Klance Roleplay
Okay, so, it's been a while since I've posted quality content. But, since I'm a total Voltron dork now, I felt that this was too good to keep to myself. This is a Shamchat roleplay between a Keith who's texted the wrong number and a Lance McClain. I potrayed Lance, if you wondered.
This is a conversation between Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start) and yourself, Lance McClain.
Lance McClain: X
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): for the last fucking time, i dont want you number! i deleted it twice already i dont need to delete it third time!
Lance McClain: I'm sorry, what? Hate to break it to you, pal, but you've got the wrong number.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ...this isnt james?
Lance McClain: Uh, no. This is Lance.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): oh shit sorry
Lance McClain: It's all good.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ill make sure not to bother you again
Lance McClain: Hey, dude. It's okay. Anybody who formally snaps at the guy who keeps giving them a number is an A+ in my book
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well its not the first time he's done it
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): but you can probably tell from my first message
Lance McClain: He sounds like a douchebag.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): on the nail, he fucking is
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i just wished he leaved me alone! i dont even know what i did
Lance McClain: Is he too flirty? Or is he a generally horrible person?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): second one
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): he thinks the whole "belittle people so they like me" works
Kogane(x to start): im fine with flirty but only when its like you know
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): /nice/
Lance McClain: Ooh, I bet you'd LOVE me.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ????
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i just met you??
Lance McClain: Ha, sorry. It was a joke. I'm a general flirt, if you couldn't tell
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): oh
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well now i can tell
Lance McClain: Oof, could I major in Flirting? Is that a possibility?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ...human relations maybe?
Lance McClain: I know that's a joke, but I would totally do that if that's what the class was
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): as you can tell im not really good with jokes
Lance McClain: It was pretty good
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i was
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i was being serious
Lance McClain: ...are you always
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well not always
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i try to make jokes when i fall into ponds
Lance McClain: 'When you fall into ponds'? Water way to go.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ....pff
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): okay thats funny
Lance McClain: Thank you. I knew I could make you laugh.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well youll be happy to know that made me feel better
Lance McClain: Aww. It wasn't a big deal. It makes me feel better to know that it made you feel better.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): thats very sweet of you lance
Lance McClain: >//////<
Lance McClain: stahp
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i'm just being honest
Lance McClain: Well, it's too nice of you. Be less honest.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): too bad, i like being blunt
Lance McClain: Mmm, yes. Blunt like a dull spoon.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): pfff
Lance McClain: I've been told that stabbing a full spoon into your arm hurts less than a needle. I'm sorry, but I think THE FUCK NOT
Lance McClain: *dull
Lance McClain: *more than a needle
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): if anything it hurts more since the pain region is spread more
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i literally stabbed myself with a pin tag the other day by accident and i didnt even flinch so
Lance McClain: Speaking of pain regions, are you in school?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): yep, im guessing you are too?
Lance McClain: Damn right. It hurts. More than a dull spoon, probably.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): yeah i can agree with you on that
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): im an art major and the project deadlines are killing me
Lance McClain: You're an art major? Damn, that's so cool.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): eh
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): its a lot of staying up late at night with paint all over you
Lance McClain: You know, some people would find that attractive.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): yeah? like who?
Lance McClain: ...
Lance McClain: pfffffffffffftttttt me
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): are you flirting with me?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): you dont even know what i look like
Lance McClain: No, but I have your number. Usually I have to talk to someone to get THAT far.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): okay thats true
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): im keith btw
Lance McClain: Nice to meet you, Keef.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): keef?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): really, nicknames?
Lance McClain: It sounds like Keith anyway.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): it rhymes with reef Lance
Lance McClain: And Keith rhymes with leith. So what?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well okay
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): fair point
Lance McClain: Thank you.
Lance McClain: See? I'm a genius.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): indeed you are
Lance McClain: Was that sarcasm?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): no
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): remember, blunt
Lance McClain: Mmmm, yes. Blunt like a wooden block.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): blunt like a rusty old knife
Lance McClain: Jesus
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): what?
Lance McClain: 'let me see what you have.' 'a KnIfE' 'N O'
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): did you seriously just quote the vine
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): dude my brother and his husband say that constantly to me
Lance McClain: Ha
Lance McClain: Amazing
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i have a lot of knives
Lance McClain: But you're not a murderer. You seem too much like a meme to be a murderer. You're like a...
Lance McClain: *gasp*
Lance McClain: A MEMEDURER
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): o h
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): my god
Lance McClain: D I D Y O U K I L L P E P E ?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): NO I DID NOT
Lance McClain: Oh. Okay. My faith in you has been restored.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): why will i kill pepe???
Lance McClain: Because, Keith. You're a memedurer. You're... o h m y g o d
Lance McClain: y o u
Lance McClain: a r e
Lance McClain: t h e
Lance McClain: z o d i a c
Lance McClain: k i l l e r
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i look
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): NOTHING like him
Lance McClain: He was never caught,
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i was born in korea
Kogane(x to start): is this an excuse for you to get me to send a picture?
Lance McClain: Oh my god. You're the son of the Zodiac killer, and you're just trying to live your life and escape the legacy of your father. Admit that you would see that if it was a movie.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): okay fair, i would watch the shit out of that
Lance McClain: HAHA
Lance McClain: And, also, I wouldn't object to a picture. But that wasn't the purpose of that.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ah okay
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well guess i dont have to send a picture then
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): pff
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): [Keith sends a picture, his hair is in a bun and his glasses are crooked. He looks tired but he's smiling sheepishly, he has a splotch of red and blue paint on his left cheek]
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): there you go
Lance McClain: Holy
Lance McClain: fucking
Lance McClain: shit
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ??/
Lance McClain: You're...
Lance McClain: DAMN, YOU FINE
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): o h
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): oh okay
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): neat
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): thanks?
