Being sucked into a portal on his way home was not in Kaminari Denki's plan today, if he did say so himself. This was all sorts of confusing. At first he thought that the must villain from USJ and Training Camp was kidnapping him, which wasn't very cash money, but whatever.
It wasn't, surprise!
Apparently, he was just thrown into a whole new universe. Great, good, wonderful! Jeez, he really wasn't smart enough for this. He was a complete moron, and he knew that. Why couldn't someone like Bakugou or Midoriya have gotten stuck in this mess. He was comic relief, this wasn't his jam! 0/10 would not recommend to a friend.
He fell from the sky, flat on his stomach in the middle of one very pissed of girl, that was definitely younger than him― by a year or three― and she was livid. He backed up into a child with blue arrows on his hairless head and a girl with the prettiest dammed eyes he'd seen, he promptly freaked out.
"Uh- hi?" He hoped that by some miracle they didn't speak English, because that was his worst class.
"Who are you!?" The angry girl from before glowers at him.
Denki just backed the fuck up and ran. If he was good at one thing, it was running. His quirk demanded high stamina. Feet sloppily slapping on the dust beneath him- God Kirishima would be disappointed, but Kirishima wasn't here.
The boy with arrows landed in front of him. His feet froze- was this some parallel universe? Because there was one guy with a scar that was identical to Todoroki's. He was sixteen and confused, more so than he normally would be. Shit.
"StAhp- I coulDa dRoppEd my CrOisSAnt!" Using vines as a coping mechanism wasn't the best idea, but he was panicking. What would Kirishima do? What would Mina- no, she would freak out too. Sero would be best― "Adios, Gamers,"
He sent a jolt of electricity to the ice and it shattered. His feet splash against the dust once more.
Then something hard hit him, and it all went black.
"Whey-" Murmurs spill though his lips. He's sure that Bakugou would hit him any minute for his morosis―
Bakugou isn't here. God- where is here!? He shakes up, clutching the leather beneath him. Leather?
"Where am I? Oh God- is there a God? Oh shit, is the Earth flat- was Nezu wrong. No, wait, that's impossible.. "
Then he took notice of the other four people on the leather thing he was on.
"Uh- who are you? You're not villains are you!? I swear, I'm useless, can't remember a darn thing. Hehe. Wow, we're fly- what are we flying on!?"
"You sure do ask a lot of questions, Sparky. And you've got the attention span of a goldfly."
That voice sounded eerily familiar. Teasing and annoyed. Minorly overconfident, but not Bakugou levels.
"Who are you!?" Demanded another voice. A thirteen year old (he looked that young if Denki was being honest with himself) in on of those weird edgy hair styles asked.
"Uh, I'm Kaminari Denki. Now, who are you and where am I?"
"I'm Katara, this is my brother Sokka, this is Toph, and the one driving is Aang."
"That's a lot of names. Weird ones too."
"Yeah, well, who names their kids Kamanari?" Sokka(?) sassed back.
"That's my last name- uh, this isn't Japan, is it?"
"What's Japan?"
A weird lemur looking monkey thing purrs after the bald kid speaks. He was as confused as ever before. Aizawa-sensei would never believe him.
Being kidnapped before being kidnapped before being kidnapped was the most discombobulating thing Denki had ever been though. And he'd been through a lot of crazy shit. Trust him on that.
He's just going to ignore the whole in-a-new-universe-with-no-way-home thing, because it be like that sometimes, and his luck was bound to pull this at some point.
In any case, he was on a train, with the very Bakugou like girl glaring at him. He still didn't know her name.
"Hey- uh, if I'm being kidnapped and all, what are your names?"
She doesn't answer, he'll call her Bakugou 2.0, the second Lord Explosion Murder.
"I'm Ty Lee!" Cheery and short and scarily like a Tsuyu and Uraraka hybrid, her name is Ty Lee. Odd.
"I'm Mai." Ah- it's Jirou's and Tokoyami's, in Todoroki's words, secret love child.
"So I'm just going to call you Bakugou, yeah?" He looks at the Bakugou 2.0.
"Who in Agni is that!?"
"Bakugou the second it is! It's uncanny how the same you two are. You'd kill each other-"
"Hah, as if, this Bakugou fellow wouldn't stand a chance."
Denki hums in thought. "So, Bakugou the seco-"
"It's Azula, don't forget it."
Ty Lee breaks the awkward silence. Her eyes are shinny, she's almost vibrating. It's really like Uraraka- she's pink and everything! Rocking the whole airheaded aesthetic; but Denki has seen eyes like hers. You can't experience what he had and not come to mistrust everyone and everything.
"How did you do that back there!?"
"Do what?"
"Lighting, you used lighting from your own body! That's so cool!"
"Uh, not really. Aizawa-sensei says I should try and regulate the flow better."
raraka-ripoff goes wide eyed, but Denki can see the calculations behind them. They don't trust him; he'll have to show his dumbassery. He-
"So, what're your quirks?"
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