1. Follow this account. Easy :)
2. Go to any one of my books (just pick whichever looks most interesting to you) and leave a vote and comment.
3. To receive a shoutout you have to go through and like all of the other shoutouts that are currently here (and check them out too it's a great way to do a read for read with someone if their book interests you).
4. You must tag 3 people in the comments on this chapter. The reason for this is so more people can see your shoutout. So really by doing this you're helping advertise yourself more ;)
5. Fill out the form correctly. The form will be in the next chapter and if it isn't filled out right I won't publish your shoutout.
REMINDER: I will be able to tell if you've completed the rules so please just be courteous to others by doing what everyone else has to do, not to mention make it easier on me.
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