Dinner disaster
Some things to know is that Lumina is 23, Willow is 20, Maple is 18, Winter is 16, Joy is 14 and Stick is 9
It was thanksgiving in Pop Village and Branch's family has one big family gathering
(And when I say big I mean big because it included all of Branch's cousins and their families)
Branch: I wonder how the girls are doing
Joy: um I'm right here dad
Branch: I know I'm talking about your older sisters
Winter: hey dad
Poppy: Winter how was your trip to Volcano Rock City
Winter: it was good I decided to get this cool spiderweb tattoo for my hand and check out my new earring *shows her new tattoo and a second earring on her right ear*
Branch: *thinking* 😨 oh no did she get a boyfriend who is encouraging her to make bad decisions
Winter: and no dad I did not get a boyfriend 😒 like I told you I'm aromatic and asexual
Poppy: Branch remember we talked about this our girls can make their own decisions as long as they are not hurting themselves
Branch: your right
Winter: hey guys
Joy and Stick: hey Winter
Then Willow and Caspian arrived having recently got back from their honeymoon traveling everywhere along Maple who brought her boyfriend Hopper with her and Lumina, her husband Chiptune, and their newborn son Pisces aka Pi
Trickee: I hope he comes
Prism: calm down Trickee it's Ollie you know how much he cares about family
Then Ollie comes with a girl
Ollie: hey mom hey dad
Prism: hi Ollie *hugs him*
Trickee: who's this
Ollie: everyone meet my girlfriend Laurel
Laurel: hey everyone
Ollie: don't worry she's a lot of fun when you get to know her
Trickee: uh that's great 😅 *thinking* he can surely do better
Ollie: hey Laurel how about you spend time with my kid cousins while i catch up
Laurel: sure
Ollie: great 😊 *kisses her on the cheek*
Stick: hi Laurel I'm Stick I'm one of Ollie's second cousins 😄
Laurel: ok either you are adopted or your mom had you with someone else cause I don't see how you are related to this family
Stick: if you're confused then my dad says that I get my looks from my great grandma Rosiepuff
Laurel: oh hooray for you 😒
Stick: can I show you some of my wood work if you want
Laurel: no thanks child 😒
Splatter: hey Laurel
Laurel: go away child
Pisces: 😴
Laurel: who's the baby
Stick: that's Pisces my new baby nephew
River: he's taking a nap
Then Laurel grabs a balloon and pops it
Pisces: 😨😭
Lumina: 😨 what happened
Pisces: 😭
Laurel: oh one of the kids popped a balloon
John Dory: what
Bolt: dad no it was Laurel I saw it
John Dory: Bolt you can't be lying about people you don't know
Bolt: I'm not lying
John Dory: look Bolt your mom and I need to help out with making dinner so can you watch your little brother and sister
(John Dory and Isla had twins Juniper and Ivan together and they are 2 years old)
Ollie: ok Laurel you can come help us
Laurel: ok *thinking* great I can get away from those brats
Later on Trickery's daughter Aurora, Stick, River, Periwinkle, the triplets, Greenie, Juniper and Ivan all agree that they wanted Laurel gone so they decide to drive her away
River: how did you meet my cousin
Laurel explains while Greenie secretly placed some spiders on her food
Bruce: I hope everyone enjoys the meal
Laurel: *sees some spiders* 😱
Stick, River, Periwinkle, the triplets, Greenie, Juniper and Ivan: 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Pisces: 😄 *thinking* serves that meanie right
Ollie: I am so sorry someone must've gotten my spiders
Laurel: it's fine I guess
Then Juniper and Ivan made a huge earthquake
(They were blessed at birth with elemental powers)
Laurel: 😱
Juniper and Ivan: 😆😆
Isla: what is going on
John Dory: we gotta talk to the kids after this dinner
Ollie: well this is not how I wanted this dinner to go but I hope this last part can be salvaged
Laurel: what are you talking about
Ollie: well *pulls out a ring* 💍 Laurel will you marry me
Laurel: what 😠 and be stuck with these spoiled brats every holiday no 😡
Trickee: 😡 *thinking* that woman is dead for breaking my son's heart
Aurora: how dare you 😡 *throws mashed potatoes at Laurel*
Pisces: 😡 *thinking* you meanie *throws his bottle at Laurel*
Then the rest of the kids threw their food at Laurel and she leaves
Ollie: Laurel wait can we talk about this
Laurel: what I had to deal with your bratty niece, your bratty cousins and all of those brats
Ollie: why are they brats
Laurel: they hate me for no reason 😡
Aurora and Stick: 🙄🙄
Ollie: I promise if you give them a chance they'll like you
Laurel: no 😡 you know what you have two choices
Ollie: what are you talking about
Laurel: either you cut off all contact with your family or we're through
Ollie: you can't make me choose
Laurel: fine good luck ever finding a girlfriend who is better than me
She leaves in anger
Ollie: 🥺
Prism: it's going to be ok Ollie *hugs her*
Ollie: I can't believe it I loved her so much 🥺
Trickery: 🤬 Laurel if she can't see what a amazing guy you are then it's her loss
Trickee: Ollie I promise one day you'll find someone who will love you and treat you well
The family hugs
Everyone: awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Then everyone eats dinner and Ollie was glad to have his family
Happy thanksgiving 🍁
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