Story Time?
Two sides to love
There seems to always be two sides to love, it's in fact almost incomprehensibly. It's hard to think about even the fact that two people can feel the same thing for each other but for completely different reasons, it's quite intriguing. Sadly I will never feel that flutter in my chest, the need to stand next to my only reason to live. The reason for everything. And because I have never felt what they call love, I'm unsure of what the reason for living is yet. In fact I am but a monster, who is in capable of love. But that doesn't stop my dreams, my escape from reality, a world that aids my escape from this fear and darkness that lay in front of me. I dream of the moment I could one day call someone my love, I wait and wait but I will never cease this hope that clings in my heart for I believe that even though my heart is incapable of the tingle in my stomach the loud thud of my heart pounding against my ribs I will one day find this love that the malevolent creature talk so highly of.
I found that I do not know what gender I am, what I was born as. they wish not to tell me, they fear that will give me much more power over myself. They can't afford to give me that chance. Us monsters call them Malevolent creatures but we know what there species truly are they are truly called humans. We are incapable of speaking with our vocal cords, but I found myself to be quite clever as I am able to read the strange pictures they carve into the walls. I watch the strange looking and roughly drawn ruins that were carved into the walls of my small space of a room. I know they are from other monsters who look like me who all have felt the same Empty as me, who have been trapped into the same fate as I.
I'm tired of staring at the smooth ceiling, there were surprisingly no bumps or holes it was completely smooth and didn't even have a spect of dirt. I lift my body which felt almost twice the weight I struggle with looking at myself but getting myself up from bed was another thing. It felt like it was stabbing my gut the knife sharp in my body which oozes in warm black fluids. Especially getting up and standing on my feet was horrid, it was as though the knife was being twisted into my insides sending sharp pains from the center my gut. I look around the room for a moment and even though the door is sealed shut I attempt to shove it open knowing that it was never to be opened without the key which dangles with a raddled noise every time it glides against the other keys.
I wonder how to get the key, I listen to the dangle the swishing of keys lightly tapping each other as they swing from chains that had been hammered into the wall. I push roughly against the door once more, in a more panicked manner now. I'm desperate to flee from the pit of hell that I have been born into. I press my entire weight my entire being into the door, I'm desperate, I'm terrified To be here even if it was just for one more second, even if I only had to be stabbed in the gut one more time. I wish not to bleed out from the hell I am forced to be in, the screams I hear from halls. The pain that consumes the emptiness for a hallway I await from outside my room, are unbearable like nails scraping against a chalk board.
I backup looking softly at the doors my vision looking strange as it twist and turn in strange directions. I realize that I am beginning to cry, the strange wetness of my eyes are making me loose hope. I wrap my fingers around the lever attached to the door, I look at it with a curious look. I wonder what this could be for, what tests and planning they could have been using this for, I pull on it the door sliding open slowly as I do. The door creeks as it slides open, I feel my eyes widen, my excitement building like a child opening a present that there grandparents gave them for Christmas.
I lift a foot up and press if over on the other side of the door my excitement feeling as though my chest could burst at any moment like a balloon. I take many others steps my legs moving in front of me faster and faster with every step I take, my excitement feels like it's going to explode my very being. Until I fall backwards suddenly the impact sending a chill up my spine, the hairs on my neck stand trait up as I look up at him...
To be continued
This was actually made by my very best friend, whom will remain unnamed until further notice. They're brilliant and I hope you like this! Let me know what you think so I can let them know what you think!
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