It's not like Jimin wanted to wait for him every Friday after his dance classes, or as if he had to stay up a bit longer just looking outside, lurking through the small opening of his window... he didn't want to act that way, still, he did. He got preoccupied with the thought of never seeing Jungkook again and the mere thought killed him on the inside.
Maybe today he'll appear...
Another morning, another hopeful thought.
After he finished putting on some pink sweater and wide white jeans, Jimin stormed outside of his home and the first thing he looked for wasn't there...
Yet again, for some indescribable reason, Jimin thought how any day now the younger would appear at his fence, just standing there cockily like he usually did, smiling at the pink haired, teasing him with his smug jokes, but no... None of it happened cause Jungkook wasn't there... Again... So after a month of waiting and trying to reach the younger (Jimin went to the gallery only to find out that Jungkook had quit the day after the incident happened) Jimin was at the very beginning again. Not knowing anything about the younger, but missing him so so much...
Weeks after giving up on ever seeing the younger again, Jimin moved his tired body on auto-pilot and after getting dressed for his morning classes, he walked lazily, not even bothering to glance at himself in the mirror after finishing with dressing up and styling his hair which at this point was just a pink hair band wrapped around his longish pink hair, making some kind of messy ponytail that looked really cute on him. He grabbed the first thing that was clean from his closet, a colorful, mashed sweater which he paired with some ripped jeans. Usually he would give a fuck about what he was wearing and how the pieces of clothing are paired together, but these past few days (even weeks) he just couldn't care less.
While exiting the front door Jimin walked slowly towards the fence and the moment he felt the chilly air brushing some lose strands of his hair, involuntarily, he thought about Jungkook and his feather light touches that kept him awake for hours at night... and then his thoughts got interrupted by a whisper.
Just like a shush, he heard his name being called quietly.
He looked around, but didn't see anyone.
"Over here..."
Again the voice spoke so Jimin frowned while glancing around.
"Tae if you're fucking with me..." Jimin started walking towards the direction of the voice hidden in the small bushes that were just across the street, and suddenly, a black haired person wearing all black appeared, smiling cockily at the older while holding his face mask down for Jimin to recognize him better.
"Jungkookah!" Jimin threw himself in the arms of the younger who looked excited and happy to see him.
"I thought I would never see you again..." The pink haired grabbed Jungkook's cheeks into his small palms and looked at his face carefully.
The younger had a couple of cuts and bruises on his forehead and close to his eye and lip so while squinting his eyes Jimin came even closer.
"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked while caressing one small cut near the younger's bottom lip.
"Nothing... It's ok... I got into a bar fight." Jungkook smiled while taking Jimin's hands in his, kissing one softly, then another.
"A bar fight? You? Come on, stop bullshiting me and tell me the truth. Who did this to you? Just say the names..." Jimin's face was red with rage so Jungkook kissed his cheek reassuringly.
"And then what? You'll catch them and throw some pixie dust into their eyes." The younger teased while pinching Jimin's chin cutely, so the older slapped his hand away.
"Oh I'm capable of doing more than that..." Jimin crossed his hands on top of his chest, acting to be all tough and strong.
"Don't I know that... You're capable of a lot of things, Park Jiminshi..." Once again, Jungkook took a step closer and invaded the older's privacy, coming almost chest to chest to him.
"I... yeah... you might have seen some of the things... I keep forgetting..." The older stuttered, feeling the heat from his cheeks traveling all over his body.
"Silly little pink ballet dancer..." For the nth time Jungkook teased the older so Jimin pouted while trying to punch Jungkook's arm unsuccessfully.
"Where have you been? I've been so worried... I couldn't find you... I tried to find you, but I couldn't and I feared you might be hurt..." Jimin took a deep breath so Jungkook hugged him tightly.
"I'm ok now. I had some business to finish so I can properly prepare for my last job and then retire in peace."
The words rang inside Jimin's ear like the newest addicting song that once you hear you can't stop listening until you get so sick of it and you feel like throwing up.
"You... really??? Really? Jungkookah!" Jimin threw his arms around the younger's neck, hugging him tightly.
"You're finally quitting? I thought you would never... I thought..." Jimin kept blabbering so Jungkook pushed him up into the air and swirled the pink haired once before putting him down again.
"I was serious Jimin. I can't do this anymore. It was fine before, but now... I just can't. I miss having a life, I miss having relationships, I miss doing all the normal things every young person does... I want it all. I didn't know how much I wanted that until... until I met you... so after this one little job is finished, and it's not even something too hard. I'll probably be done with it by the end of the week..." Jungkook spoke so Jimin felt his cheeks burning up...
"Are you sure it's gonna be fine? I don't want to lose you now... Is it here, or do you have to go abroad?" Jimin had his concerns.
"It's here. Actually we've been there before. The hotel with the expensive restaurant. It'll be just a casual dinner and then at the end of it... we'll I'm supposed to seal the deal." Jungkook smiled devilishly and if it wasn't so attractive he's sure he would be creeped out a bit.
"Would you somehow let me know when you finish with it... I mean... I can't reach you anyhow..." Jimin's cheeks were blushing cause is this really a way to ask someone for its number?
Jungkook smiled cutely.
"How about this? If... I mean when everything goes well, I'll come to your place and we'll celebrate it with some wine and nice food..."
