Chapter 2
Anddddd hello hello hellooooo my lovelies!
This chapter is LONGER!!!! OMG UNBELIEVABLEEEEE! Also, I am warning you guys, here is where the abuse comes in. Once you see the warning below, you can skip or keep reading.
I hope you guys like it!
I struggle to get to my feet.
My father has just left to go to work. But first he had to alternate between punching me in the gut and rough raping me.
Punishment for adding too much pepper to his scrambled eggs.
My thighs slightly ache from the punishment and my stomach hurts whenever I move.
But this is small compared to some of the other times he's punished me.
I skip out on breakfast this morning, which is no different from usual. There are days I'm lucky if I find the strength to eat even one meal. School food, of course, is usually disgusting so most of the time I just pick at my school lunch.
I go up to my room to get dressed for school. A long sleeve black shirt and some gray sweatpants. I can't risk anyone at school seeing my bruises and scars.
Not like anyone knows I'm alive.
But still.
I grab my school bag and head out the door.
Thankfully, the walk to school only takes about 10 minutes. I live in a generally quiet neighborhood. Not my kids live on my block. Primarily old people.
And all the houses are lived in with the exception of a shabby brown house on the corner of the street. It's appearance isn't appealing at all. I doubt that anyone is going to live there anytime soon.
As I am walking, I see an elderly woman I don't recognize on the opposite sidewalk as me. She turns my way and gives me a soft smile. Ah, someone who acknowledges my exist.
I could smile back. I could pretend.
But I don't.
Instead, I let my dark brown hair fall forward, covering my view of the elderly woman.
Rude, I guess. But what point is there in smiling back?
When I get to school I head to my first hour, English. I sit in the back like I always do. Away from everyone else.
I hear a group of girls chatting loudly about some new kid that's coming here and that they hope he is in this class. One girl said she already saw him and that he's "smoking hot".
Playboy, cocky, man-whore are the first three words that come into my mind with the way the girls are completely drooling while just talking about him.
Girls and the way they throw themselves at men. I don't get it. Especially that type of men who just use you in bed and throw you away.
Or maybe that's what they like in men. How would I know?
The teacher, Mrs. Garner walks in the classroom. "Attention students. We have a new student here with us today, as I'm sure," she eyes the girls the classroom "many of you have heard."
A boy around six feet tall walks in the classroom and stands by Mrs. Garner.
"Students, this is Noah Harrison. He just transferred from across the country. New Jersey, right Mr. Harrison?"
He gives Mrs. Garner a quick smile then turns to face the rest of us. "Yes, from Whinton Heights."
Half the girls in the room look like they are about to pounce on him. He flashes them all a overdone smile.
Yep definitely a playboy.
I avert my gaze from the boy in the front of the classroom and stare out the window blankly.
"Why don't you take the empty seat next to Hailey, Noah?" Mrs. Garner asks.
I can literally feel the gazes of hatred from every girl in the classroom burning into my skull.
I hear Noah mutter, "Sure."
I keep my eyes on the trees through the window. No big deal. Just another person to avoid and ignore. I doubt he even sees me anyway. Like everyone else.
Easy peasy.
"Hi," Noah says so close to my ear I nearly leap out of my seat in surprise.
I glance at Noah and he seems to realize that he startled me.
"Crap, I'm sorry. I thought you knew I was there. Sorry about that," he says with an apologetic smile on his face that would look sincere if I didn't know any better.
But I do know better.
I keep my mouth shut and stare at my desk so hard it's as if I could burn a hole through it.
"Not much of a talker, are you?" he asks when I don't reply. "We'll have to work on that."
What does that mean?
I'm surprised at myself. This guy hasn't even said that much to me and I'm already irritated with him. I haven't felt irritated with anyone this much before. Odd.
Noah suddenly goes on a full on jabber. "So what's your next class? I have Anatomy. "The study of the human body". Seriously, why do we need a class for that? What use is that to us in the real world? We are not gonna have a career in the future that makes us name all the bones in our bodies. Like really, I don't even need..."
He goes on and on and on. The whole time, my skin is crawling and I am so tempted to hit him in the face with one of my schoolbooks to make him shut his annoying mouth.
Finally, finally, English class ends.
I should be rushing out of the class to get away from jabber-man, but there is no point. Because my next class is Anatomy.
I internally groan.
This is gonna be a long day.
As I arrive to my last class, Cooking, I nearly throw myself onto my chair.
Five classes.
I have five classes with stupid jabber-man. And the same lunch as him.
I am so tempted to have my classes all changed. But that is no good either.
If I were to get my classes changed, my dad would have to confirm it, and before he confirms it he would ask why I want my classes changed.
And I can't lie to him. I can lie to everyone but him. Well, I think I can. I haven't talked in so long that I can't remember now.
Cooking class goes by more quickly than the rest.
To my dread. Or what used to be dread and now is just routine.
I walk home at a normal pace. I used to walk slower, to delay what would happen to me when I got home. But that only put off the inevitable for a few minutes. Now I know just the get it over with.
(If you are uncomfortable reading abuse scenes, now is the time to skip!)
As soon as I get home I drop my school bag by the door. My father is in the living room sitting on the couch with one leg flung over the other.
"Well hey there girlie. Home right on time," he says as he eyes me up and down as if I were something to eat.
And I never fail to shiver under his gaze. That's how intimidating he is.
"Strip," he says bluntly.
I obey. It's all I can do.
"That's my good little girl. Come to daddy."
After I take my clothes off, I walk over to him and stand in between his legs.
"Now help daddy out of his clothes, will you?" he purrs sickeningly.
It's not a question I can answer.
It's a demand.
He takes his shirt off himself while I kneel down to take off his jeans and boxers. He thrusts his hips up. I know what he wants.
I grab a hold of his manhood, hard and hot in my hand. Then I dip my head down, taking the tip in my mouth. He groans, his hands in my hair and pushes my head down, demanding more.
I take most of him in my mouth and suck. This is usually how it always is everyday except Fridays right after school. I have to make sure that his need for pleasure is met, first and foremost. If I don't, he will beat me black and blue.
He grabs my hair and rips my mouth off of him. "Seems like my good girl really wants some dick today," he says as he pushes me down on the ground.
He roughly enters me. I remember the first time he did this. I was twelve. Still developing from puberty. It's like one day he just looked at me like I was an object. "Something to use and not waste" he always says.
After he climaxes, he pulls out and wipes off. "Eh, always good enough," he says. Right. I'm not good at anything but being his toy I guess.
I lay on the ground, too numb for tears. Wondering why I'm alive. Wondering why I had to have him as a father. Wondering what happened to him.
Welcome to my life.
How do you guys feel about Hailey's father?
Hope you guys enjoyed! Stay safe all of you!
Love, Lexi! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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