Welcome, little traveller
BigB slams his shoulder painfully into the side of his wall, hopping over Martyn's dripstone trap, and stumbling into his CobbleRooms and then into a tunnel. "BigB...come on out..." Scar calls, slowly walking down the steps. He's making sure BigB can hear him, making his heart hammer all the more–he's insane; it's official. BigB avoids letting any blood hit the floor, but he's more focused on using his knowledge of this place to confuse the crazed, bloodthirsty man. Above all else, needs to get back to Grian and his strange friend with the magic powers. BigB gets into one of the side corridors, runs through it, and hides around the corner to catch his breath. Scar will reach the actual entrance soon. He needs to get out. He heads for one of the other doors that should lead to an escape route, opens it and steps out to pass the threshold,
and suddenly falls into a pit of space and stars.
"No!! Send me back! I didn't want this!" BigB yells, tumbling through the (mostly purple)starry, nebulous void, searching for SOMETHING to grab. He manages to see whatever door he opened close behind him, sealing itself up again as if it was never there to begin with. He's not trusting the air he breathes; as with the Void in the End, he's certain at some point he's about to run out of air. Although, this doesn't seem or feel like a normal Void. The Void has a heavier weight and gripping drag to it, sort of like falling with a little less but also a little more gravity than normal. This feels like he's about to do a bucket clutch with Overworld gravity.
After falling for about 5 minutes, he starts to feel like he's not going to lose air and calms down a bit. He's now begun to wonder, is he stuck here? Where even IS here? WHAT is here? What if he lands? The fall would surely kill him. The way he fell through the door wouldn't help. "Oh." He whips around, losing all the balance and stability he'd gained and sending himself spinning again. Someone giggles, or laughs, some sort of sound of amusement. "Oh, you are fun to watch. Who are you?" He keeps looking around, but answers hesitantly. "BigB." He replies. "That's quite the name. I don't see a big 'B' on you." They muse. "I–can you help me? I don't know where I am." They stay silent for a moment as he continues falling head over heels a bit more. "Where do you come from? What World?" They ask finally. "Secret Life?" He replies. They keep moving, so he can't get a track on where they are. Although, he hopes he isn't(or maybe he hopes he is, he hasn't decided yet) imagining the little flashes of a figure moving faster than humanly possible to remain out of sight. "You come from Secret Life?" They say surprised. "Yeah. I–I really need to go back, my friends, they're in so much danger–" He stops. A person has appeared in front of him. "You spoke to Xerean?" She–they look like a she–accuses, and he nods. "Okay, cool. Just checking. Here, come with me." She offers him her hand. He hesitates. "Look, man, it's either this or I leave you to fall through the Void." She points out. He chooses to take her hand, and she pulls, sending him into a yawning, gaping mouth of just darkness. BigB closes his eyes, waiting to hit something, and never does. Finally, it ends, and after a moment, he opens his eyes. He's on a hill, with lush, green grass. In the distance, he can see a castle. He doesn't recognize this place, and doesn't have long to look around before he drops to the ground, hearing voices. "...while. I think I might be a bit overdue for a run." He slowly grabs his sword, and moves to get into a crouch. That was very distinctly Scar's voice. He can hear two sets of footsteps, and if he's right, it sounds like Scar is closer. After a moment, he leaps, hopping off the hill to the path below, and landing directly on Scar, sending the two tumbling further, into a copse of trees, until he manages to stop, landing ontop of Scar and pressing the side of his sword into Scar's throat. The other man is trying to lean away from the blade, and BigB slowly realizes that something isn't right. Scar's wearing some sort of green robe, with golden patterns and elaborate details woven in. It's not that dark, flowered poncho he had on. He seems scared, too, trying to get his head away from the weapon, and eyes shut tight. "Woah, woah, woah!!" BigB almost drops the sword, whipping around to see the speaker. It's...Tango. He takes a moment to process that.