Jimin liked the idea.
"Um... sure... just... When can I expect you to come... I don't want to stress out through the whole week since I'd probably be worried sick..."
Jungkook cocked one eyebrow at the older, looking at him like he's trying to read his mind, and then he pursed his lips before speaking.
Jimin nodded.
"And on Saturday I'm taking you out on a date and then we'll go to this pretty little cottage where I usually go when I need some peace and quiet time and we'll have tons of sex..."
With those words being said, Jimin's cheeks burned, pink blush spread all over them, making him look shy and adorable all at once. He opened his lips in shock, cause what??? Tons of sex? Not like he didn't want that to happen. He most certainly did, still he was a bit startled that's all.
"But no pressure... I mean if you're not ready to date and if you have other plans and if you feel like we need more time just to get to know each other..."
Jungkook would probably keep mumbling if Jimin's lips didn't stop him with a firm peck on top of his lips, so the younger couldn't be any happier.
"Of course I want it... I want it all with you. I missed you like crazy. You have no idea how hard this all has been for me... Finally I can breathe again..." Jimin nuzzled his head into Jungkook's neck, smelling the familiar scent he got used to so easily.
"How about we grab a cup of coffee somewhere where there's not too many people around cause I had firm instructions from my bosses not to see you again until my last case is done, but I just couldn't help it." Jungkook blushed cutely while messing up his hair, playing with it nervously.
"Ahhh you missed me that much." Jimin teased him, but had a wide smile the whole time on his face.
"Shut up... Let's get that coffee." Jungkook pushed the mask on his face up again and started walking towards the coffee shop near Jimin's dance studio.
"It's pretty quiet cause there's a library nearby and people usually grab coffee here while reading a book." Jimin showed at the spacious coffee shop close to the library where he would usually get his books so Jungkook nodded while getting inside.
"I can't remember the last time I had a good cup of coffee to be honest." Jungkook said while looking at the menu, but his eyes always kept darting around the room.
"Well, I hope you'll like this one cause I honestly love strong coffee and they made the strongest for me." Jimin said all happily while showing the menu to the younger, so Jungkook smiled at his enthusiasm, but somehow the smile didn't reach his eyes.
"So do you have something in mind after you quit being... um... after you quit your job..." Jimin was noisy and had problems with forming a sentence where he would skip the whole 'killing part'.
"I do. I actually love Art so I thought I could get into some Art school and maybe one day I could open my own Art gallery. Something small and intimate, not like the one that Namjoonshi hyung is having." Jungkook explained his plans while sipping on the coffee that the polite waiter had brought to them, but for some reason his eyes were never on Jimin. Instead he kept glancing behind him, somewhere in the distance, even at the little spoons on the table so Jimin feared that something's wrong.
"Um... Is the coffee bad? You barely tried it..." Jimin looked at Jungkook's mug and then tried to take a sip of his own coffee, but Jungkook's hand was faster. He grabbed the mug and put it down on the table calmly.
"We've been followed." He whispered so Jimin started squirming around while glancing all over the place.
"Stop moving for god's sake." Jungkook whispered-yelled, trying to calm the older who was visibly in his panic mode.
"But... how... who... how do you know?" Jimin stopped moving around in order to focus on Jungkook's serious expression.
"I don't know. I was sure that no one had followed me. I planned it all perfectly, but somehow there's at least three people watching over us. I know it. I can tell a spy when I see one."
Jimin gulped heavily.
"So... what do we do now?" Unnoticeably he glanced around one more time. Trying to see the three people watching over them.
"I don't know. Let me think about it for a second... I don't even get why someone would follow us... Maybe it's someone from my last case and they're trying to find out more about me... If that's the case you're in danger... I... I brought you in danger... I would never forgive myself if something happens to you." Jungkook let his head fall down, his fingers slowly running circles around his temples.
"Hey... you did nothing wrong. Do you hear me? I said yes to all of this. Coffee, being with you, getting to know you... If there's anyone to blame, that would be me... and you know what... I don't regret a thing. Before I had met you... Jungkookah... I never felt the way I feel when I'm with you. It's all pure adrenaline and fun and everything's a tad too much, but I like it that way... so... figure something out and let's get out of here."
Jungkook smiled fondly at the pink haired words, loving the positive side that Jimin always brings to the table.
"Ok... I have a plan... You're not gonna like it, but it's the only one I have now." The black haired stirred the coffee in his hand, swirling the black liquid around, not drinking it.
"Oh god what's the plan..." Jimin asked while trying to take some of his coffee again.
Jungkook grabbed the mug before him.
"I don't know if our coffee's good... maybe someone had poured something inside so I wouldn't drink that if I were you."
Jungkook explained so Jimin let go of the mug like it's made from fire.
"Let me just send a quick text to my boss..." Jungkook typed a text fast with his fingers, looking rather calm now, glancing around, reading the menu, smiling from time to time.
"The plan..." Jimin was curious.
"Ok... The plan is simple. All you have to do is get up as calmly and unnoticeably and walk to the bathroom. Then you'll use the bathroom window to get out and walk outside. My boss Yoongi will be there waiting for you in the black Mercedes, ready to drive you home." Jungkook talked slowly while looking at Jimin's eyes who looked at him like hypnotized.
