P.2 Sans veiw
I was sleeping on the couch the television running. A slam of the door startled me to my feet. "Sans! How is it that your intercom is going off and you arent answering!?" Papyrus yelled. "We got a big case that needs fixing." I yawned grabbing my hat. "Oh yeah? And whats that?" "The jewl of King Asgore has been tooken hostage and he wants our team to get them."
Jewl? Never heard that before. Must be one of the boss's secrets. "Aight aight. Get the car ready." I shrugged on my coat and cocked my magnums. "This better be good for waking me up... Tell me of this jewl." "Can't. Classified."I sighed walking out the door. "Course it is."
. . .
Team Keg's warehouse. Damn I hate this group. How did a girl get herself mixed with this hooded group? Thats the only thing Paps could tell me; that this jewl was actually a girl. I shook my head as the patrol out front continued. Paps was in the car ready for us to make an escape. I was tracking their movements, waiting for the right moment.
Boom. They were switching. I ran across a Sycamore tree to the roof of the "abandon" warehouse. I barely missed a hole in the roof when I landed. "This kid better be worth breaking my neck..." I peered through the hole and let out a laugh. "Ha- Ha- Hallo!" I said. The hole went straight to their boss's room. "Bingo..."
There in the middle of the room was a girl passed out in a folding chair with a classic bag over her head. Hooded figures walked around chit chatting like nobody's business. I listened closely.
"So if we syrike here and here... that'll block the a.c. units and vents... and border here... they'd have to give up." "Aight... but what about the baby face? Hows that gonna help us?" "Dontcha get it ya numb skull? She's their spy and a terrible one at that." Spy? She isnt even from our area.
Movememt from a door caught my attention. The Keg's boss walked around the men to his table right in front of the girl. He made a gesture to remove the bag. Two of the people did so and revealed the girls face. (E/c) gems were settled onto her pretty (s/c) face and her (h/c),(h/l) spiraled from the bag like a water fall.
I let out a low whistle. "Quite the pretty fave to get mixed up in a blood bath," I thought as she fixed her eyes onto the beast. Her eyes widened in fear. "So... you could get passed all my men... all the defense mechanisms... and end up getting cornered and almost escape this hell... And you are to tell me a GIRL of all creations could do this without proper training...?"
No training? That's surprising. "Ever heard of self endurance, pig?" I smirked. She had guts. No wonder boss called her a jewl. The big man snarled grabbing her by the collar. "You should learn to have a bit more respect to the Godfather my lovely..." She spit in his face. "You arent any god father of mine. Just wanted to explore was all."
He growled letting the girl go wiping the saliva away. "You wont do any good for my team with that attitude. Barrel her." My eye sockets widened. "Oh shit not the tnt!" I thought quickly jumping down the hole. Right when he sat down, I landed on his desk. He stared at me with a horrored expression. I gave a lazy smirk.
"Well if it aint Keg Dynamit himself..." I said. Two of his men were coming at me from behind. I pinned them to the wall with magic. The two carrying of the jewl had frozen in fear. "Decided to drop in. . . How's ya been? Still got that scar from the last time we tussled?"
"What does King Asgore's slime have any buissness here?" Keg snarled at me. I shook my head. "Tch tch tch... you know how to speak to me... don't want to have another bad time dow we?" I could hear him gulp. "There's been a little rumor that you got our King's jewl... Im here to retrieve her..." I saw his blood red eyes widen. "That one a jewl?" He scoffed. "You're kidfing right?" I shook my head checking how many bullets i had. "I dont ask questions... just deliver out my job..."
"Now I can take the girl and leave quietly... no men of yours is hurt... none of mine... OR you could put up a fight... many of your men die... and some of your supplies are taken... which are you gonna choose?" He looked at me then to the girl. I actually hadnt made eye contact with her yet. "Let the gurl go..." "But boss-!" "LET her go..." I could hear the dropping of the chair and i smiled.
"Good..." I hopped off the table and walked to the hostage hat tipped over my eyes. "Undo the ropes." I said to one of the hooded figures. Hesitation. Nothing. "I said... undo the ropes..." I looked up at him one eye blacking out. He stiffened and hurriedly undid the ties. The girl let out a huff as she rubbed her rope burned wrist. I held out a gloved hand to help her up.
She took it. Once up she hastily took her hand back. I smiled. Spoiled much? "If you would follow me..." I said heading for the exact. I could barely hear her quiet footsteps behind me. I shoved my hands into my pockets walkkng down the dilapidated halls. "...thank you." My eyes widened in surprise as I turned my head to the girl. She was looking down, her (h/c) locks veiling her face.
I smirked at her. "No problem..." All of a sudden there was a noise. A noise I was all too familar with. I stopped right in front of a fork of hallways turning around. "Shoulda fucking known he wouldnt go down without a fight..." I said seeing a cluster fuck of hooded bodies running like a destroyed ant hill at us. Bang went another rifle. The in the middle of the fork shattered when the bullet met with glass.
"Hurry!" I said grabbing unto her hand and tugged her down the hallway to the left. More gun fire sounded off as we ran. She was actually out running me. A bullet went right between our heads. "Damnit..." I muttered turning around pulling out one of my magnums and fired. Blood splattered as it met its target. I shot again. And again and again till i heard a clicking noise.
"Hey I didnt get to introduce myself earlier!" I yelled over the sounds of bullets firing. "Im Sans! Sans D. Skeleton!" I reloaded my gun. "(L/n!). (Y/n) (L/n)!" What a nice name. More blood. More ammunition. "I got a question for ya y/n!" She looked at me with excitement in her eye. Must be the adrenaline rush. "And whats that!?" "Are ya afraid of heights?!" "Kinda! Why?!"
I looked at the window that we were heading for. "You might wanna hold onto me!" I said picking her up bridal style running faster. "Sans what are yOU DOING!?" she yelled as we busted through the window. The forest surrounding the warehouse had tall enough trees to be able to catch. If i hadnt known that, my action would've been a death sentence.
We landed in a pine. The needles poked me threatening for me to loose my hat as i tried to find balance. The tree was thick with needles so the hooded people couldnt find us. I smiled looking them jutt around. I chuckled putting (y/n) on the branch. "Guess we got lucky huh, dollface?"
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