It's Tango, but not Tango. This one has frosty, blue features instead of the fiery ones he's used to; a black and blue jacket and hood, which he pulls down to show his face. "What's–wait, BigB?! What are you doing here?" He exclaims, and Scar stops struggling at the name as well. "Where is here? Aren't you dead? Why is he here?" BigB replies, sensing how his emotions are accumulating. In the Life Series, they usually get numbed down, but now that he's apparently not there, he's getting them back and isn't used to it anymore. "This is Hermitcraft. When I died, I came back here." Tango answers, flicking his tail slowly. "Then how's he here? And are you still going to kill everyone?" He demands, turning his attention back to Scar, who has opened his eyes and is watching him curiously, but still cautious. There's no bloodlust in his eyes, so he isn't on Red, nor does he have any indicator as to what Life he's on. "N-no?" He replies, and Tango steps forward. "He's not...he isn't in Secret Life anymore. I don't know what happened to him in there, but he's good now, I promise." He confirms, and BigB slowly moves back, standing up. Scar also does the same, then BigB begins to stumble, before the taller man catches him, due to being closer. "Careful. You okay?" The man asks, and while BigB tries to keep himself upright, he simply doesn't have any strength left. "Oh, you're not recovered from Secret Life. Your body must be only getting the effects now." Tango realizes, which explains it well enough. Having such massive sleeping gaps, heightened endurance, adrenaline running almost constantly near the end, and the confusion of what's happening right now are all coming together. "We should get you to a bed, buddy...uh, Tango, do you have one, by chance?" The blue-eyed man shakes his head apologetically. "Okay. Uh..." Scar falls silent, trying to think. "I'm pretty sure we're closest to Grian, right now. Do you think you can walk there? I can see if I can carry you if you need me to." Scar offers. It's a blatant contrast from the man he'd seen trying to murder people, who set bases on fire, and showed nearly no remorse as they approached the end. He's so confused. "Hey, dudes, what's–" BigB looks over, Scar shifting to help support the action. Ren's used an elytra to land in their area, and is looking at him, head titles and mouth partially open from when he cut himself off. "Did I miss something??" He asks Tango, who shrugs. "Maybe? He uh, just kind of appeared, we just met him a few minutes ago." The Pyro explains. "Okay. Uh, you doing alright?" Ren inquires, coming a little closer. "Just got out of Secret Life; he's still recovering." Scar answers, and Ren nods. "I was only there for a week, but even that was...a lot. I don't know how you managed so long there." He observes. "We want to bring him to a bed so he can rest. Do you maybe have one?" Tango asks. Ren shakes his head, a little rueful. "If I'd known we'd have surprise guests, I would have." He replies, and offers his help in supporting the exhausted Lifer up, which both BigB and Scar gratefully accept. Scar is definitely strong, and though he doesn't really trust the man yet, he thinks he knows normal Scar well enough to say he probably wouldn't have been bothered to take on the task of helping BigB standing by himself, however, Ren is a few feet taller than a normal person, and also freakishly strong. "Grian's base should have a few. I'm sure I saw him put a bed by the chestmonster." He offers, and they set off.
Though he does his best, they eventually decide that he simply isn't in the condition to make it on his own, and get Ren to give him a piggyback ride. They walk through a birch forest, and come out to see a massive boulder, covered in moss and surrounded by several smaller but still massive ones. They're floating, though, is the only issue he has with them, though he decides not to question it. "This is Grian's base. You were right, Ren, there's a bed over by the chestmonster." The canine hybrid smiles, then pauses to make sure BigB's still safe on his back before they continue. The man's dangerously close to falling asleep right then and there, completely and utterly exhausted, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Once they get down the hill, pass under an enormous bridge, and reach the bed, Scar removes it. "The best thing for you to do is sleep, so now that we have a bed, why don't we go find a place for you to rest?" He explains, and eventually, they settle for a small cottage in the middle of the nearby forest. There's some redstone thing happening in the corner of the clearing, unused but clearly being experimented with, and the house itself if small, warm, and pretty. He isn't sure how, but the spruce logs, deepslate and mossy roof, and glow berries hanging from the edges make it fit well. Inside is a single room, lit by lanterns, a trapdoor in one corner, a lectern and a few books, a chair that was clearly carved, and in a far corner, a girl. Even in his hazy state, BigB knows it's that one that wrestled the Warden to the ground, took a full slap across the face from it, and still got back up. "This is Xe's house. She, um...she won't mind if we use it. And it's really quiet." Scar explains, as he puts the bed down. His gaze lingers over the girl, then moves to focus on helping Ren set him down. "Thanks." He says, immediately sinking into the sheets. "We're going to go tell Xisuma, our Admin, that you're here. You rest." Tango explains, as he hands him some bread and beef. "Okay?" He replies. They're surprisingly calm about all of this, and it's slightly concerning. He doesn't get to dwell on it, though, because as soon as the door shuts behind the trio, he falls asleep.