"There's no way I'm getting in the car with your Yoongi hyung. He's mad at me. He'll kill me in a heartbeat." Jimin concluded so Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"First of all, he's not a killer. Second of all, he's mad at me, not at you... and please, just for once obey what I say to you." Jungkook's patience was getting thinner so after a deep breath and a bombastic side eye, Jimin finally agreed.
"Fine. I'll do it."
Jungkook's face lit up.
"But listen to me carefully..." Jimin pushed his face closer to Jungkook's and continued with a low voice ..." If Yoongi kills me... You're next. Do you hear me? I'm gonna get out of the grave and haunt your sorry ass if anything happens to me."
Jungkook almost chuckled, but controlled himself not to.
"I understand Jiminshi. Just looking at you now and seeing how dangerous you look, I can't even imagine what ghost Jimin would be like."
It took all the will in the world for Jimin not to punch Jungkook's handsome face.
"Fuck you." Instead he opted for the second best option.
And then Jungkook's phone lit up, and a message from his boss appeared.
"He's outside. You should leave now."
He glanced around, looking calm, but Jimin knew that he wasn't as calm on the inside.
"Get up unnoticeably and walk slowly..." Jungkook gave him the simplest directions, hoping the older would go with it.
He did.
Only that Jimin's appearance was always impossible not to notice so while getting up, pretty much every head in the coffee shop was turned towards him, looking at him with interest.
"Fuck..." Jungkook cursed under his breath... glancing around the place.
"What?" Jimin asked while fixing the mashed shirt he had on.
"Nothing... I guess you wearing that pink pony tail, ripped jeans that cover less of your skin than they cover is not a great thing when you're trying to escape possible killers and spys. I'm not even gonna say a word about that mashed top..."
Jimin glanced at himself and made a sassy pose, one had on his hip, looking annoyed, yet hot too.
"It's not my fault that I'm stylish..." He was ready to get into a cat fight, only that Jungkook didn't seem like he had time for it.
"Ok supermodel, could you leave now and don't look back. If anyone comes after you don't worry, I'm right here, watching their every move. You're safe with me."
Jimin nodded while glancing around the room and started walking.
"I feel safe when I'm with you. Just so you know..." He whispered before going all the way to the left where the bathroom doors were located, and just as Jungkook had told him, he didn't look back.
After entering the bathroom, immediately he saw a huge window on the side, so with fast steps, he opened it and after glancing down and noticing that the height wasn't too bad, he jumped outside without second thought and the moment he saw a black Mercedes, the blood in his veins started heating up.
So... Yoongi hyung is in there...
Maybe I shouldn't get inside...
But that would make me look bad...
I guess I have no choice...
While taking a deep breath, Jimin entered the back seat and made himself as comfortable as he could.
"Um... hi..." He said after glancing at the black haired man who was behind the wheel, sitting calmly, his face hidden behind the black mask that was on.
He had a scar on his right eye and eyebrow, and in his all honest opinion, Jimin thought he looked scary.
"I'm not gonna take you home cause we don't know who the people that are following you are, so do you have any other address, a place to hide... anything." The man spoke and only one thing popped up in Jimin's mind.
"I do. I could go to Tae's place... um... to my friend's apartment. It's located in Gangnam street, right next to Seoul's theatre."
Yoongi nodded and started driving, glancing at Jimin through the car mirror from time to time.
After arriving at the said place, Jimin's curiosity won over so before getting outside the car he looked at Yoongi who was looking back at him.
"Is Jungkook gonna be alright... I mean... Is he safe... um... I don't have his number..."
Even if Yoongi's face was hidden behind his mask, Jimin could still see the squinting of his eyes, indicating that the black haired was smirking.
"Jungkookie is always safe." Yoongi said while taking out a cigarette out of his pocket, so Jimin frowned.
"He's not immortal, you know. No one's always safe." Jimin shook his head while getting outside, not liking the whole 'Jungkook's always safe thing', when it was clear that with his lifestyle, he was far from always being safe.
"He's safe now. That much I can tell you." Yoongi responded while lighting up the cigarette, so Jimin glanced at his face now that his mask was off. He looked even more intimidating than before.
"Thank you for bringing me here. Have a good day." Jimin said politely while getting outside, bowing to Yoongi, and being genuinely thankful for the shared information.
"You're welcome."... There was a pause in Yoongi's words, but his mouth was open like he had something else to say. Jimin waited for a second, just looking at him.
"Don't hurt Jungkookah. He's a good guy." He said after obviously deliberating whether to say anything at all, so Jimin frowned even deeper.
"It's not my intention to hurt him. I like him." The pink haired said with a serious expression.
"If you say so... " Again, there was the same look on Yoongi's face like before, the one where he wanted to say something, but was rethinking if he should say anything.
"I was right though..." The black haired said after inhaling cigarette smoke.
"About what?" Jimin's hands were shaking at this point.
"Me not remembering you from high school..." Yoongi exhaled the smoke and threw the cigarette outside.
"Yeah... I wasn't that popular back then..." Jimin scratched his neck nervously, so Yoongi nodded and then his phone started ringing.
"Yeah... Me neither." He looked at Jimin and answered the phone.
Even if it was rude to stare at someone talking on the phone, Jimin couldn't move.
