Time to Say Goodbye
The Moon's gotten bigger.
Much, much, MUCH bigger.
It isn't secret knowledge that Grian and Xisuma have teamed up with the newest semi-addition to Hermitcraft, Xerean(the only reason she isn't entirely a Hermit according to X is because 'the origins of her appearance are questionable'. Personally, Scar doesn't care.), to try and fix whatever's wrong with the Moon. And speaking of, Grian's come to visit him this morning. They watch as chunks of earth would fly up, but never come back down, and frankly, Scar's concerned. Of course he trusts his friends to fix the problem, but they're starting to cut it a little close, in his opinion. To that end, he asks if they'd made any progress. "Any luck? Or clues?" Grian sighs, twitching his wing a little bit. "No." He admits, clearly frustrated. Between the powers of an Admin, a Watcher, and whatever a Chaos Witch is, Scar would have thought they'd be able to find the problem easily. Perhaps not. "We've tried everything! We've checked and hacked the Code to try and reverse the Moon's path, or at least find some little clue as to why or how this is happening, that did nothing, we've consulted other related historical Server problems, we found there's nothing like this, I don't know what Doc and Ren are up to but it doesn't seem to be helping either, although their instances are worth checking out on their own, you tried sacrificing BDubs–twice–and what's worse? Xerean's sick, and now she won't wake up." The Watcher vents, wings shifting in his outburst of agitation at the lack of progress. He's been working so hard, and while of course Scar is worried and feels for his friend, he has fixated on one specific detail:
"Xerean is...sick?" He echoes, confused. People get sick in Hermitcraft sometimes, but from how Xerean has described herself and her people, or what little he's come to understand about them anyway, she shouldn't be capable of getting sick. It just shouldn't be possible. "Remember when she kept saying she was tired all the time, especially after being out and about at night? And how she had those dizzy spells when the ground shook? Well, apparently she was talking with Doc, and she had one of those dizzy spells, collapsing unconscious in front of him. He took her to Xisuma, and we put her in her house until she wakes up." Grian confirms, yawning as he speaks. He'd left the Mooners, it seems even now, a little more sleep may do him some good. "She's there now?" Scar says, rockets already in hand. "Yes, but Scar–" Whatever Grian was about to say is lost by the boost of the man's rocket and the whistling of the wind. Xerean doesn't live too far, in fact she's in between Pearl's boat and his Swaggon, a simple little cabin she made by the water. It's a small, one-room build, one she made all on her own. She's very proud and fond of it, instead of simply forming one into existence with a thought, she spent the time to collect the materials she needed by hand, spending hours to plan out how big she wanted it to be, then finally executing the end product. Scar dives down and lands in front of the house, walking up to the dark oak door and opening it. The room isn't full of objects, just a bed, a crafting table, a chair, and a small bookshelf of ancient stories she keeps for a friend. Xerean lays on her bed, asleep, and a cloth on her forehead. She seems almost stone, he can't see her moving at all. Sitting close to her is Xisuma, who looks up to see who'd entered the little cabin. "Grian told you?" Scar nods, coming to crouch beside the Axolotl. "He said she's sick?" Xisuma nods, the tip of his tail lashing slowly. "Yeah. As far as we can tell. She collapsed in front of Doc one day and hasn't woken up." He explains quietly, frills twitching. "How long ago was this?" Xisuma sighs heavily, the chair creaking as he shifts. "About a week and a half ago." He admits. Scar frowns, concerned. "And she hasn't shown any signs of getting better? Or waking up?" Xisuma shakes his head. "None." He suddenly turns fully to Scar. "How much has she told you about her? About what she is?" The tycooner frowns. "Not sure why it matters, but I know that she's a Chaos Witch. And she's really powerful? Something about being immortal, too." He offers. He's seen her use her abilities, from suddenly popping up where she wasn't moments before, developing the features of other creatures and people, and summoning objects, things like that, but as for the claim of immortality, he hasn't got a real way to prove it. "Did she talk about the Moon, or her past, her people, anything?" Scar shakes his head. He sensed it was a sensitive subject, her past and what the others of her kind were like. She never even in passing would refer to them. Only herself. "Nnnno...?" He replies carefully. "I see. I may as well say this, then. I don't think there's a way to fix this. There isn't a way to stop the Moon. You would be smart to make a way to get out of here." The blunt, open forwardness of this statement takes him aback. "Oh." Is all he says for the moment. He'd hoped, but after Grian's outburst, he'd worried, but now he's not sure how to feel about that worry becoming reality. Good thing I planned to make that rocket. "I was um, I was thinking of making a rocket, actually." He offers. "Good. I haven't figured out how I'm leaving, but I'm sure you can help the people of Boatem out." Scar nods. "Okay. So, would you like me to take Xerean with me?" Xisuma halts, looks back at the sleeping girl, then returns his gaze to Scar. "This isn't easy for me to say, but I think it's for the best that she stay here." The Admin tells him gently. "What?!" Scar cries, wondering if he heard him wrong. "Scar, you don't know–she's more than what little she's told you." Xisuma tries, spreading his hands in some sort of placative gesture. "But we can't LEAVE her here! She's a Hermit, too!" Scar argues, indicating to Xerean. "She's no more a Hermit than Helsknight. She wasn't supposed to be here, she and her people are dangerous, and as the Admin, it's my job to protect my Server. To protect my Hermits. My friends." Scar stays quiet for a moment. "She's MY friend." He points out, but Xisuma shakes his head. "She's a Chaos Witch. Whatever's ailing her, she'll deal with it, or it'll get rid of her." Scar stands, not sure if he's angry or shocked their kind, sweet Admin is considering what's tantamount to murder. "I'm sorry, Scar, but these people–her people–are one of the most deadly things in reality. And it sounds like an exaggeration, but she's more dangerous than Watchers." Scar huffs. "Grian's a Watcher." Xisuma winces slightly. "That's different. Xerean exists among as a glitch in the Code. She's not even an actual entity. I don't know why she's unable to leave, but she technically doesn't function as a resident of the world. At least Grian is still bound by the laws of the Server. Meanwhile Xerean's beyond the Code. Look, Scar, I'll stay and watch over her as long as I can, but if she doesn't wake up..." Scar decides he's had enough. This argument is getting nowhere, he turns to leave. He shuts the door before the Admin can finish or say any more. He can't let this happen. What's gotten into Xisuma? He'd never say something like that. Right? Scar devises a plan: He'll make the rocket. Then he's going to sell spots and cargo in it to the other Hermits, like a good tycooner.
And then, I'm taking Xerean with me, getting my friends, and getting out of here.
A/N: What's the deal with Xisuma?? (I'm sorry for making him all strange btw) Sure don't seem like something he'd do normally, huh?
Anyway, soooo I got scared when I saw 3000 words and made it into two stories; I'm sorry😭
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