Even An Android Can Cry (A ScarletVision Fanfic)
(Set not long after AoU)
Wanda hit the wall. Hard. She knew it was hard to beat Natasha in hand-to-hand, but this was insane. All the redhead had needed to do was kick Wanda really hard to the gut.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Natasha just watched the Enhanced push herself off of the floor, her body aching. Fighting was NOT Wanda's strong suit.
"What, not going to needlessly
check on me?" Wanda asked sarcastically, her accent adding to her annoyance.
"Combat is a good skill to have. Magic won't always save you." The assassin said simply.
"It's not just magic. It's the alteration of reality." Wanda insisted. "Sort of."
Nat just rolled her eyes.
Wanda was remembering this one-on-one training session about an hour later as she was bandaging herself in her bathroom. Her face was scratched, and her hands shook as she began to dab rubbing alcohol on a cloth into her deepest cuts (note to self: if you use magic in a combat lesson with the Black Widow, she will BUST YOU UP. With a butter knife that she just so happened to grab after breakfast).
There was a light rapping on the door, then it opened to reveal the Vision. His green accents glimmered in the fluorescent lights, and his red skin was surprisingly reflective against the harsh lighting. The Mind Stone shone in the centre of his forehead. Though it wasn't necessary, he wore a maroon sweater vest over dark dress pants. He looked over at Wanda, who was basically a mess.
Her brown hair was tied back messily, and she hadn't gotten to take a shower after the combat lesson, so she was grimy and greasy. Her cheeks were red due to overheating, and the scratches were tinged pink around the edges. She still wore her black workout capris, and a sweaty scarlet tank top.
"Wanda, I was sent to alert you of-" Vision didn't finish because he noticed Wanda's condition. "Oh, my word!"
"Hey, Vizh. Um... I'm fine."
"Wanda! What happened?"
He grabbed her face to examine it closer. "Vizh, it's fine! It's just a scratch!" She said as best she could. Vision immediately took the cloth with rubbing alcohol and began cleaning her cuts.
"What on earth happened to you?" Vision asked, no lack of concern in his voice.
"Training session in hand-to-hand combat with Natasha."
"Ms. Maxim- I mean, Wanda, I understand that you wish to master the form of combat the others do, but-"
"I don't."
Vision blinked in surprise. "I assumed-"
Wanda rolled her eyes. "Romanoff has this brilliant idea that one day, I'll need it to 'survive'."
She used her fingers to make quotations around the word survive. Vision said, "Ah." And nothing more for a while.
Wanda's thoughts raced as she stared at him, his face a mask of concentration. Vision held a certain type of innocence, like a boy who was not yet a man.
Yet, he was one of the smartest sentient beings on the planet.
Every time she was near him, she felt at ease. Her stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies when she thought about him. Why?
Wanda felt that she had something in common with the android. They were both outcasts from society. He was because he was a robot. Humanity had lost faith in good robots when Ultron showed up and blew up Sokovia. She was because of...
Her powers.
She incapacitated the Avengers with a flick of her wrist. What's worse, is that one of her 'powers', unbeknownst to the Avengers, was altering probability and she did nothing to save Pietro.
Wanda hadn't done anything to save Pietro because she was more concerned with saving the world. Was she selfish? She couldn't tell. But Pietro had been her whole world. Sure, he was more flirty with girls than she liked, and he needed to check on her every two minutes, but she loved him.
The Vision stopped suddenly and said, "Ms. Maximoff, you have a heightened adrenaline rate and you appear to be crying."
She hasn't noticed the tears streaming down her face, and was more than a little embarrassed to have been crying in front of Vision. "I'm... um... fine, Vision."
Wanda used her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.
"Could I be of assistance?" Vision asked quietly. Wanda noticed how carefully he said it, like not wanting to anger a sleeping lion. Wanda looked down at her hands.
"I don't think there's anything you can do, Vizh. It's..."
"Concerning your brother. Correct?"
Wanda looked up, surprised that he brought it up. Vision's cheeks went red(der) and he said quickly, "I am unfamiliar with human loss, but I can help you, Wanda. If you wish to accept it."
Wanda smiled at him, a real smile. One of the first smiles she'd had since Pietro died.
"I'd like that, Vision. Thank you."
The android smiled as well. "You're welcome."
Later, Vision found Wanda crying silent tears for her brother. Despite the whole 'privacy' rule that humans felt obliged to follow, Vision walked into her room and gathered the Enhanced in his lap. She sobbed quietly into his chest, and eventually she looked up at him through her tears. Vision had tears dripping down his face.
Wanda pulled away, surprised. "Vision, you're... crying."
He smiled slightly. "Even an android can cry, Wanda."
Wanda pulled closer to him. "Well, you can cry around me."
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