He just looked at the older and waited there unmovingly.
"He's safe. Don't worry."
It's probably Jungkook...
"I'm happy you're home."
Thank god...
"I'll talk to you soon."
And with that, Jimin turned around and started walking towards Tae's apartment, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed all at once.
The next couple of days, well four days to be exact, lasted a whole eternity and on Friday morning Jimin couldn't even find the strength in him to go to work, or Uni, or to practice, eat, sleep... Basically he couldn't do anything cause of how worried he was.
He knew Jungkook's last 'killer job' was today and he had all kinds of mixed feelings about it.
At one moment he was happy cause the younger would finally be free to do whatever he wanted, and then on the other hand he felt so aggressively worried that he couldn't stop his heart from pounding hard and fast inside his rib cage.
God what do I do...
Am I supposed to be just waiting...
I should wait...
I have to...
He walked up and down his living room, breaking his knuckles nervously, looking at the wall watch that was showing a little over four o clock.
He'll be done with it soon enough...
What's the actual dinner time in those restaurants...
While grabbing his phone, Jimin searched at what time the dinner is supposed to start at those prestigious hotel restaurants and as an answer he got around six - seven which was actually something he knew already, but was just trying to make the time go faster.
After grabbing a shower cause he wanted to look and smell pretty when Jungkook arrives at his place, Jimin glanced at the time on his phone, and luckily for him, it was already almost five, so while drying his hair and wearing his comfy pajamas, Jimin felt his hands shaking even faster, indicating how nervous he was.
Everything will be alright...
He's good at what he's doing...
He'll finish with it and then come to me...
With every minute that had passed, the more Jimin became anxious and aware of the seriousness of the whole situation.
What if something bad happens to him...
What if...
I can't even go there...
Oh god... It's already seven...
Where the hell is he...
While trying not to panic, Jimin started jumping up and down the room, shaking his hands and leg muscles, trying to free his body from all the tension, but nothing worked.
And I'm out of here...
With determination on his mind and a pink suit on, Jimin walked right out of his home and straight to the hotel he remembered having a dinner at with Jungkook once.
Just to make sure he's ok...
Nothing wrong with that...
He'll probably be eating or... dancing... or... almost leaving...
He cheered himself on the inside while the cab drove through the streets of Seoul, and once he was in front of the hotel, he started to panic even more.
Oh my god... I can't do this...
This is so wrong...
I'm not supposed to be here...
What if I blow this whole thing up...
Fuck it...
With shaky legs Jimin entered the specious entry room and went straight to the receptionist.
"Good evening, I'm here to join my coworker Mr. Jeon for dinner." He tried to sound and look as alluring as possible, and by the dazed look on the ladies face, he knew he did well.
"Good evening to you too Sir. Please enter the restaurant and go to Mr. Jeons usual private booth. The other guests are already there." The lady said with the most dazzling smile to which Jimin smiled back just as flirtatiously.
"Thank you." He waved on his way to the restaurant and the moment he entered the luxurious space, his eyes landed on the booth where he and Jungkook were having dinner before.
Where is he...
Unfortunately, the younger was nowhere to be seen.
Jimin walked slowly inside the restaurant and started looking around, trying to see a glimpse of the black haired, but without success.
What if he's dead...
As much as he didn't want the intrusive thoughts to get to him, it was out of his control.
While glancing at his wrist watch, Jimin started biting his nails nervously cause it was already eight o'clock and the dinner was supposed to be over by now. His mind was heavy, thoughts dark, legs numb, heart beating faster.
Where is he...
I can't stand this...
I can't just sit and wait...
I can't be here...
After remembering where Jungkook had his last 'meeting' with one of his targets, Jimin's legs carried him before his mind could protest, so in no time he was walking upstairs through the emergency exit, all the way up, listening carefully on every floor if he'd hear anything, any sign of Jungkook being there.
He walked and listened carefully, moved like a thin, cold air, without a sound, using all the power and will that was left inside him to find Jungkook and to finally be over with all of this.
While coming to the last floor, the rooftop to be exact, Jimin finally heard something.
A voice...
But it wasn't Jungkook's.
It was a woman's voice.
Hoarseness, slow-paced woman's voice.
"... so is this how you imagined it to happen? Am I the perfect target for your last job Mr. Jeon? Aren't we a perfect match?"
And then the lady laughed, and while doing so she started coughing loudly. It was a significant cough from a long time smoker and in an instant Jimin's mind started short-circulating, putting pieces of the puzzle together.
It's an old person... An old lady... Jungkook said he would never kill a kid or an old person... He's being framed... For fuck sake!!!!!!
After putting both of his hands in his hair, pulling at it desperately, Jimin thought about his options now.
He could just walk away and not do a single thing cause every normal human being would do exactly that.
Only that Jimin was so much more than that.
While glancing around, he saw a door with a note on 'Staff only. Do not enter', and without second guessing his gut instinct, Jimin entered inside and started looking for something that could be useful.
He needed to think fast...
There were tons of soaps, washing detergents, towels nicely put on the shelves, so immediately Jimin knew that that was some kind of storage room.
What to take...
What could help...
A broom!
