They're Alive
The lights went out. It was quiet. I didn't even bother to go home to eat lunch or dinner. I'm too afraid of what Melody and Daniel would do to me after I lost their children. I was still in the corner. Somehow, I was still crying. By now, you'd think after crying for 3 hours you'd run out of tears.
"It's my fault that their gone!" I choked.
"My fault they died!" I cried out in agony.
"They where my responsibility" I shouted at myself.
"What's the point in going home if there is no one who will let you in!" I tightened my grip on my legs and clutched my fists. I heard movement, but I didn't bother to look up. Might as well die now rather than later.
"It's not y-our fault." A soft voice arose. Ok, now I know I'm not crazy. I shrunk back in the corner.
"Yes it is!" I sobbed. I felt something warm and soft touch my shoulder. The touch was gentle.
"Just kill me already! Like how Balora killed them! Just get it over with!" I shouted. I felt the soft thing jerk from my shoulder and something like a mechanical sigh.
"I w-will no-t!" The gentle tone raised to an offended one. I sniffled and slowly raised my head. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw Funtime Freddy sanding there. More tears escaped their hiding places as I shrunk into the corner.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He said. I gulped.
"Then W-what are you going to d-do?" I asked.
"Protect yo-o-u." He said as he sat down beside me. I was so shocked.
"Where's Bon-Bon?" I asked, noticing his puppet was missing.
"I don't know." He said as he hid his hand. His soft, surprisingly warm, fur against my freezing cold skin felt good. I Snffled and slowly, and very, very gently and carefully, leaned into his warmness.
"I see you have made her your friend without me, partner!" Another voice arose. Sounded like Funtime Foxy, sure enough, there he was.
"I wouldn't s-say friend yet-t. We still ha-ve to astabl-ish trust." Freddy said. Foxy nodded and sat down on the other side of me.
"What is your name, young lady?" Foxy asked.
"Y-Y/N...." I stuttered. For some reason, my heart rate wasn't as fast as you'd think it would be knowing how I have a fear of robots.
"That's a pretty name." Funtime Freddy said.
"Pretty cool! Better than Funtime Freddy." Foxy joked. Freddy snared. I whipped the tears from my eyes and continued hugging my legs.
"Ya know, Y/N, the death of those kids wasn't your fault, neither was it Balora's." Foxy said.
"THEN WHO KILLED THEM!?" I instinctively yelled. Foxy jerked back in surprise.
"William Afton. The man behind the slaughter." Freddy said. To be honest, did I doubt it?
"He killed many, many, children before." Foxy said.
"Shhhh, let's go back to our stage!" I high pitched voice echoed.
"Bon-Bon!" Freddy called out.
"No one is here. Let's go back to sleep!" It said again.
"No!" Freddy whined.
"I only saw a spark!" It said.
"Just come over here and give it a try." Freddy said. After a moment of silence, I saw the blue Bunny bouncing into the dim light.
"Fine." It said in an agitated tone.
"Thank you." Freddy said.
"Do you want to talk to Charles, Luke, and Carolyn?" Foxy asked.
"Yes, please." I whimpered. Foxy and Freddy stood up. Freddy held out his hand for me to take it, which I did. Freddy helped me up to my feet and they, Funtime Freddy, Bon-Bon, and Funtime Foxy, took me into Circus Baby's Autitorium below ground.
"Why are we-" I got cut off.
"Y/N?" It sounded like Charles, but more mechanic-like.
"C-charles!? Where are you! Who-" I got cut off, AGAIN.
"AUNT Y/N!" A voice similar to Luke's sounded very close, and a weird, short thing leaped at me. I caught it and set it down.
"Wha-what happ-ened..?" I asked in dismay.
"William Afton killed them, along with other children, and stuffed them into these suits, forever strapping their souls just like Clara and Elizabeth..." Freddy said.
"Who is Clara and Elizabeth?" I asked.
"I- I am- was... Elizabeth. Elizabeth Afton." I female voice echoed through the room.
"But now, now I am trapped in this body. He made it for me... He warned me not to go near her... But she was so beautiful... She could inflate balloons! He let other children go see her... Now I know why I could not." It said.
"W-wait... You're William's daughter!?" I said in confusion. Then, I saw the familiar Circus Baby step out into the light with another one of those small things hiding behind here.
"Yes. Clara was my mom. She is now forever imprisoned inside Balora." She said. I felt pity, I really did.
"I'm so- so sorry for your lose Y/N." Baby said.
"Is- is Luke here too?" I asked her.
"I'm right here." The thing said and stepped out from behind Baby.
"They are inside the suits labeled, 'Babybibs'." Baby explained. Then I realized why, and how, Foxy and Freddy where able to get the mop and bucket.
"How are you guys so quiet when you move?" I asked, turning around to face- I mean, stare u the incredibly tall mountains.
"Well, we don't really know ourselves. We j-ust do-o." Freddy shrugged. Foxy nodded and I sighed.
"If you go home, Y/N. I'm afraid of what mom and dad will do to you." Luke said.
"Hey, kiddo. The worst thing that could happen is if they kill me, or if they strap me of everything and leave me in the streets to be a poor, homeless, helpless aunt. But no worries, I could break into this place to visit!" I tried to smile, but down inside, I felt like a brick was toppling over me. I heard some soft sobs escape from Charles.
"I don't want you to leave." Charles whined.
"I don't want to either. But, I have to face the consequences." I sighed. I felt like I was about to collapse.
"I'll make sure you are safe." Freddy said firmly. Me, along with everyone else, looked at him. I think I had the most questioning look, hehehe take that!
"How are you supposed to do that?" I said sarcastically. Freddy raised his hand to speak, but then lowered it to think.
"I don't know." He slouched.
"Exactly." Foxy rolled his eyes.
"Well, that's nice of you to comment though." I said. Was it me or did Freddy's frown turn upside down? hehehehehe. I like them. They're cool. And they are nice. So far.... My annoying tiny voice said.
(Sorry for short chapter. I'm tired, sun burnt, bee sting, blisters, and bug bites. I'm not feeling the greatest today.
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