First Night
I woke up to my phone buzzing me awake. I stretched and yawn before turning it off. Night one, is a go! I thought as I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, changed into my uniform, grabbed my phone, and creeped down the stairs. I checked the time. 11:10. Perfect! I'll be there right on time! I thought. I don't know why I was so excited. I was also very tired from the long tour William Afton gave me of the underground portion. I silently opened the door to Melody's home, and closed it as I stepped outside.
"Good thing I hardly sleep at night anyways." I told myself with a snicker. I began my trek to the pizzaria. When I got there, I saw William waiting outside the entrance.
"Where's your car?" He asked in confusion.
"Don't have one. Left it at the Air Port down in Las Angeles where I came from. Besides, my cousin lives a block from here." I said.
"You're living with your cousin?" He asked.
"My family's complicated. It's a long story but oh look at the time. I'd love to tell you all about it but I'm afraid I must go do my job." I said. He rolled his eyes and I walked past him and into the building. I sighed as I got into the elevator. Soon after, a keypad thing popped up along with a weird voice thing. I half closed my eyes lids.
"If this is what I have to listen to I might as well die here and now." I joked sarcastically. The voice kept going and told me to type in my name.
"How?" I asked as I started at the scrambled keypad. I rolled my eyes and tried to type my name. I didn't care if it was right or wrong.
"It seems like you had trouble with the keypad." The voice said.
"Well no dip Sherlock." I said.
"I see what you where trying to type and I will auto correct it for you. Please wait." Then the voice went silent.
"Welcome, Carl Spire." The name said. I stood there for a second and then started weezing. The voice started rambling again but I didn't listen, I was too busy laughing. But when the elevator jerked to a stop, it caught me off guard and I almost fell over. Thank goodness that weird pipe thing was there for me to grab onto. I stood myself back up and press the red button that William told me to press. Just then, I saw the vent with all the caution tape.
"I still wanna know why the caution tape and vents" I told myself. Before the voice had time to speak, I was already on all fours and crawling through the dark and dusty vent. Then I saw the delight that led to the main control panel. I got out of the vent and dusted myself off. William had already told me which window was which. I still didn't understand what the controlled shock was.
"Let's check on Balora." The voice said. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't see the point in th-" But when I turned on the light, I did not see Balora.
"Let's give her a controlled shock to put a spring back in her step!" The voice sounded upbeat.
"Um. I still don't know the meaning behind-" But when I pressed the lightning symbol, I heard a deafening screech from inside the room, as well as saw sparks fly everywhere.
"Let's see if Balora is back now." The voice said.
"THERE IS NO WE!" I shouted at wherever the voice was coming from, then I pressed the light to see Balora dancing.
"Man, I wish I could dance." I sighed to myself as the light went out.
"Now let's see what Funtime Foxy is up to." It said.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Balora." I whispered. I thought I heard something move on the other side but I was too busy to think about it. I pressed the light button, but no Funtime Foxy.
"Let's give Funtime Foxy some motivation." The voice said again.
"But why?" I asked the voice with no response. I sighed and slowly pressed the button. The screech was louder and more painful this time.
"Am I hurting them?" I asked myself.
"Let's see if Foxy is back now!" The voice echoed. I checked the lights, still no Fox.
"Please Foxy." I said.
"Let's try another controlled shock." The voice said.
"What if I said no?" I told the voice out of anger. I thought I heard someone whisper, 'You can't'. Deep inside, I knew I had to do this.
"I'm so, so sorry. If you can hear me." I said as I pressed the shock button. Another screech rang through my ears.
"I need to get rid of this guide thing." I told myself as it instructed me to go into the vent that led to Circus Baby's control panel.
"Motion Triger: Circus Baby's Autitorium." I feminine voice said. Where do these voice keep coming from? I thought as I emerged into the small yet open room. Of course I didn't miss the creepy heads and statue things. At this point, I can't be scared any more than I already have been. My alerts are perked.
"Let's see what Baby's up to." The voice said again. I sighed. I pressed the lights and there was no Baby.
"No, no, no, no! I hate shocking them!" I yelped as my hand repelled from the control panel.
"Looks like Baby isn't feeling well. Let's motivate her to come out of hiding!" The voice said.
"I'm so, terribly sorry!" I said as I pressed the shock button, there was a screech. I checked the lights, no one. The voice told me to shock her two more time before, when I checked the lights, she was there. Just then, the voice congratulated me and let me go. I crawled back through the vent and into the man control panel.
"I'll see you guys later today." I said as I went past the windows and crawled through the vent to the elevator.
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