Part 19
Jack stared straight into the eye holes of the brass bull mask. He wasn't afraid of Rodger. Even if he was strangling him. He wasn't going to give Rodger the satisfaction. From across the room, Orson gave a kill gesture to the camera man. When the camera lowered, Orson told the camera man aloud. "Run Sean's picture. A link to his youtube channel and our number with a list of prices. I expect buyers within the hour. So be ready". Orson moved closer to Rodger then, telling him quietly over his shoulder. "Don't leave any marks on his skin. He's pale... The bruises will show worse than they are... but take him to the pit and break him". Rodger nodded as Orson told Jack heatedly. "I told you to behave! I was streaming with some VERY rich people! You made yourself look wild"! Jack turned his gaze to Orson, but couldn't say anything because of Rodger's tight grip on his throat. His eyes however must have said enough, because Orson bitterly snapped back at him. "You think you're so tough? I've broken tougher. Rodger, get him out of my sight"! Rodger's voice was a bit muffled by the mask, when he answered. "With pleasure".
Rodger unhooked his wrists from the chains on the wall, while still keeping a tight grip on his throat. Yanking him by his throat, Rodger pulled him away from the wall and practically dragged him down the hall. No matter how much Jack tried to twist to get away, it didn't do much good. The whole place had guards stationed at every door and he was feeling groggy. He couldn't remember being taken to the red room... or being stripped down... he just woke up on the wall and was told to behave before Orson started streaming. When Jack stumbled and fell to his knees, Rodger didn't stop. He kept walking, dragging Jack by his throat until he managed to find his footing again. Rodger nodded to two guards stationed at a black door and they moved aside. Inside the room, Jack gasped. It literally was a pit. In the center of the room was a large circular cage. All around the outside of the cage was stone stands where people could watch. Already inside where two young males. They were beating each other into the loose sand like their lives depended on it! When one of them was knocked unconscious, the other man looked up into the stands. A woman in tight red leather was the only person watching. She griped a crop tightly in her hands, before telling the victor inside. "Very nice. She is yours as promised".
Jack spotted a young woman handcuffed to a post off to the far side of the ring. She was gaged and stripped like he was... and as the victor approached her she let out a muffled scream and tried to keep away from him. The woman in red leather spotted them, but told the young woman in the cage mercilessly. "It's better if you don't resist, dear. He only gets more demanding". The woman walked over to them, snapping her crop out toward Rodger's throat, stating in a commanding voice. "Why are you here, Rodger? You're not fighting in the pits today". Rodger bowed his head respectfully, telling her softly. "Master Tamera, I was directed to punish this new pup". Tamera lowered her crop to press the rubber tip against Jack's cheek, turning his head to look at her. When he jerked his head away, she grinned broadly. Telling Rodger with amusement. "Shall I take him? I'm VERY good at breaking young males and not leaving permanent Marks". Rodger released Jack's throat, letting him fall at her feet as he bowed and answered. "How can I refuse a master's request"?
Jack reached up to rub his throat, feeling Mark's leather collar. He really hoped Mark was alright. He wanted Mark here now. Tamera tapped her crop against his shoulder, telling him sharply. "You! Get up"! Jack clenched his teeth. He wasn't listening to her. He was thinking about Mark. Rodger had shot Mark... What if Mark needed him? What if Mark was hurt so bad that he wasn't coming? He couldn't just let these people hurt him! Slowly Jack climbed up on all fours, then jerking upright, he kicked Rodger in the balls. Rodger dropped to his knees, while Jack wheeled around to face Tamera. She quickly backhanded him across the face, but he shoved her back. She didn't matter. He wanted Rodger! Turning back, Jack yanked the bull mask off Rodger's head and tried to smack his face with it! However, Rodger managed to block it with his arm, before lunging up to tackle Jack to the ground. Jack fell back against the hard cement floor, feeling the air rush from his lungs. Tamera screamed for the guards, while Rodger fought to grab his wrists. Jack quickly punched Rodger in the ribs, before Rodger kneed him in the balls. Letting out a sharp scream, Jack wanted to curl into a ball as Rodger grabbed his wrists and spat into his ear. "On second thought... I'm going to enjoy FUCKING the fight right out of YOU"!
The guards flocked in to check on Tamera. While Rodger quickly climbed up onto his feet, dragging Jack by his wrists into the cage. Jack fought through his pain to try and twist out, but Rodger had him by the bones in his wrists! Rodger growled at the other two men who were present and they bolted from the cage in fear. Hurt or horny... they clearly knew Rodger one way or another! Rodger dragged Jack into the center of the cage, releasing him to land a solid kick to Jack's ribs. Jack curled into a ball, grasping his ribs to protect them as Rodger released the young woman. Jack faintly watched the young woman bolt from the cage... watching the guards slam the door shut. He was now trapped in here with Rodger. Rodger started back for him and Jack forced himself to move. He couldn't really go anywhere, but he could stay away and recover at least. Rodger followed close after him as he dashed around the circular cage. Unfortunately, Rodger knew about this cage. Herding him to stand at one side, when Rodger suddenly stomped on something under the sand by the edge of the cage.
There was a loud hissing blast and the cage filled with a cold fog. Jack yelled in surprise as the cold blasted up his bare back! He must have been standing right in front of one of the pumps! Jack shivered trying to move as fast as he could away from that spot, when he lost sight of Rodger. The damn fog was so thick that Jack could barely see the boarders of the cage! He staggered until he ran into the cage wall. When he thought he saw a dark shadow heading toward him, he rolled into the center of the cage. He hoped Rodger would search the edges for him and as long as he stayed low he would be fine. Crouching low in the center, Jack strained his ears for every noise... but he heard nothing. It was so quiet. He couldn't see a damn thing either. Then something shot out at him from the fog, wrapping around his throat and yanking him back off his feet! Jack reached up to try and pull the weird leather rope away from his neck, but Rodger had it tight. Dragging him backward a ways. When Rodger stopped, he shoved Jack down on his stomach across the sand. Jack gave up trying to fight the rope and tried instead to crawl back between Rodger's legs. He would have made it if it hadn't been for the leather rope around his neck. Which as the fog started to clear... revealed the rope was a long bull whip.
Rodger was holding the whip tightly around his throat with one hand, while the other was working to cuff him to the same post the young woman had been cuffed too! Jack pulled his hands under his chest to keep Rodger from cuffing them... but he only yanked him closer to the post by his neck! So, much for no bruises! When Rodger started tightening the whip around his neck more and more, Jack gave in. It was either stay conscious and be cuffed... or pass out and let Rodger do something he may not remember. He preferred having a slim chance. To Be Continued...
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