Song of Amelia(Continued)
"Look, Ave, just–just listen. Please."
"Au, I know you stole these tapes for a good reason, but come on...she's gone, dude. The time to get there alone makes it impossible and not worth it to even check."
"She isn't. No. She's not, I'd know. I'd know it. And I don't feel like someone died. Now listen to the damn recordings."
"...*sighs heavily* Fine."
Okay, I'm back. Miles is trying to teach himself coding, at the moment. Not exactly sure how he's going to accomplish that in as short a time as he wants, but I trust him. I've been exploring in that time. There's parts of the pod that are pretty badly banged up or ripped/bent, so looking for suitable replacement metals is a priority. So long as we do the majority of that during the day, the den shouldn't come after us. Fish sticks and elaborate warning systems are our best friends right now. Miles said we'll need to stock up on food and water, so I've been making a purifying thing that'll collect water, mostly rainwater, and then we'll spend an hour or two boiling and filtering it, which has been very useful. Speaking of, I should start doing that...
[File paused. Press F to continue.]
"That doesn't prove anything. She could have died soon after."
"Ave, these tapes are practically unscathed. They wouldn't be in such good condition if they were discarded and abandoned. She was always using it–her and Miles."
"This isn't proof, Au."
We haven't done much else, recently. But I'm bored, so I guess I'll use this. Collect my thoughts. Miles is doing pretty good with the code, he managed to execute a few commands in succession this time. Progress! But slow. Slow progress. Water is doing water things. I found a couple of seeds we could probably use to make food–*clattering and a female voice, unintelligible* what was that? Wha–hey, who are you? Где я? *more scraping and clatters, various shouts* What do you want? I–I don't understand what you're saying! Do you speak English? Я–что ты говоришь?!Я не могу понять–English? О, отлично. *shuffling* Do you understand me? Nod if you understand. *silence* No? Cool, great. Um...first, can you put down the pipe? Yeah, that. Put it down, please? *a pause, then a grunt and some metallic clanging* Good. Thanks. Names. I'm...Amelia. You? Амелия? Это твое имя? Ты хочешь мое имя? Мое имя Надя. *faint creaking* Что это было? Miles? Miles, there's someone here! What?! *loud footsteps, then some shouts* Put the spear down, Miles, I don't think she's going to hurt us. You trust her? I want to! What if she could help? Where did she even come from?? She literally crawled out of the grate in the floor. There's a passage down there? Кто ты? Что ты говоришь?! Кто-нибудь из вас меня понимает?? Ты говоришь Русский? Это, я могу с этим работать. Меня зовут Miles. Как тебя зовут? Ты понятия не имеешь, как приятно слышать, как кто-то говорит так, как я могу понять. Меня зовут Надя. Можешь сказать мне, где я нахожусь? Вы находитесь в том, что осталось от Орландо, штат Флорида. Miles, what is she saying? Her name is Nadia. She's lost, and if you haven't figured it out by now, she speaks Russian. How do you understand her? I got bored once so I took some classes to learn Russian. What? I can do whatever I damn well please with my time, you know. I didn't even say anything! Doesn't mean I couldn't feel the judgement. Let's just focus on Nadia, okay?
* * *
It's been about two weeks since Nadia joined us. I can't seem to keep up with the Russian language, I kinda gave up once I realized they had an entirely different alphabet, and left it to Miles. So far, she's told us her first name, but not her last, as though she either doesn't know, or doesn't have one, her age, being 17, and let us give her a few resources. She's got sort of grey-white hair, like Silver in Sonic '06. Her eyes, while sunken and proving how tired she is, are a clear golden, which already is weird. She refuses to explain it, though, so we're left to guess. She honestly reminds me of a younger Geralt, but without the scars, and a different body type. She's a scarily good fighter, though. Two monsters came out of the den, must've not been very interested in the fish sticks–what self-respecting monster doesn't like FISH STICKS?! They're great! But anyway–she killed the both of them with that weird pipe and a knife we'd given her. It was...kinda bloody and gross, but she did it. And so, that especially has convinced even the Grumpy Bear to let her stay. Hope she can learn some English, it'd be fun to converse with her without having to use Miles to translate all the time.
* * *
Это на? Да? Хороший. Это Надя. У меня не так много времени, прежде чем игристая - Амелия - вернется. То, что вы думаете о том, почему вы все ушли, неправильно. Не было "слишком мно Люди," У тебя есть несколько планет! Они солгали, и теперь МЫ, гении, бедные, забытые и отвергнутые, оставлены умирать. Не обманывайтесь. Они не могут быть проверены. S.U.N.A.D. - это лиар.
* * *
*Quiet sobbing and shaky breaths* I'm sorry. She's...Nadia is dead, she's gone. A monster finally managed to bite her, and rather than let it take her, she found a trap-room and she...left us. I was just about to start trying to talk with her. What am I going to do? I feel as hopeless as I did when Eli died. Miles has shut himself away, spending almost days on end in the pod, and when he is in the room with me, he won't say anything to me. Is he mad at me for something? I don't know, but I maybe he's just sad. He can't be grouchy and angry at EVERYTHING, right?
[File paused. Press F to continue.]
"Auren, I swear to god...sometimes you're really a pain in my–"
"But I'm on to something, aren't I?"
"...Yes. As much as I don't want to, yeah. I'll tell Zack'ry about this, and then we'll go from there."
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