Settling in
So far, Xerean's been doing well, she thinks.
It's about the middle of Session 2, her task not yet complete(visit Etho once every day for about 20 minutes), and things are going along between her and Scar pretty well, she thinks. They've decided to presently name themselves the 'Chaos Duo' since Scar apparently has a Red Life look he dubs 'Chaos Scar' and her being a Chaos Witch, connected their bases via tunnel, and when Xerean's not talking to Etho or Scar, visiting Grian to understand how she's in the Code and how to remove her, she's working on her base. BigB's working on something nearby, so she's making sure to avoid mining over to his area, but otherwise, it's only growing more and more complex. What started as a singular level build has evolved to make a whole level for farms and animals, mining and smelting, escape routes, and of course, the level for keeping items and a general hangout space to put a bed(she had to make a new one when Etho took hers last Session). Scar will typically go visit someone or do his Task, go mining, or hang out with her, or sleep. A quick realization she's come to is that these people don't sleep at certain times, more so whenever they absolutely must. People in Hermitcraft don't sleep at certain times either, but the Lifers are going a little over a few days before taking a handful of hours to rest. Respectfully, she leaves Scar to do that as long as he needs in peace, but she doesn't truly need sleep, causing her to often grow restless and go off exploring. She hasn't slept since coming here, unless she has literally nothing else to do and needs to pass the time. She slept in Hermitcraft as a practice to further lessen that gap between her and the Players, but it doesn't actually benefit her in any way.
Moving on, she's gotten a fair bit of iron, a few diamonds, and has mapped out more of the farms. She's quite into it, counting the paces between the separate sorts of things she intends to grow there, when she suddenly turns and sees Martyn right behind her. She shouts in surprise, jumping back. "You scared me!" She cries, clutching her chest and taking a few deep breaths. Martyn chuckles a little bit, shrugging. "I'm known to sneak up on people, sorry." He admits. "Makes sense, you do seem a little like a shifty fellow. Uh-not in a bad way, but..." He shrugs. "It's fine. And, it's true." He assures her grinning. "What brings you down here? This isn't a place one comes on a whim." She inquires. "I came looking for you, actually, Scar told me I could find you here." She crosses her arms, leaning against the wall. "Aight. So what'd you want?" He leans against a wall, too, somewhat mimicking her pose and previous actions. "You're...interesting, to say the least. I'm not meaning to pry where I don't belong, but...who are you, exactly? Grian and Scar seem to have an especially close attachment to you, and even Jimmy's familiar with who you are. He won't tell me much, though, and whoever I ask, I get varied answers that still don't tell me enough to get a solid pin on you." Xerean raises her eyebrows, perplexed. "Really? Well, that's a whole box I don't wholly want to unpack, and haven't even entirely with Scar or Grian, but, maybe I can clarify some" She pauses. It seemed easy in theory, but in practice, it's almost impossible, she finds. "I don't have a last name, I know things I might not be meant to, I have...unique concepts, and I see the world perhaps a little differently than everyone else." She says, listing them off on her hand. "Different how?" Martyn inquires, shifting. He's clearly a little more interested, now. "Er...where someone would see a murderer, a bloodthirsty man with no hope of redemption, I see a bundle of chaos and hurt that's barely holding together at the seams, and doesn't realize what he really needs is a friend." She answers. A little poetic or silly, but it's true–she doubts EX and Hels would have been trusted as they have to remain with the Hermits if it weren't for the fact they took her in and proved they weren't just what they seemed. Also a corny sentiment, but some things are as such. "Hm. So you try to see the better in all?" She shrugs. "I'm a way. It's not just that, it's...I can't talk about it without telling you something I'd rather avoid. It's why I'm so hard to describe. I suppose if I had to give any advice on how to actually understand me, you're gonna have to just exist around me enough." She sighs, giving an apologetic glance. "Alright. I–" The communicator beeps, and they both check their little wrist devices.
Grian: XE
Xerean: we mad today?
Grian: sorry caps lock was on
Xerean: ah
SolidarityGaming: ???
Grian: We gotta chat
Xerean: Ok omw
Martyn looks at her, but she refuses to acknowledge it. "I'm sorry, I–I gotta go." She mumbles, moving past him into the tunnels she'd made and up the winding stairs, and making her way out of the little jungle patch to run to the giant statue. Grian normally doesn't send her messages in Chat, he just seeks her out himself, so she worries something might legitimately be wrong, now. Grian's there already, pacing, and even from the distance she's at, she can see that Grian's wings are twitching almost constantly, a sign that often betrays the worry the Watcher hides. He waits for her to get close, then hisses in her ear: "I have to break the Code." She looks at him. "How much?" He glances around, then replies, voice low. "A lot. It'll take me days to sort out what exactly I need to mess with, and then I need to go about actually messing with it,'ll affect the others and I think the World itself. The good news is that I can–hopefully–get rid of the block in your Code that keeps you from using your powers. Somehow, it says it's connected to something else, but I can't touch that without shutting EVERYTHING down, which would kill you. Whoever did this is doing everything in their power to make sure things work how they wanted it to." Xerean thinks, frowning. "Work on getting my powers back, I'll look and see if there's a physical object with my abilities attached to it. Anything else I can do specifically?" Grian thinks. "Don't do anything drastic. In other words; don't. Die." She nods. "I spend most of my time working on my bunker, so I think so long as my Tasks aren't overly complicated or keep me in a dangerous place, I'll be able to do that." She assures him. "And I'll see if I can talk to that Jabber friend of yours." Xerean immediately shakes her head. "She would have told me this was happening. Either she died, which you and I both know is HIGHLY unlikely, is busy trying to figure this out, or what I fear to be most likely, she can't contact us, full stop." Grian flares his wings a moment, then folds them back in. "Right, we'll, uh, not do that, then." Grian sighs, looking annoyed. He's seen Jabber once, and that was just because she wanted him to see her, and to help her protect the Rift. Otherwise, Jabber keeps to herself and only speaks to Xerean. She would have been helpful here, though. "I think that's it, but...I don't even know if it's gonna work in full or proper. I'll tell you what happens if I make any progress or developments, and you–this is very important for me–you tell me IMMEDIATELY if something happens, be it a weird issue in the world or an issue with a Player-Server mechanic, or if something happens to you that shouldn't invoking your powers or such, you come straight to me, got it?" She nods. "Right–to that end, then, I think I'll bring this up: ever since I succeeded my first task, I get headaches when someone succeeds. If someone fails, they hurt a lot more. I won't speak for anyone else, but I wanna say I saw Scar react in a similar way almost every time..." Grian makes a noise between a 'huh' and a chirp, and nods. "If they get worse, let me know. I'll see if there's a reason for that." He assures her, then stops, gaze tracking something beyond her. "Scott's coming over. I'll let you go now." He says, and the two disband to greet the man.
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