Lance McClain: 'Neat'? How old are you, sixty?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i panicked and im listening to this podcast
Lance McClain: You panicked? Dude. Chill.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): look im just not use to it
Lance McClain: Used to what?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): being called 'fine' or anything like that
Lance McClain: Wait, really? You're not constantly being told that?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): no????
Lance McClain: Why not? Because, well... day-um.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): idk, and thanks
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): god you really are flirty
Lance McClain: Heh. I just have irresistible charm.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): can you send a photo?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): if youre comfortable to, i mean
Lance McClain: I don't know if you could handle it. My beauty is something that a mortal soul shouldn't stare directly at.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): guess ill take my chances
Lance McClain: you have a death wish.
Lance McClain: [Lance sends a photo. He's laying down on a blue bedspread, and his hair is falling to one side. He's making a peace sign at the camera, and he has a goofy grin on his face.]
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): youre beautiful
Lance McClain: Wait, what?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): youre really beautiful, lance
Lance McClain: I
Lance McClain: really?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): really
Lance McClain: Heh. Thanks, I guess. That... that flattery is kinda new for me.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well im just uh you know
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): being honest
Lance McClain: Well, you sound, uh, hella gay
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): maybe i am hella gay
Lance McClain: It wouldn't surprise me.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): are you cool with that?
Lance McClain: Of course I am. After all, I was shamelessly flirting with you.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well okay well true
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): just wanted to check
Lance McClain: Hell, I still am shamelessly flirting with you.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): keep doing it
Lance McClain: Really? I mean, normally, beautiful people want me to stop talking with them.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): youre the beautiful one here, lance, and sucks for them because youre a sweet guy
Lance McClain: >/////////////////////<
Lance McClain: stop
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): again /just being blunt and honest/
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): pff
Lance McClain: You're also being very flirty, which I love.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i honestly didnt know i was flirting
Lance McClain: You called me beautiful.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): okay well
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): /true/
Lance McClain: That's more than flirting. That's romantic.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i just said the first thing on my mind
Lance McClain: Wait, that was the first thing on your mind?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): ...yes
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): is it weird?
Lance McClain: That is so sweet.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well you are!
Lance McClain: How? Honestly, Keith, if you met me, you'd know that I am anything but sweet.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): you made me feel better after the whole thing with james
Lance McClain: Heh. I barely knew you. I just wanted to make you laugh.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): thats pretty fucking sweet lance
Lance McClain: Oh. I didn't realize that. You just seemed upset, and you also seemed like you needed a laugh.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): which makes you more sweet since it was entirely selfless
Lance McClain: ...dammit.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): im just being honest :)
Lance McClain: You're being honest, but you're also flirting. That's adorable.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): thanks you? i mean i feel like you just needed to know
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): but i also dont every think before i speak (type?)
Lance McClain: I love how you're this sweet and nice to me, and we've never even met.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well we can
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i mean we're on the same campus right
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): judging by the area code
Lance McClain: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i would love to meet you, lance
Lance McClain: Where should we meet up? I mean, it's weird how we're in the same school but we've never even seen each other. And, I... I'd love to meet you too, Keith.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): we can meet up at the library and go from there
Lance McClain: Ooh, I love the library. It's easy to find some place to nap in there.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i usually hang out in the back section with all the horror novels
Lance McClain: Do you ever get scared by those novels?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): eh, sometimes but not as often as you expect
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): but it just has to be something very fucking freaky and real
Lance McClain: Really? Those books give me the creeps.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): well i mean
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): that's their job
Lance McClain: I mean, the entire section gives me the creeps. It feels too... eerie. And ominous.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): again, kind of the point to them
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i like eerie and ominous things
Lance McClain: No, the entire area back there freaks me out. It's dark, almost rotting, and I heard weird groaning sounds on multiple occasions.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): oh yeah there's a ghost back there
Lance McClain: KEITH
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): she's nice!!!
Lance McClain: Wait, there's really a ghost? Like, an honest-to-god, haunting ghost?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i mean yeah?
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i did an investigation awhile back ago and found out she was living there
Lance McClain: Oh my god. That is so freaky.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): what did you expect? this college is over 100 years old
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): she likes red stones by the way
Lance McClain: Keith, because of you mentioning ghosts, I am now hiding in my dorm room closet with a chocolate bag, my blanket and my phone because I heard something spooky.
Lance McClain: *bar
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): lance its all fine
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): just uh
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): think of them as people?
Lance McClain: I'm freaked out, Keith. They're ghosts!
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): they were people lance!
Lance McClain: 'Were'. Past-tense. As in, 'are no longer'.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): theyre still really cool, there are mainly five ive seen around but after there there isnt much activity around the campus
Lance McClain: I'm still freaked out. Everything that I've seen, heard or read about ghosts indicates that at least one of them is evil.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): one of them pulls pranks but i doubt any of them are evil
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): i literally sat at the library at 3am to test this
Lance McClain: Damn. You're braver than I am, clearly.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): its okay to be scared, im just dumb
Lance McClain: I'm not scared. I don't get scared. I'm just... worried about the potentially evil entities.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): pff, cute
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): its safe lance, i promise
Lance McClain: I'm still staying huddled in my closet. I'm metaphorically and literally closeted
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): lance oh my god
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): do you want me to get you out?
Lance McClain: You don't even know where I live.
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): hey dude i gtg! its hella late over here, thank you for rping with me!))
Lance McClain: See ya! Have a good night, and thanks for being awesome!))
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start): thank YOU for being awesome! have a good night!))
Wrong/Unknown#!College!Keith Kogane(x to start) has left the conversation.
None of this was changed from the original RP. I hope that you'll at least get a laugh out of it.
Peace out,
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