A single look at the long broomstick that was made out of some kind of steel, stole Jimin's attention, so while looking at the beginning and the end of the broom, thinking how he could use this item the best way possible, he heard a gun shut so while opening his eyes as wide as it gets, Jimin literally jumped out of the storage room, the broom in his right hand, running towards the exit door where he had clearly heard a gun shut.
With fast steps and only one concern, Jimin opened the door and saw exactly what he had assumed minutes ago.
Outside, there was an older lady with gray hair, long dress on, wrinkles on display for him to witness just how much experience the lady must have, and on the opposite direction, across the lady, there was Jungkook lying on the floor, his hand covering his stomach, looking at Jimin with his mouth open, but not saying anything in shock.
"W-What??? Who are you?" The lady hid her gun behind her back, obviously thinking how Jimin was an intruder, or someone who was not supposed to see her in action, so Jimin used the confusion and frustration that had built up inside him to his advantage.
He ran towards the lady, not minding the evident devastation on Jungkook's face, and just as she was about to pull her gun out and aim at him, Jimin swung the long broom and smashed the gun away from the lady's hand. He felt ruthless, on fire, angry, scared, all those fears of losing Jungkook came to the surface so with next swing of the metal stick in his hand, he hit the lady so hard, right across her head, and then the loud thump was audible while her body flew over the fence and hit down onto the floor down under, unmovingly, broken and obviously as dead as it can be.
"Baby hey..."
While making sure that the lady won't get up, Jimin stared at the body, which gave no signs of being alive anymore.
Then he felt Jungkook's hands on his shoulders, turning him slowly towards him, fear, confusion and a bit of sadness flashed inside those big doe eyes.
"I was worried so I came... Don't be mad at me..." Jimin whispered while feeling tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.
"Mad at you? You saved my life for the nth time..." Jungkook hugged the pink haired tightly, breaking all the bones inside his spent body, so finally Jimin let his tears run down, feeling overwhelmed and sensitive.
And then he became angry again.
While moving away from the younger's tight embrace, Jimin punched Jungkook's arm with so much force he feared the bruise would stay there permanently.
"Why weren't you defending yourself you idiot?" Then he pushed Jungkook's chest, making him stumble a few steps backwards.
"Is it cause your morals wouldn't let you kill someone who's an elderly person?"
Jimin tried to sway his hand once again over Jungkook's arm but the younger was faster to grab it firmly.
"You know I don't kill old people and kids. They probably knew it too so they sent this old lady to mess up my plan."
Jimin glanced at the dead body once more for good measures.
It was still dead and unmoving.
"Well that's fucked up Jungkook. You could've been dead by now you know... and... and the lady was not even that old... I mean what is she... like 50 or something? That's not old? That's almost the new thirties..."
To those words Jungkook chuckled cutely, glancing down at the dead body himself.
"She was 71, and old enough for me not to kill her."
Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"I have to admit that she does look amazing for her age. Wish I asked her which face cream she uses before killing her, but never mind now."
"Maybe next time?" Jungkook chuckled while cocking his eyebrows teasingly so Jimin shook his head in disbelief, trying to be serious while joking about a person who he had just killed.
"I was so worried..." And once again, Jimin came closer and hugged the younger closely, burying his face into Jungkook's neck, smelling his usual, soft, pretty scent.
"I'm sorry... Honestly... This whole time... All I was thinking about was you..." Jungkook spoke while hiding his face into Jimin's hair, his hands caressing the pink haired back.
"... I thought about coming back to you, seeing your face again, finally starting something new... and when I saw the old lady... I feared so much... but then I decided to poison her, and actually I was just buying some time and waiting for the poison that she had drunk back at the dinner to kick in, but suddenly you stormed inside..."
Jimin's eyes opened wide, he moved away from the younger, looking at his face in shock.
"You poisoned her?"
Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah, but not like you did with that guy at the gallery. I just put in the smallest amount of poison. She was supposed to faint and then I wanted to bring her to Yoongi hyung so that he could take care of the rest... but no need for that now."
Jimin exhaled loudly.
And then he punched Jungkook's chest again.
"You're such a jerk!"
"What? Why? And would you please stop hitting me..."
Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest.
"Cause you had it all planned out and there I was thinking you might be dying over here."
With those words, Jungkook moved his blazer to the side and revealed the wet spot on the lower part of his stomach.
"Not to scare you too much or anything, but I've been shot..."
And Jimin started jumping up and down, shaking his hands violently, trying to calm his nerves.
"What... Oh the shot that I heard... Oh god! Are you dying? Why aren't we in the hospital already?!" Jimin tugged on Jungkook's sleeve, trying to move him faster, but the younger just stood there, not moving an inch.
"I can't go to the hospital Jimin. Um... We have our private doctors who work for our agency, so I should call Yoongi hyung cause I'm actually a bit dizzy..." Jungkook's legs gave out, so he fell down on the floor, luckily Jimin was close enough to soothe the fall and catch him before his head could hit the cold concrete.
"Don't worry baby, I'm on it. I'll call Yoongi hyung and you'll be just fine... Don't you worry bout a thing, ok... Do you hear me? Please stay with me Jungkookah... Everything's gonna be fine, I promise..."
* "Is he ok??? Is he gonna die??? Oh my god there's so much blood... How is he? Is he dead?" Jimin yelled so the tall, handsome man put a hand on his mouth.
