he wanted to do was talk to you. You waved goodbye to him, knowing that Penny probably wouldn't let him go and started walking. You sighed once you got far enough away and went to the public stables to volunteer some time you had. You liked to do this every once in a while. You approached the stables and waved to the current worker before settling yourself in the stable with your favorite horse, Orange (A/N: .w.).
"Hi Orange, you doing good today?"
Orange nodded and walked over to you before nuzzling your face with their muzzle. You giggled.
"Oh stop you."
Orange huffed and looked into your eyes. You smiled sadly.
"Can't hide anything from you can I?"
Orange shook their head and got in a sternal recumbency, or better known as when a horse's legs are curled under them, before resting their head on your lap. You grabbed a comb and started to work on untangling their mane.
"Penny was being a bully again,"
Orange let out a noise of disapproval before letting you continue.
"I then saw purple paint and a red fabric and decided to follow it, of course, Penny decided she had to follow me. Insulted me every step of the way. "
You continued combing and smiled.
"Then I saw the bandana on the floor and started looking for the owner. I found him frantically looking for it while hiding in an alleyway. I'll admit, he was cute. Of course when I wanted to find out more about him as I've never seen him before, Hemsworth came in and practically stole him like a doll, even though that's kinda what we are."
Orange let out a small neigh before standing up as they heard footsteps. Penny burst into the stable causing Orange to be startled and get on their hind legs. Penny glared at them, ignoring them while moving her focus onto you.
"You! All that Bandit wanted to talk about was you! I wanted to talk to him about me and only me! What could he possibly see in a fat girl like you?! I'm slim and have a lot more to offer than you ever will! So how could he possibly pick you over me?!"
You were on the verge of tears and Orange got in front of you a bit and did their best to intimidate Penny.
"I'll get you put down, horse!"
Orange's ears went down and they backed up, earning a smirk from Penny.
"Hey don't talk to them like that!"
You tried to stand up to Penny, but she pushed you back.
"Oh shut up already, soon I'll feed that Bandit so much false information about you that he'll never want to hang out with someone like you! Ever!"
A chuckle was heard, causing Penny to freeze.
"Ya know, you should really stop talking to (Y/N) like she's a mirror."
You stifled a laugh while Orange seemed to snicker. You wiped the tears from your eyes and watched the look of horror that came across Penny's face. She turned around and was face to face with the Showdown Bandit.
"B-Bandit! It's not what you think I-"
"Was here the whole time. I'm not as stupid as you make me out to be Penny."
Bandit's face had a shadow over it as Penny started to shake with fear.
"Leave. Now."
Penny nodded and rushed out of the stables, she didn't look back. Bandit let out a breath and smiled at you.
"Sorry, you had to see that."
You ran up to him and hugged him, causing him quite a surprise.
"Thank you, no one has ever stood up to me because they think I'm lying to ruin her reputation around town as the "good girl who does no wrong"."
Bandit hugged back.
"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one nor thing will hurt you."
"But, what about the way I look? Wouldn't you prefer a more...slimmer lady?"
"Ya kidding? That just gives me more of you to love."
Orange: ( '•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥' )
Word Count: 1291
(A/N): Two chapters in one day! I'm sorry that this is short compared to my other chapters, it's my first time writing under these circumstances ('∀`;). I hope I did at least decent and you all enjoyed that sick roast Bandit delivered ( •̀ω•́ ) Anyways, see ya'll tomorrow! bye bye!
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