Eventually, BigB wakes up again. The girl is still sleeping, still and unmoving, save for the practically imperceptible rise and fall of her chest when she breathes. He uses the time to try and get a hold on what's going on, or at least recall the set of events. Is he dead? Did Scar kill him? But why would he be here, in that case? That wouldn't make sense. The door he used opened, and in the other side was a starry portal. That was real. He knows for certain it was. Ren sure felt and looked much to be like himself, right down to the faint dog smell he always has. "This is real, human." He freezes, in the middle of scarfing down a steak. God, he's starving. In the Life Series, they all have heightened survival abilities, endurance higher than normal, but that just means whatever they lacked there tanks instantly when they go home again. "Where are you?" He demands, having cleared his mouth of the food. "Right here. I don't like to speak to others who aren't wholly involved in certain issues, but I'll make an exception for you." BigB huffs a little, unsure if he's being insulted or complimented. "Okay, so, tell me what's going on. Where am I? Who are you? What happened to me? To my friends?" While she doesn't show up, she does answer. "You inadvertently set up a weak spot within your world. The amount of doors mixed with the magic and Code breaks within your Server–and externally–caused a Rift to momentarily appear the moment that door opened, and you fell through. Into my awareness. I took you out, and you better be grateful, else you would've been floating endlessly for the rest of time. You're in Hermitcraft, where Xerean lives. I...don't know what happened to your friends. I would like the context to your experience there, however. Ren, Mumbo, and Tango helped a little, but they didn't know what was happening, so they were unable to provide any truly meaningful information." She explains. "So you just want me to recount the events? I wasn't in all of the action. I missed plenty of things." He points out. "Oh, and my name is Jabber. I forgot I didn't say that. That's a thing people need." She adds, that last comment sounding like something someone told her so she has to remind herself. "And no, I know. But if I can take and view those experiences, then I can get a clearer understanding of the situation." BigB doesn't understand. "What do you mean, 'take and view'? Do you read minds?" He inquires. Jabber snorts. "You've been in the same world as one of my people. Of COURSE I can read minds. How do you think I found you?" He grunts softly. "It's not at invasive as you would think. I just seek the memories, and then I have them. I have no interest in the lives of mortal beings. Just what's useful to me." That's a very strange way of assuring someone that you don't have to worry about them digging into your head for no reason. "I try." She says, and then, the memories of Secret Life pop up. They play incredibly fast, like she was flicking through pages of a book to find a certain chapter. "And that's it. Quick and painless, right? Now you do as the hybrids and Scar said and rest. You lot are crazy in your own right." She doesn't speak after that, so BigB continues eating. Tango knew just how much food he would need to feel full again, and he leans against the wall with a sigh. As he does, though, the door opens, and he looks over to see Ren ducking to avoid hitting the top of the entryway, followed by Scar, Tango, and a man in a helmet. "This is Xisuma. He's our Admin." Scar tells him, and BigB nods slowly. "Hello. Are you feeling alright?" The man greets kindly, moving to sit in the chair. Scar sits on the edge of the bed where the girl is, while Ren and Tango move to sit against a wall. "I think so." He answers. He definitely feels well-rested. "That's good. Can you tell me about how you got here? Or what you were doing beforehand?" BigB goes to respond, only for someone else to appear. No dramatic entrance or anything, just simply appear as though by Ender Pearl. "I brought him here." They all jump, and BigB recognizes it to be the person he'd been talking to. She has short, messy black hair, pale, greenish blue eyes, a spiked choker, a black jacket, ripped pants, and an air of rebellion about her. "And why would you do that?" Xisuma sighs, clearly not exactly angry, but still not all too thrilled to have to speak to her. "He somehow broke the World enough to make a portal with nothing more than a bunch of tunnels and an unnecessary amount of doors. He fell out of the World, and unlike the rest of you, I don't know him or his interactions. He might be able to help me wake her up." Jabber points at the sleeping girl, which must be very important because