"Stop talking. You can't ask a thing anymore. Do you understand? He's gonna be just fine. I need to close the wound and he'll be good as new."
As good as new...
Don't talk...
Don't ask...
Leave the room...
Stay calm...
Don't lose consciousness...
Keep it quiet...
He'll be fine...
He's strong...
Keep it quiet...
Don't say a thing...
Jimin kept repeating the same words while moving in the bed, sweat covering his forehead and chest...
"I'll take you two to safety..."
"When he wakes up, explain everything..."
"...but be careful what you'll say..."
"Don't let your emotions take over your senses..."
Jimin nodded while words got stuck in his head... A cold, manly voice repeating the same thing over and over again...
Is he dead...
When will he wake up?
Is he bleeding again?
Oh god he's bleeding again...
What do I do... *
Finally Jimin got up, sat on the bed violently while breathing loudly, deeply, sweat covering his whole body, little droplets falling down his face, or were those tears, he had no idea anymore.
It was just a dream...
Thank god!
He looked to the side and saw Jungkook, breathing peacefully with his hands above his head, legs spread, covered with a black blanket.
He's still sleeping.
Jimin looked at the white gauze that was covering the younger's stomach, a little red spotting was still visible under the white stuff.
Everything looks good.
He's safe...
And then the younger moved a bit so the blanket that was on his hips slid down a little, uncovering Jungkook's narrow hips and the swelling inside his black boxer briefs.
Oh god... he's so handsome...
Jimin moved closer, looking at the sharp V lines on each side of the younger's lower stomach.
After taking a deep sigh, Jimin looked at his phone which was on the nightstand next to the bed, and saw that it was 6 a.m
Well technically it's almost breakfast...
I should get me something...
And the doctor said to wake him up gently... what a better way...
With careful movement, Jimin came closer to the younger, and positioned his head just above Jungkook's pelvis.
Then he started kissing softly the V lines that were leading to the place where Jimin wanted to kiss the most.
After licking his lips, wetting them nicely, the pink haired trailed soft kisses all over Jungkook's lower stomach and up until he could reach, the white gaze was unableing him to go further up so he stayed in the lower area.
Jungkook seemed to like the attention that he was getting, so while Jimin's lips traveled further down, down, the younger's breathing became faster, his body getting stiff, muscles contracting...
And then with one swift move, Jimin tugged off the boxers that were on his way and took Jungkook's still soft cock into his wet mouth.
Gently, he sucked on the younger's length, working the flesh towards firmness, allowing it to expand inside his mouth. In moments, Jungkook's dick was fully hard so Jimin kept bobbing contentedly down his shaft, evoking soft moans from the black haired.
"Ah... fuck... what..." Jungkook's deep morning voice only made Jimin that much hornier so while looking at the younger finally waking up he started deep throating his whole length, slightly choking on it.
"Jimin... baby... slow down... oh fuck..." Jungkook moved his upper body up, scratching his eyes, adjusting to the light and the sight in front of him.
Of course, Jimin didn't stop.
He only moved an inch away from the younger's cock and started licking the tip of his head teasingly, swirling his tongue around the head.
"Good morning handsome." While taking the shaft of the younger's cock in his hand, Jimin smiled from down, laying between Jungkook's legs, adjusting his own position on bed now that his member became hard too.
"Good? I'd say perfect... Mmmmmm" The younger lolled his head back, closing his eyes, enjoying the perfectly skilled lips on his cock.
Just to drive him a little more crazy, Jimin sucked harder with persistent pace, licking over the slit every time his mouth moved up, and just as he saw that the younger was about to come, he moved off of his cock, slipping it loudly with a big pop out of his mouth.
"Na-a baby... I can't let you come yet..." Jimin used the upper side of his hand to clean the spit that was all over his lips and chin, and then he moved up, being careful not to hurt the younger's wound.
"It felt too good... I needed one more second..." Jungkook whined while embracing the pink haired into his arms, going with his hands through Jimin's messed up hair.
"Oh I know exactly where this was heading. That's why I stopped. I need you to be hard for me a bit longer." Jimin cocked his eyebrows at the younger who smiled devilishly at the pink haired.
With one fast move, Jungkook turned them around, making the older to lay on his back while adjusting his hips in between Jimin's equally hard member.
Jimin hated the fact that he was wearing a simple t-shirt that he had found in the closet and a pair of navy blue boxer briefs. He would much rather be naked and free to feel Jungkook's naked body completely. Seemed like the younger could read Jimin's mind cause in a few fast moves he removed Jimin's shirt and then his boxer briefs, throwing them somewhere in the room.
"Now come here." Jungkook's voice was filled with lust. He looked possessed, wild, and so fucking attractive.
Jimin moved up and just as he was about to kiss the younger, Jungkook turned his body around and pushed his shoulder blades onto the bed, making the older to arch his back into the air, presenting his perfect ass and tight pink hole in between.
"So pretty... and finally mine... only mine..." Jungkook nibbled at the sensitive skin on the older's ass cheeks, marking the territory as his.
Jimin's hole trembled at the new vulnerability. He gritted his teeth and sucked air into his lungs with difficulty, the teasing pleasure reaching nearly painful heights.
