Part 3
Jack let Mark place a gentle kiss to his trembling lips. The second their lips touched, any trace of fear or concern left Jack instantly. When Mark pulled away, Jack put his shaky hands on the backs of Mark's to keep his warm hands cupping his face. He didn't want Mark to stop touching him. He had missed his touch. His touch made him feel safe from the world. Closing his eyes, Jack focused only on the warmth of Mark's hand as he asked. "Alright, Mark. Show me". Mark smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to Jack's forehead. Then this time when Mark pulled away, he told Jack sweetly. "Stay here. I've got to get something of yours". Mark started to move away, but Jack tried to keep one of his hand for as long as he could against his cheek. After Mark disappeared around the corner, Jack smirked to himself. Should he move? Just to irritate Mark. Rubbing a hand across the base of his throat, Jack nervously took a small step closer to the back door. Then quickly convinced himself to just go to the back door to see Chica exploring the yard. Jack watched her peek through the fence watching something closely. He tried to spot what she could possibly be looking at, when something touched his shoulder.
Flinching away in surprise, Jack covered his face with his raised hands, mumbling out. "Mark... don't do that. My poor little irish heart wasn't build to be jumpstarted". Mark took hold of one of his wrists, pulling it toward himself as he told Jack playfully scornful. "Why'd you move"? Jack couldn't stop a smile from breaking out over his face, so he just mumbled out innocently. "Because you told me not to"? Mark's eyes narrowed in on his, asking softly. "You enjoy disobeying me"? Jack shrugged innocently, and Mark shook his head. Releasing Jack's wrist and holding up Jack's collar. At first, Jack just stared at the collar. He hadn't worn it since the last time he was here. Casually reached up to take it from Mark, but Mark pulled it just out of reach. Jack swallowed, lowering his hands and stepping in closer to Mark. Mark gently slipped the leather collar around Jack's neck, whispering into his ear as he buckled it. "First rule is this collar doesn't come off, unless I tell you to remove it. The second rule is you can only address me as Sir, Daddy, or Master. Third rule, you do everything I say and do nothing unless I approve it first. Understand"?
Jack smirked as Mark backed away, replying sarcastically softly. "Yes, Daddy". Mark took Jack's jaw gently in his hand, seriously telling Jack. "I'm going to let that slide because you haven't learned all the rules... but if you continue to joke around like that. I'll take you over my knee". Jack blinked in slight amusement, asking curiously. "Like a child"? Mark nodded, then moved around behind Jack and covered his mouth. Jack flinched back against Mark's chest, as Mark whispered again. "Like a child...? Master. And Yes. I'll lay you across my knee... bare your ass and remind you who's boss". Jack swallowed, but didn't move. He was just trying to picture Mark punishing him like that. Mark removed his hand from Jack's mouth to his chest. Keeping Jack pressed back against his chest, Mark told him casually. "We'll start slow. To start you're going to need a waiting stance". Mark moved away from Jack, pointing to the ground before him and telling Jack. "Pick a position that you are comfortable taking when waiting for me to address you".
Jack recalled seeing Mark's asian bow, and figured he had an idea of what Mark wanted him to do. So, he moved to the spot Mark was pointing to and slowly kneeled down. Sitting back on his ankles, he rested his hands on his thighs and looked up at Mark for approval. Mark started to walk around him like a vulture, as he kindly told Jack. "It's a good try, but you'll never hold that for long. You'll put your legs to sleep before long and then you won't be able to stand up. Try this". Jack watched Mark kneel down beside him, reaching out to place a hand between Jack's shoulder blades and gently pushing him forward. When Jack was resting on all fours, Mark slide a hand around Jack's inner thigh, lightly pulling it out while saying. "Spread your legs out more. Then shift your weight to rest on your knees and hands when you sit up". Jack listened and felt silly. He imagined from Mark's point of view that he looked like a sitting dog. Sure, the position was much more comfortable... but he didn't see the purpose in this. Mark stood back up, smiling as he ran a comforting hand through Jack's hair and telling him in a honey dripping voice full of approval. "Good job, Jack". Jack's heart skipped a beat. Receiving Mark's praise felt good. He didn't fully understand why... but it was comforting. Mark's hand suddenly appeared before his face with something sitting on his palm. Jack stared at it confused for a moment, until Mark told him with approval. "Go ahead. You did good. This is your reward".
Jack smiled a little as he leaned in to take the speckled jelly bean off Mark's palm only using his mouth. The second he bit into the jelly bean, Jack got a burst of what tasted like vanilla ice cream! Mark had specialty jelly beans! Mark chuckled at Jack's startled pleasure, adding cheerfully. "Like them? I got a whole back of dessert flavored jelly beans. I hoped they'd help encourage you to behave". Jack couldn't deny. They idea of getting those for good behavior was VERY appealing. Mark then told Jack in a soft but commanding voice. "When you sit like this. You will not move until I tell you too. You will also keep your eyes on the floor at your hands. If you wish to ask or voice anything during the times like this, just raise your hand. Understand"? Jack lowered his eyes to his hands and very softly answered seriously. "Yes, Sir". Then just before Mark could say anything, Jack bit his lower lip slyly and raised a hand like a dog trying to shake. Mark took ahold of his hand respectfully, asking with noticeable joy. "Go ahead, Jack". With a bit a humor in his voice, Jack asked playfully. "Can I have another jelly bean, Daddy"? Mark lowered his head into his free hand to rub his temples. Jack had done every thing right... but somehow managed to make him feel like he was deifying him at the same time. To Be Continued...
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