everyone else sharpens. "Alright, I'm listening." Xisuma says, crossing his arms. "He saw that Scar and Xerean fight. But Xerean, she's losing. Before Scar could kill her, though, he shot him with an arrow, so Xerean sent him away. When he escaped through the door, he left a hole in the World. The Watchers can't repair that, everything's already falling apart at the seams. At the very least, I can send her a message to tell her that she needs to get out. Grian's code preventing Chaos Witches still stands, so I can't enter the World itself." She explains. BigB has no idea what any of this means, but Scar looks shocked and guilty. "It wasn't you, buddy. It's some other Scar." Jabber adds, which doesn't help him much. What does she mean, 'some other Scar'? "But if her power is limited, how do you propose she escape?" Ren asks, so the strange girl turns to him. "She'll have to figure out what's happening on her own, but when she does, and accomplishes it, I'll theoretically be able to pull her out with the hole he made." She flicks her fingers at BigB. "Then what about me?" Jabber shrugs. "Until this is over, you're stuck with us." BigB shakes his head. "I can't just sit around!" Jabber shifts, tilting her head a little. "You don't have much other choice. It's safer here, anyway." He grunts, this is true. But doesn't that mean he has to go back to help them? "Then I have no time, they'll die! Send me back!" He says.
When Jabber goes to reply, Scar cries out, folding in on himself and clutching his head. Jabber's at his side instantly, hand on his back, other on his arm. "That's another one." She sighs, then freezes. "It was her." She immediately moves to grab the girl–Xerean–'s hand, and BigB looks at the others in confusion. Tango offers a 'We can explain later' look, then turns his attention back to whatever Jabber's doing. "I was too late!" She hisses. "What?" She releases Xerean, and Scar completely slumps over, so she catches him and does something to stretch the bed out in order to let him lay down. "It started over again. I'm missing something. The break helped, I can weasel my way closer, but the Watchers keep it too tightly bound for me to get through entirely. Even I cannot deal with Chaos, Code, and Watcher Magic altogether." She hisses, and growls. "I leave him to you. Do not let him leave the Server. Do not let him die. If you need me, you know how to find me." With that, she leaves. "...what was that??" BigB asks, and Ren sighs. "That was Jabber. One of Xerean's friends. She...doesn't like us very much." He replies, and Xisuma goes to check on Scar. "They're getting so strong they knock him out." He says sympathetically, then seems to remember BigB's there. "You probably have questions." He starts. "Yeah, loads of them. But first, what just happened to Scar?" Tango answers this one, flicking his tail. "We aren't exactly sure. We only know what Jabber tells us, and that's that he's being affected indirectly by what's happening in Secret Life. She says it's connected to when someone dies on red, but it'a also...looping? There's something about it repeating over and over again. But both Mumbo and I are already back, which she explained by some sort of broken continuity or something." BigB doesn't understand much of what was just said, but he tries. "Wait, then when did Scar die? And why's he still in Secret Life, then?" Xisuma leans back in his seat. "He never left." He answers. "How? He's there, and it's not like someone brought him back to life." He says, and the Admin sighs. Not in annoyance or anything, but in a tired way. "We aren't entirely sure what's happening, but we've come to the conclusion that something or someone has kidnapped Xerean and made an alternate reality, while also bringing together any other relevant reality and meshing it together to try and make it fit into something. She never gets the real Scar, but she doesn't know that." As he speaks, Xisuma puts up one hand, then the other, then puts his hands together so his fingers make a sort of uneven wall. The visual helps. "Oh." That would probably explain the sudden, abrupt jumps in personality and actions, like how one Session he was willing to not only gift a heart to Skizz, but allow him to remove two for hitting him with a stick, then turn around and decide to kick his ally out and strike out on his own. Not only that, but he now recognizes his own actions and that of others didn't really add up. There's things going on he doesn't know about, barely understanding the things he's being told anyway. He wants to know, though, and he wants to help. "Alright. I think...I think I get that. Now, can you explain everything else?"
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