Jungkook's lips on the small of his back caused him to arch his back even more into him, the younger's hands taking the muscles of his ass and easily enfolding them in his manly grip. The black haired tugged them apart so that Jimin was truly exposed to him, ready to feel all the feels right there, on his most private, special spot.
At first, Jungkook's tongue just flicked with the gentlest pressure against the sensitive skin of his hole, teasing him to life, but making his arms tremble beneath him. The younger kept him open and took the pink haired shivers for the cue they were. He lapped more firmly, sucked more eagerly and finally began to fuck his ass with his pointed tongue, wetting his opening thoroughly.
Jungkook reached with his hand in front of Jimin and took his cock in his palm, stroking it lightly while pushing the first two digits inside his ass with little to zero resistance.
"Mmmmm taking me so good... Jiminah... how can you be so perfect for me? Hm?" Jimin's cock twitched at the praise as he slowly moved his ass up and down Jungkook's long fingers while pumping himself into his hand.
After an eternity of submitting to Jungkook on all fronts, the younger pressed his body to Jimin's back, so the older felt his bulge pulsating against his ass.
"Fuck baby... give it to me... please..." Jimin wasn't horny, attracted, needy... he was devastatingly aching for that cock.
Their hips found a rhythm and rocked together, making them both groan.
"Want you to fuck me..." Jimin moaned, the feeling of Jungkook's precum-covered cock made his mind dizzy.
"I can see that..." The younger moved away, then slapped Jimin's ass with no force, and then he roamed through the nightstand next to the bed.
"Let me get the condom and lube..." Jungkook threw the lube onto the bed and kept searching for condoms, but Jimin had something else on his mind.
"Want it raw..."
The younger stopped his search and looked at Jimin with question marks in his eyes.
"Just... since we're together now and I'm clean... so... I thought we could skip the condom part cause I really wanna feel you inside me... only if you want to..." Jimin would keep on rambling, but Jungkook came back as fast as the light and then he made himself comfortable in between the older's legs and started caressing his face softly.
"Are we together now? Are you mine?" Jungkook asked while leaving a trail of wet kisses along Jimin's neck.
"I am. We had a deal...last case... then we're free to be together... right?" Jimin tried to talk, but his voice was filled with moans and soft breaths, but Jungkook understood him perfectly well.
"That's right... It's just me and you now... and I can do whatever I want with you... no limits... no restrainings... just us..."
Jimin nodded and then turned around, arching his back, pushing his ass towards the younger, begging him to take him.
"Fuck me Kookah, now... please... need you..."
Jungkook gripped his cock in his hand and guided it to Jimin's ass. The first contact was electric. The younger's smooth skin slid easily over the older's ass, his wet hole and Jungkook's wet cock meshing perfectly.
"Yes, yes..." The pink haired moaned and pushed back impatiently.
Jungkook pressed more firmly, his head against Jimin's hole.
The older pushed himself back and finally felt Jungkook's length entering him.
Jimin's entire body was on fire, past the point of pain or pleasure and just fizzling on pure nerves. The breath he didn't know he was holding left his lungs in a deep sigh when Jungkook pushed forward and at the same time the pink haired pushed back. He felt himself filled with the younger's member, pushing out all room for anything else. His tight hole gripping Jungkook's dick like a vice, but easily allowing him in.
"Holy shit!" Jungkook groaned as he neared his destination.
Jimin felt his hips settle onto his bare ass and his fingers grip the older's hip bones in a still firm but shakier hold.
Jungkook pushed home and Jimin saw stars.
He took the lead and moved himself up and down Jungkook's pole, slowly at first but with increasing speed. His powerful ass pushed him out and then pulled him back on, the pink haired hip rocking forward and back mercilessly. He could feel each millimeter as it left him and then retook its position inside him.
Jimin pulled back further, nearly allowing the younger to leave his warmth, but pushed him back in, hitting his prostate with each push. The older's cock throbbed and a strong stream of precum erupted from his hard cock.
"Your ass is so tight baby..." Jungkook moaned as his hands moved up his spine, thumbs pressing gently, massaging any tension from the older's muscles. "Fuck, I'm not gonna last long..."
"Fuck me harder." Jimin mewled... "Pound me...make me sore..."
Jungkook growled at the said words, slapping Jimin's ass playfully.
"You sure?"
Jimin slammed his ass all the way down on his hard cock, feeling the younger's hip bones on his cheeks and moaning loudly while feeling the same pressure on the inside... That was his answer to the question Jungkook had asked him.
There were rare moments when your soul leaves your body, 'Near death experience', 'surviving full on panic attack' and 'when Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hips like handle bars on a bicycle and started fucking him like there's no tomorrow' was a third.
The speed of his thrusts was breathtaking...
Jimin's chest pressed against the mattress underneath him, and he used whatever strength that remained in his arms to push back, further into the younger.
Jungkook growled like a wild cat as he picked up speed. His cock hit inside Jimin at the right angle and pace over and over again, twice a second, once in and once out... The pink haired mouth hung open and his slit oozed a steady stream. He could easily feel the explosion building in his balls. Even though he was tempted, he dared not to reach down and touch his own cock, fearing he might actually kill himself with sheer pleasure.
"Oh fuck yes baby, yes, oh shit... fuck me... your cock feels so good..."
The words just fell from Jimin's parted lips without thought... He was spent, reckless, lost and found at the same time...
