One shot 80th follower special goes to you kitkatbecker!! Everyone please do enjoy!
Madness it is what brings people apart, it can bring people together. Not the way some people would like it, now mind you.
Madness can be many things, it can be caused by many things. This mad man would know, for I have caused madness to many. Even you.
Forgive this mad man.
The madness made you claw your eyes.
Forgive this mad man.
I am going insane.
You are too.
Let's spend it together.
This darkness.
This dark.
Dark world.
That casts its insane aside and let them do as please.
We are not getting help.
We are running this madhouse.
I am King of Madness, welcome to this dark world.
Aw~ I am surprised you can cry. There is no need for it though.
You will be treated nicely.
Very nicely.
Like a Queen.
Queen of Madness.
Well, that means nothing.
You will be next to me as time goes.
Forever and forever.
We will rule this madness!
Forgive this madman.
I went off again.
Please, please do not fear me.
Let me hold you dear and close.
Let me sooth you to sleep.
I notice now I have been rambling for sometime and you are asleep.
You must rest on your own for now.
I must inform that there is someone to rule with me.
Sleep tight.
For madness can be many things, it can be caused by many things.
We are all mad.
How'd I do? If you don't like it I'll make another one. ...>_<...
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