Did He?
I took a deep breath in, exhaled, then knocked on the door. Daniel opened it. He has bags under his eyes and his clothes where wrinkled. Not normal for them.
"Y/N. Melody!" Daniel called. The cat in my arms snuggled close to me. It didn't seem to care of how tight I was holding it out of fear. Melody walked up to me. She also had bags, wrinkled clothes, ruined mascara, watery eyes, and messy hair.
"Y/N! We thought we lost you!" Melody exclaimed as she brought me in for a hug.
"Where's our kids?" Daniel demanded.
"It wasn't her fault..." I repeated Funtime Freddy's words.
"Who? What happened to them?" Melody asked, stepping away from me in grief.
"Ballora... She didn't... William... Murder... Death..." I stuttered.
"Hun, you look like you've just seen a ghost." Melody said gently.
"You haven't seen and never will see the half of it." I said sullenly, looking into her eyes.
"Come inside, with your... cat." Daniel said. I nodded and walked inside. The two tired and grieving parents sat me down and brought out some sushi.
"So, tell us what happened." Melody asked calmly.
"I- I was asked to clean some animatronics... The boss said he would look after them... He said he would take them for a special show... When I came back... He was shocked... Then he s-showed me... T-the bodies... Luke, Charles... Carolyn... Gone..." I started to cry, so did Melody and Daniel. The husband held Melody close to him as she cursed herself in his arms.
"It's your fault! It's your fault for getting the dang job!" Melody shouted at me. Even the cat was scared, but it stayed curled up in my lap as I hugged it tighter.
"Melody-" Daniel tried to calm her, but obviously failed.
"You! You should've taken them with you! You should've brought them home! You should've said no! It's your fault! All your fault for not being a responsible young adult!" Melody insulted. I was now weeping heavily.
"Melody..." Daniel repeated himself.
"Your right... It is my fault." I said. I then realized it was storming outside when I loud thunder rolled through the air.
"No... Y/N..." Daniel said comfortingly. Melody stood her ground. I shook my head, stood up, making the cat jump down beside me, and ran out the door.
"Y/N!" Daniel called after me. I was still in my old clothes. The cat was keeping pace beside me even though she acted like she hated the rain. The thunder cracked in the sky as I made a left turn. I didn't even know where I was running, I was just running. My mind carried me down paths I couldn't explain to anyone or anything. As I whipped around the corner, I slammed into the wall. I had hit my head pretty hard, but it didn't stop me. The sky was dark. I stood back up, shook off the pain, and ran with the cat into the Pizzarea that was closed.
"Y/N? Wha-what are you doing here?" William asked me. I just ran past him, with the cat, and into Funtime Autitorium.
"Y/N! Wait! The place is closed toda-" I slammed the door behind me. I felt awful as I went back to the corner and cried. I was soaking wet and so was the cat. The cat groomed itself. When it was done, it curled beside me and purred. I lowered my hand down to her flank and pet her.
"Melody's right... It was my fault... I wasn't responsible... I'm not ready to grow up... I'm just a worthless kid..." I accused myself. The cat seemed to understand my words and pressed itself closer to me.
"A worthless... No good... Irresponsible... kid..." I cried more. My chest felt like a brick and my limbs where aching.
"No you're not!" A voice said in the darkness. Immediately, I knew who it was.
"Yes I am, Freddy." I retorted.
"No! You're amazing, nice, smart, cool. You're awesome!" He said as he got nearer.
"Just stop Freddy! I'm none of those things. Never have been, never will be." I protested.
"Awe, come on. If you keep saying you aren't you'll never be!" Funtime Freddy tried to cheer me up.
"It's better off that way..." I said.
"Stop." He sounded serious and stern as he stood right in front of me. I looked up to the giant animatronic that towered over me.
"Stop calling yourself worthless. You are worth something. More than I could ever give." He said kindly. I buried my head back into my cubby hole and started crying more.
"Y/N, please stop crying, it makes me sad." Freddy said. I no longer felt the cat's warmth on my hand, instead I could feel Funtime Freddy sitting right beside me, the cat was in front of me now.
"I- I can't help it..." I stuttered.
"Here." Freddy said. Then, I felt oddly warm arms starch around me and pull me into a warm furry hug. I leaned in his hug and cried so much.
"It's ok." Freddy said comfortingly. Is it though? I silently asked him. Then I felt something soft on my head. Whatever it was, it just barely touched my head, then retracted. It made me feel somewhat better. I began to slow my breathing and calm down.
"Did that help?" Freddy spoke softly.
"Did what help?" I looked up at him. His ears flattened and his eyes where just barely dilated.
"N-nothing..." Freddy answered nervously. Oh wait, now I know what he did. I gasped softly and giggled.
"Did you k-kiss my h-head?" I asked. Half expecting his answer to be yes, half expecting it to be a no.
"W-well... maybe... Y-yes. I did." He stuttered to admit. I leaned back onto his fluffy body and hugged him some more.
"B-But... did it help?" He asked again. I nodded my head.
"It did." I said.
"What did I walk in on?" I heard Funtime Foxy's voice say.
"Nothing. Y/N just got upset again and ran in here all wet and crying." Funtime Freddy said.
"Oh, you poor thing. I know who can help! That is, if you want to meet her." Funtime Foxy said.
"Freddy helped me enough." I said, still latching onto him.
"I can see that. Well, you're gonna have to meet her sooner or later 'cause we aren't gonna let you get scooped, now are we?" Foxy laughed.
"Scooped?" I questioned.
"You don't need to know." Funtime Freddy told me as he hugged me tighter.
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