"Aahhhh Jimin, I'm close. Oh my god.... I'm gonna come soon. I can't... oh fuck..."
Jungkook's cock was like hot iron inside him, and there was only one way to quench that fire.
"Do it baby. Come in me... Give it to me." He moaned in broken pants as the younger pistoled in and out of him.
"Give me your load. I want to feel you inside me... please do it for me..." The older urged him on.
With a sound like nothing Jimin had ever heard, Jungkook's cock buried into him to the hilt and expanded. He felt it swell, felt the cum travel from the younger's balls and down his shaft, his head against Jimin's prostate until he couldn't take it any more.
The first blast sent him hurtling over the edge.
Jimin's ass grabbed at the younger's cock, milking him, three, four, five times, each new jet being matched as his own cum splashed into the mattress underneath him, Jungkook's cum filling him up and his own staining the bed sheets.
Jungkook stayed buried in Jimin's ass until his cock finished twitching.
When he removed himself, slowly with each inch causing him to shake a bit from the sensitivity, Jimin held his load deep inside him, not letting any of it escape. His breathing began to lengthen again so he climbed down to reality, his cock still leaking a little.
"That was... shit... what the fuck was that?" Jungkook threw his body next to Jimin, onto the bed, not minding the dirty, sweaty sheets while making himself comfortable, spreading his body into sea-star position.
Jimin laughed out loud, loving the cute, flustered and at a loss for words Jungkook who seemed a bit shy and off of his game. The older enjoyed seeing him like that.
"That was us enjoying your first free day together..." Jimin turned around, facing the younger, and just as he was about to move up, on top of him and probably kiss him senseless, Jimin noticed the red spot on Jungkook's gaze getting bigger, his wound was obviously being hurt.
"Shit! Fuck! Babe... your wound..." Jimin jumped up and started panicking cause the last thing he wanted was for the younger to feel the pain that he felt last night while being stitched up and fixed properly.
"Hey, hey, hey... It's ok. It's not your fault. I was a bit careless and maybe a tad too rough..." Jungkook sat down calmly, taking another gaze from the nightstand and dabbing it on the bleeding wound.
"Yeah, and who wanted you to be rougher? Me. So it's all my fault. I want you to call your doctor so that he could check up on you. Ok? Please... I can't have anything bad happening to you now. Please baby... Call someone." Jimin whined while putting a robe on his body, feeling anxious and tired all over again.
"Ok. Fine. I'll call Yoongi hyung... Was he the one who fixed me last night?" Jungkook got up and started collecting things he needed for a shower.
"No... I... I couldn't unlock your phone cause you've lost consciousness and I don't know your password, but then your phone rang and I saw agent 'Red' on it so I picked up and explained the situation so they took care of the rest.
Jungkook looked at the older confused.
"Agent 'Red' called me out of nowhere... That's weird... They never call unless there's some problem that my Yoongi hyung can't solve."
Jimin shrugged, trying to make the room more presentable, removing the stained sheets off the bed.
"Um... maybe they wanted to make sure you got your last case done... I don't know... It doesn't even matter now. You're here, and you're safe and healthy, and you need to call Yoongi so he can set you up with some doctors to check up your wound." Jimin insisted while pushing Jungkook's phone to the younger's chest, pushing his eyebrows high up, urging the younger to do so as fast as he could.
"Do it. Come on." He pushed Jungkook into the bathroom, making sure the younger is not interrupted while making the call so the younger smiled while nodding in defeat.
"Fine. I'll call him after I take a shower cause I'm as dirty as it gets. He'll probably invite some doctor from our agency here to check up on my wound so I don't know if you want to be here when he arrives..." Jungkook talked while getting some towels and gel wash, the silhouette of his naked body made Jimin's judgement cloudy.
"I'll stay... or no... I'll go since I have tons of work to do, but I'll come here afterwards. Is that ok? I'm already used to this amazing space. I loved it the first time when we came here and now I love it even more." Jimin grabbed the shirt he had on and messily cleaned his stomach, knowing damn well he'll need a long bath after Jungook is finished with the bathroom.
"How could I forget... Jungkook pushed his head outside the bathroom and smiled at the older whose cheeks blushed instantly. Being observed by such a handsome man was taking a toll on him.
"Come give me a kiss before I lock myself in there for an hour." Jungkook pouted his lips ridiculously so Jimin came closer and put a loud peck on the younger's cute lips, loving the slopping noise they made.
"Don't stay in there forever, I need to clean up too." Jimin whined, but the younger just waved him off, leaving the pink haired pouting and whining behind.
"I'll give you 27 minutes Jungkookah before I break inside. You hear me?!" Jimin threatened without any seriousness in his voice, and the only thing he heard was the water running inside the closed bathroom door.
That punk...
While changing the covers and making the room somewhat neat, Jimin heard the well known ring tone on his phone.
With careful steps he came closer to the nightstand where his phone was positioned and looked at the screen.
Unknown number.
He glanced at the bathroom door and listened to the water still running inside and finally answered while moving away as far as he could from said door.
"Is the job done?" a deep voice on the other side of the phone asked.
"Yes sir. Everything's under control. Agent 13 is safe and won't do any harm anymore." The pink haired smirked while answering.
"Good job agent 'Pink'."
And finally, Jimin could breathe again.
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