8:《Realising 》
Nikki P.O.V
Damn!Where the hell-How did I get home?
My head,ouch.
I looked on the floor and there was Paige and Sasha on the couch snoring away.
I pick my phone and see a message from Seth.
And when I saw it was from him I s-smiled and then held my head since it ached.
Hangover is shit this morning.
Shirtless👅:Good morning ma'lady👸
Me:Oh he y go of morninvh to.👄
Me:I can tell type !😄
Shirtless👅:How about I just phone instead?😂
Shirtless👅:I think that means yes😅.
I couldn't even type properly,I felt so tired.
I see Seth calling and decided to talk outside on the balcony since seeing Paige and Sasha are here and I wouldn't hear the end of them teasing me.
I answered the phone,
I said in dead tone.
Seth:Woh you okay?
Nikki:I'm fine I'm just sore from last night.
Seth:What!You and Cena had s-
Nikki:Ewww no Seth!
I laughed.
Seth:Oh thank gosh.
Nikki:I'm had a girls night out and we were partying so hard. Remember I told you yesterday?
Seth:Oh yeah forgot.
He said as he chuckled.
Nikki:So what you wanna do today?
I asked actually enjoying his company.
Seth:Actually.I got this meeting to go to.You know how HHH can be if I don't come to these things.
I say disappointingly.
Seth:Oh looks like Nikki Bella wants to spend time with me?
He said I could just picture him smirking.
Nikki:What!You wish.
I said knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it.
Seth:Aww anyway I'm sorry Shorty but you wanna do something maybe tomorrow?
I felt my whole mood light up.
Wait.Why was I happy to be with Seth?He annoys the shit out of me.
I shake my head a little.
Nikki:Why not..wha-
I see Paige waking up.
Nikki:Ahh Seth I will call you back!
Seth:Everything okay Shorty?
Nikki:Yeah,it's just...shit!I will talk to you later.
Seth:Okay bye Shorty.
I ended the call and put the phone behind my back.
As I see Paige waking up to me yawning and rubbing her eyes.
I say trying to keep my phone away from her sight.
Paige:What's behind your back?
Nikki:Oh,um it's my phone.
I mumbled under my breathe.
Paige:Your what?
Nikki:My phone.
Paige:Oh John?
Nikki:Yeh John called.
I lied the best I could.
Paige:Okayy,let's go inside and wake Sash up.
I nodded and we walked inside.
We laugh as we see Sasha fast asleep,her hands touching the floor and one leg up and one down.
While she mumbled something.
Paige and I moved in closer to hear what she was saying.
We burst out laughing causing her to wake up frantically.
Sasha:Uh what?
She looked confused at me and Paige laughing on the floor while she rubbed her eyes.
Sasha:Did I miss something?
Paige:Wow Sash I didn't know Roman had such an effect on you.
She looked at her confused.
Sasha:What are you talking about?
Nikki:Dude you were talking about him in your sleep.
She covered her face with a pillow in embarrassment.
Sasha:You don't blame me!The guy is just so-
Paige:Hey what about Dean!
Nikki:Ahh dimples,blue eyes.
Sasha:Guys.Stop obsessing about our boyfriends.
Paige blushed a bright pink.
I zoned out thinking about John.
At this point I really don't know what we are.
Sasha:You okay Nik?
Nikki:I guess.
Paige:Oh don't be sad Nik!True love will always make a way.
Nikki:I hope.I just don't know anymore guys.
Sasha:Don't worry about it.
I got up signalling that I'm going to go bath.
One after the other we got ready and washed up.
We all decided to wear the same thing today.
We all dressed in red dresses.
Paige:Guys idea let's go visit Ro and Dean.
Sasha:Yeh not like we got anything else to do.
Nikki:Yeh let's go.
We all met up at a restaurant called 'Fridays'.
Haha sick idea.
We walked in and see Dean and Roman chatting away like girls.
Dean:Heya sexy.
Dean said while pulling Paige onto his lap and kissing her.
Roman said winking at Sasha making her blush.
She sat next to him and they cuddled.
Sasha:I missed you.
Roman:Me too.
Paige:Yeh she really missed you.She was talking about you in her dream.
Roman:Oh you dream about me?
Roman said feeling himself.
She said and we all laughed.
They continued to chat as I just sat there in deep thought.
Roman and Sasha.
Dean and Paige.
Nikki and ?
Let's be honest here.If I say Nikki and John I would just be lying to myself.
My friends are so happy.
They've found the love of their lives,their soul mates.
And then you get me.
John and I have been drifting further and further everyday.
He is never spending time with me,always in meetings and interviews and even if he is with me we just fight.
Truth is I don't know where we are.
Why are we still together, the love is lost.
I can't even remember the last time that we just spent time together.
Another thing is marriage.I've been asking him about it so much I'm just giving up.
God help me.
I said surprised.
Paige:Isn't that John over there?
She said pointing at the other end of the restaurant.
There John was with a girl!And who was this girl!?
None other than AJ LEE!
Dean jumped up ready to see blood.
Dean:Fucking bustard!
Roman:Dean relax!
Roman said while pulling him back down.
Dean was twitching.
And I just slammed my face down on the table.
How could he?I mean cheating on me with AJ?
Telling me to stay away from Seth!
Really Cena?Cheating on Nikki with AJ?Tsk tsk,where is your loyalty and respect now?What will happen now?Read the next chapter to find out🌸
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