Ballora's Lullabies
I lifted my phone up, my mom was calling me. I answered the phone and lifted it up to my ear.
"Hey honey, how are you?" My mother said through the phone.
"I-I'm good." I replied. Eh, it's partly right.
"Good. How's Melody and her kids? I heard Carolyn's birthday party wasn't that long ago." My mother said cheerfully. I stayed silent.
"T-they're great." Again, partly lying.
"Can I talk to them?" She asked.
"NO! I, mean. No, they're asleep." I responded quickly. Once again, partly lying.
"O-oh, ok then. How about Melody? I haven't heard form her for a while." My mother said.
"You- She- She probably just wants to be left alone right now. Besides, I'm at my job right now. My boss'll be here any minute now." I said, trying to change the topic.
"Really? You have a new job? But why at night?" My mother questioned me.
"Well- You see, I was looking for a good paying job. There's this place down the street from Melody's called 'Circus Baby's Pizza World' and I found a poster here, said they where hiring for a Technition and a Nightguard. I went into the office, told the boss a bit about myself, and immediently got the job! It pays 100 bucks a week." I said happily.
"C-Circus Baby's P-Pizza World... The manger or boss whatever, doesn't happen to b-be William Afton, does is?" My mother said with her worried tone.
"Yes.." I answered her.
"Be careful. He owned a few restaurants before that one and children went missing. One of those children was my cousin." My mother said. I heard light sobs echoing from the microphone.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok mom. Everything is fine. I've been here for 2 nights, going on 3. Nothing b-bad has happened." I lied. I had to protect my mother.
"Just- Be safe. I'm going to call Melody-"
"No! Don't- I mean.. yeah whatever." I said.
"Wha-" I hung up the phone.
"Goodness..." I said with a sigh. I put up my phone and heard the door open, it was William.
"Hey Y/N. Just here to bring you some dinner. I didn't know if you'd eat the pizza or not." He said. He was holding a brown paper bag.
"Thanks." I said.
"What's up with your hair?" William said as he handed me the bag.
"Oh, Mand- I... I did it." I corrected myself. William's eye grew wide then he choked.
"Sorry, just, anyways, bye." He said then he left. Not gonna check the robots, eh? I thought. I shrugged and took the food into the elevator. Time for my shift. I thought. I got out my headphones and phone and started to play my music. ORVI was talking, but I didn't listen to it. I hummed the lyrics and turned on the light to Funtime Autitorium, no one. I paused my music and took out my head phones.
"..You'll need to run through Funtime Autitorium in order to reach the maintenance room." ORVI said. I didn't here the first part though. Oh well. I crouched down and crawled to the other side.
"Hey, Y/N. My room's kinda dark if you can't tell." Foxy's voice called.
"Mhm, I can see that. Do you have night vision or something?" I asked with a small giggle.
"Yup, I can see you now. Oh, you don't have a light. Need help with that?" Then I saw glowing yellow eyes in front of me.
"It would be nice." I smiled. Foxy's eyes glowed brighter so I was able to see part of his face. He walked up to me and held my hand as we walked across his room.
"So, Funtime Freddy is deactivated. Someone turned him off. Bon-Bon isn't and said something about scaring the next person that walks in." Foxy said.
"Great. Know what, me and Bon-Bon haven't talked much." I sighed.
"Just be careful." Foxy said. We reached the door and he left me to go inside. When I entered, I turned on the lights and saw Funtime Freddy sitting down. I wonder how it feels when they're powered down. I thought. ORVI gave some instructions. But I ignored them. Instead, I fixed his matted fur and checked on Bon-Bon. When I was done with that. I looked down at his motionless hand. I gently put my hand in his palm. Wow, he's so big. I thought in awe. His hand was about the size of my face. I frowned. His hand was cold. He must have been offline for a while. I looked back to check on Bon-Bon, but he was gone.
"Oh no, no, no! Bon-Bon, please!" I said. I heard giggling.
"Um..." I said.
"Hehehe! Alright then. I'll go back to postion. To turn Freddy on, press the button in his back." Bon-Bon said as he quickly moved away. I twisted my body to where I was behind him and pressed the button Bon-Bon told me about. Man I didn't even realize that was there.
"AH!" Freddy said as he powered on. His breathing was heavy and I could hear his gears turning and clicking as it warmed up.
"Oh, just you." Freddy said with a smile. I smiled back at him. He looked down at his hand and clenched it.
"I know my hand it over sized... I don't like it." Freddy stated.
"Wait. How did you-" He cut me off.
"I feel everything when I'm asleep. It hurts to be powered off. It's like when you are fighting to free yourself from a coiled snake that just gradually tightens the more you struggle..." His voice was dim, his eyes where dim as well.
"I- I didn't know..." I said. I felt bad for him.
"Don't be. It's not your fault. Come on, let's go to Ballora's room." He said with a faint smile. I nodded. He carefully stood up and lead the way out.
"Hiya Freddy! I see Y/N here was able to get Bon-Bon's help." Foxy giggled.
"I know you saw it." Freddy sounded a little agitated.
"Yessirie I did! Now, go have some fun with your girl." Foxy snorted. Freddy snarled. He grabbed my hand gently and softly tugged me to follow me along.
"Can you believe that guy?" Freddy whispered in my ear.
"He can be annoying. Don't mind him. He knows how to make you feel uncomfortable." He said as I crouched down to crawl through the vent. When i got out, I waited for Freddy to emerge, but he never did.
"You coming?" His voice was behind me. I turned around and saw him looking through the window from Ballora's Gallery.
"How did you-?" I asked.
"I have my ways, now come on!" He said. He disappeared into the darkness and I quickly crouched and entered the room. Immediently, I heard Ballora's sweet and soft Lullaby bouncing off the walls, making a beautiful melody. There was light on her stage, Ballora was meditating and Funtime Freddy was sitting down. Bon-Bon was laying down on the other side. I went over to the stage.
"Welcome, Y/N." Ballora said with a smile.
"Hello." I smiled back with a wave. She breathed in and exhaled.
"Com'on!" Freddy smiled to me. I hopped up on stage and I sat down beside him.
"Ballora, your music is very calming." I complimented.
"Yes, I know. Foxy, Baby, Freddy, Bon-Bon, Bonnet, Ennard sometimes, Lolbit, and Yenndo all come here at night to relax while I meditate. Usually it's just Bon-Bon and Baby." Ballora said.
"Eh, it's been a while." Freddy shrugged as he leaned back on his hand. Ballora nodded her head and continued to meditate. While I was there, I realized how tired I was. My eyelids felt heavy and I almost fell over twice.
"Tired huh?" Freddy said as he sat back up. I nodded.
"You can go to sleep if you want." Ballora offered.
"Thank you. But- But... I..." I stuttered. My eyelids dropped. My body leaned onto Freddy. I snuggled up in his lap and fell asleep. He is so fluffy and warm and Ballora's melodies make it just the right sleeping condition.
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